Wednesday, September 6, 2017


hello america!!! as i've written in the past, america is my house &, only i will decide who is allowed in it...

what donald trump did yesterday in giving congress 6 months to do what they should have done years ago is catching hell from the 'idiots' & yet, they all knew what obama did in creating daca (deferred action for childhood arrivals) was 'illegal'---it's really simple, no president has the right, the power or the authority to make law---that specific function is reserved only for our legislature branch better known as our congress...

look, i'm very sympathetic to the plight of all those that are caught up in this daca headache, however, the law is clear & those that break/broke it are subject to whatever punishment/penalties it entails---we can discuss the humanism of it later on...

first, obama knew he was wrong in creating daca & admitted so numerous times prior to his executive action---this is from & should confirm what i've said, however, there are videos out there that you can research for yourself that will leave no doubt that obama knew he was wrong...

good people, we should be glad that trump did what he did for several reasons:::
1.....he could have 'killed' obamas executive action thus allowing for the immediate deportation of the 'dreamers'...
2.....he's giving congress 6 months to come up with an immigration bill to fix the immigration problem...
3.....he will 'revisit' the issue in 6 months if congress fails to act on it & make his own decision...

while 'the idiots' have the left riled up, this is their fault---they failed to pass the 'dream act' (by 5 dem votes) & have done nothing to 'fix' the problem since &, rather than admit that, they prefer to attack trump---why??? because they (both sides) didn't do their job, trump gets the blame---hell, he wasn't even in office then...

america, you need to sort through the facts & the law before you pick sides...

had obama been more forceful in enforcing our immigration laws (& yes, the same could be said of bush), we probably wouldn't be having this conversation today---hell, obama willingly allowed our southern borders to be over-run by illegal aliens while mexico & other countries actually ran our food stamps programs ads in collusion with our usda---when the illegal aliens learned they would not be turned away, they flooded our country with their children---you have to be a very special kind of stupid to believe that 5, 6 year old children can travel by foot or bus 5,600 miles (from argentina to america as the crow flies) by themselves to get here; they had to have help from the gov't of the countries they passed through---when illegal aliens crossed our border & were told to turn themselves in without fear of deportation, what did our authorities think would happen???

ok, we have these 'dreamers' that are supposed to be registered, attend school &/or be employed &, stay out of trouble &, for many of them this is the only country they know---if that's the deal they made with our gov't & they're abiding by it, it's up to our congress to determine their fate, not our president---on the flip-side, if they're not, they should be deported before the 6 month extension arrives---even i realize that many of them have proved their value to our country &, i'm not for breaking up families so, congress has to temper what's right with compassion with the law as the big backdrop---no easy task...

i just don't see trump's action as being cruel or racist but, the idiots' will persist in branding him that---what's ironic is, the dems have had more than enough time to have corrected the immigration problem & yet, all they have to show for their efforts is a failing healthcare law that's called obamacare---america, be careful of what the dems tell you; they make the mess & than raise hell when somebody tries to fix it...


hello america!!! whenever i hear/see a person of color adamantly defending obamas executive action for the 'dreamers', i'm more attentive than normal for many reasons but i will only list my main three of them:::
1...daca will be ruled unconstitutional & an over-reach of powers---a president does not have the power or authority to 'make law'...
2...immigration laws are already on the books & it's a presidents job to equally enforce them all...
3...obama, prior to using his executive power to undermine the law, admitted numerous times that he didn't have the authority or power to do so & then went & did it knowing it will not stand up in court...

now, back to that person of color---yesterday (tuesday-9/5) while watching foxnews 'the five' segment on trump & daca, i heard & saw juan williams defend obamas executive action---that in itself is no surprise, however, he said obama tried to get immigration reform passed & that the bill passed the house (true) but failed in the senate because of the repubs (untrue) & yes, i have a very big problem with that...

juan williams is either ignorant, a liar, a paid left-wing puppet or, he suffers from selective amnesia---what's worse is, he's one of 'the idiots' that changes the facts when they don't suit his argument---yeah, i know, i'm being mean but hey, if one is going to be on camera in the public, one must know the facts about what one is espousing &, when one ignores/alters the facts, one is lying PERIOD!!!
what's also extremely upsetting is that none of the other members of the panel challenged williams...

to this day, far too many people don't know the vote tallies for the dream act & yet, instead of researching them for themselves, they relied on obama & company who deliberately lied to them---the dream act passed the house of reps 12/8/2010 on a vote of 216 yes to 198 no (8 repubs voted yes/11 repubs didn't vote at all---38 dems voted no/9 dems didn't vote at all) & the bill was sent to the senate & voted on 12/18/2010---the senate needed 60 yes votes to send it to obama for his signature, however, the final vote was 55 yes to 41 no (3 repubs voted yes/3 repubs didn't vote at all---5 dems voted no/1 dem didn't vote at all/2 independents voted yes) & obama promptly held a news briefing in the white house garden & immediately blamed the repubs for the bills failure &, all the media ran with what he said---the bill needed 60 yes votes but only received 55, however, nobody is talking about those 5 dem no votes---yeah, spin that---it's easier for juan williams & 'the idiots' to lie to you than tell you the truth which was/is/will be, 5 dems caused the failure of the dream act...

so yes, i have a problem when people of color lie to us in spite of knowing the truth just to prove their loyalty to a political party that would do all that they could to return them to a life of real chains...

as i wrote in this READ HERE, we have 'house negros' continuing to do their masters bidding at our expense---unfortunately, there are those that heard juan williams & take what he said as GOSPEL...

i don't make this stuff up---these are the sites for the votes...