Thursday, March 12, 2009


hello america! just watched a live press conference with obama &, again, i have to say i don't & won't trust anybody that can so eloquently speak & not look me in the eye. all of his words are read from his teleprompters. if you watch him, his head goes from left-to-right &, from right-to-left &, he never looks straight ahead. it's as if the only way he can communicate with america is through prepared text.

anyway, the crap out of his mouth is just that---crap. he's not telling you that a lot of banks are returning the bailout money &, that a lot of banks are investing their money overseas. they are not investing in america. also, he hasn't told you that for his wind & solar plans to become effective, we will have to invest & rely heavily on 'up-&-running' companies &, guess what folks? 85% to 90% of them are overseas. as far as the manufacturing goes, we're way behind the overseas eightball but, the installation process should be all american.

i don't think anyone in this great nation doubts we will recover from the mess we're in. some of it will have to be attributed to obama (can't get around that)---so, it's just a matter of time.


hello america! before i get to what i really want to talk about, allow me to say the following: timothy geithner is not the man that obama portrayed him to be. he is weak-voiced (almost sissyfied), very unbelieving &, even though he says he has a plan, he never reveals any details. &, he lacks the ability to inspire confidence. &, on top of all that, obama overlooked his tax transgressions to appoint him to a position he seems uncapable of running.

thank you.

obama is about to find out first-hand what being george bush is all about. he has to deal with the economy & all that goes with it plus the 2 wars. then he has to deal with china, russia, north korea &, iran. he has to deal with terrorists that still want to do us harm. that should be enough but, he will have to deal with sending troops to or/in mexico to deal with the cartels. &, just when you think he has enough on his plate, hurricane season is standing on the doorstep.

do i want him to fail? no but, i hope some of his policies for this country fail.