Friday, December 22, 2017


hello america!!! a lot of you are not going to like me for writing this so, if you're anti-trump/repubs, stop reading now...

wednesday-12/20/2017, foxnews ran this shortly after trump gave his 'congratulatory speech' on the white house grounds--- it is thursday-12/21/2017-2:23am/est &, not surprisingly, cnn & msnbc make no mention of it, but they're filled with a lot of negative trump stories...

the story speaks for itself &, undoubtedly, more companies will follow suit---it's called 'TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS' & yes, they do work---however, the dems were telling us that only the wealthy, the share-holders & ceo's would benefit &, of course, the left-wing media ran with that...

the 'tax cuts & jobs act' bill, when signed into law, will help a lot of people---hell, like 80% plus of our working force---yes, some will get more/some will get less & however, no matter the amount, that is 100% better than not getting anything at all---hey, let's think about that---the dems won't allow you to have more money in your pocket because the rich might get richer???

unfortunately, far too many of you allow yourselves to blindly be led by the dem talking heads who claim the new tax law does nothing for the middle class &, only benefits the wealthy---please, in the future, do your own homework &, you can start with this---