Friday, June 3, 2011


hello america!!! if i have my facts right, back in june 2009, obama said something to this effect: "the announcement that the recession is over is further proof that my early actions & stimulus worked". he had the nerve to say that at a townhall meeting in washington. since then, i've never heard him man up & say that he spoke prematurely &, i'm not holding my breath.

i can't speak for others but, to me, obama reminds me of that bratty kid running for class president promising soda in every school fountain & less homework for everybody...things he knows you want to hear but he knows he can't deliver on.

if obama were just half as smart as one should expect from a harvard grad, we would have been out of this mess a long time ago. obama (whether intentional or not) has done everything opposite of what he should have done...he should have left the free market alone since he didn't do anything to change the way the free market conducts its business---his solutions to our problems have only added more problems. obama & his supersmart idiots came up with all these plans to 'save-the-day' & all they did was dole out 'our money' (in the form of bailouts) to whom they chose to. NEWSFLASH, they didn't work but, obama won't tell you that. he'd rather use the same old scare tactics he used as lawyer for acorn (please google this for sues citigroup) that helped get us into this mess in the first place long before he ever thought about running for office.
obama won't say anything about this & the main-stream pro-obama biased media won't put write about it. but, that's for another day................

obama will say whatever he thinks we need to hear but, he will not speak the truth. he's quick to run his mouth off without having all the facts as was the case with the cop & obamas freind in mass when obama first said he didn't have all the facts & then said the cop acted stupidly...then invited them to the whitehouse at our expense to patch things up:::another one would be all of those so-called doctors (wearing those smocks obama bought at our expense) at the whitehouse that were supposedly behind his obamacare bill. QUESTION:::has any of the media followed up with those very same doctors to find out where they stand on obamacare today?

most of the media has given obama a free pass on everything he's proposed, passed, or said. but, i guess this is to be expected from them because they backed him &, who wants to say they made a mistake---especially when it comes to circulation & how their viewers might turn away from them for guiding them 'wrongly'? when will they just 'honestly' report the news as it is & not how they want it to be? when will they look at the economy & tell us the "truth"? i, for one, have not bought a newspaper in years---i rely on tv & the net. i am able to 'do my own homework' as should you.

which brings me back to what i really wanted to talk about; the obama admin had been expecting good numbers for our economy today but, if anything, it is worse then what all of the 'experts' thought was going to happen. our national unemployment rate has been raised to 9.1%; the consumer index rating is dropping; 422,000 new unemployment claims; manufactoring & retails sales are falling fast; the housing market may hit the double-dip mark; the stock market is going down by the minute; gm & chrysler will not repay us fully; our border-war with mexico is excalating; our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA credit rating is about to go down; our debt limit is in jeopardy of not being raised; our government (thank you obama) doesn't want to stop their spending; obama & the dems want higher taxes for all americans & don't want to extend the bush tax cuts next year; obamacare will hurt the seniors (& all americans) & money is double-counted to 'pay' for it; obama attacks little libya for humanitarian reasons but won't do anything with yemen, syria or, somalia; with the dems totally in control of the house, the senate & the whitehouse, they could not come up with a balanced budget (& they needed no help from the repubs as is proved by the passage of obamacare); &, if that wasn't enough bad news for you to digest, obama has no idea to lower the cost of gasoline or strengthen the american dollar. AMERICA, PLEASE DON'T FORGET, OBAMA INHERITED THIS MESS FROM PRES BUSH WHO, IF CONGRESS HAD OF LISTENED TO STARTING IN 1991, WOULD HAVE PROBABLY AVOIDED MOST OF IT &, OBAMA WAS A MAJOR PLAYER IN THE ECONOMIC DOWNFALL...please america---google this for yourselves:::yes, i could provide a link but, you need to do your own homework---however, if you leave a comment, i will provide you that link.

obama is not a leader: not now, not then, never was but, he's going to ohio today to defend his actions.............all he has to say is, america, i relied on others & i made a mistake & i'm firing everyone in my cabinet &, with repub support, i will rebuild my cabinet & move america forward. yeah, wishful thinking! america, (no one else will say it but i will), we have an azz-ole for a leader in obama. he's going to ohio to 'defend' his auto bailouts &, if you look at the facts------he can't. obama seems to think that he can explain his failures in a positive light & the proof of his failures are right there in front of him. he says his actions helped 'save' the auto industry but, we will never be repaid fully, that which they owe us & obama knows this. this crap obamas spouting about this being our test to rebuild the future is just that---CRAP!!! chrysler & gm are both going to screw us & it's public information...

america, what i find most interesting is, obama can get in front of those workers in ohio & not say one word about how the economy is really doing. of course, none of those he's speaking to have tv's or radio's or internet & they can't hear what others might be saying-------yeah, that has to be it.

obama is a LIAR & his record proves it. did obama speak about any money owed us that he forgave them for? i can't hear you. with all the bad news about our economy that has come out in the past few days, how can this azz-ole get up there & say our economy is recovering? what part of AMERICA IS DOING VERY BADLY does he not get? how can he tell americans that we are on the way to recovery in light of all the bad news about our economy?

under obamas watch, we have lost more jobs then obama claims to have gained. under obamas watch we have lost more in the housing market then obama claims to have gained...these are facts & i don't make this stuff up.

obama does not speak the truth---not to me & not to you. why havn't you heard him say that our economy is not what it should be & that my bills are the cause of it???????? because he's not man enough to admit his failures.