Thursday, June 21, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...  i can only wonder what these people really think of obamas saying his stimulus "did everything it was designed to do" after losing their jobs & homes. to be honest, not every job loss is obamas fault however, the vast majority of them are. that said, what can one really expect of somebody that can't seem to control any of the departments under him?..........
case in point, see here.......

let's be honest one more time. obama never ran anything in his life & his inexperience is showing badly. his lack of control over the agency's under him does not bode well for this country.....we've had: the tsa scandals; the gao scandals; the cia scandals; the atf scandals; the hhs scandals; the doe scandals; the whitehouse leaks scandals; the doj scandals; & , even the secret service scandals............obama has no control of his departments & it shows a true lack of leadership.

obama was voted into office because he offered hope & change:::::he really didn't have a record to run on but just happened to come along at the right time. well good people, he has a record now & none of it is good. & no, you can't even count obamacare in the 'good' column because he is recently on record saying he needs four more years to fix it........

you've seen obamas record for the 3 1/2 years plus he's been in office & the number one sad thing is, he has not learned from his you honestly want four more years of the same???


hello america!!! let's switch topics to the 'fast & furious'. the dems, from the whitehouse admin on down, are crying 'which hunt' &, 'election year politics'...good for them but it's sad for america. i am a 63 year young, black american &, i've been following this 'drama' from the beginning &, from the beginning, i don't think the dems thought they would be caught up in it like they now are. they are now forced to defend holder & they know he lied; he stonewalled them; he denied them documents; & yes, he obstructed their investigation....the good thing about all of this is, he did it under oath & there is a record of it......

simply put, he did what he's been accused of doing & should pay the highest penalty for his actions. that said, the dems should be siding with the repubs on this issue because for holder not to turn over the requested documents & then have to ask obama to intervene at the last minute, should show them that he is defying both party's. 

how can the dems on the committee get to the bottom of who knew what & when did they know it; who approved it? how far up the chain does it go? where else have these guns showed up? have they been able to track any of the guns? how do they keep it from occurring again? how do they honor the memory of brian terry if they can't get the answers they need? how do they provide closure for his family?

for obama to get involved speaks volumes &, it proves the repubs are on to something here that obama doesn't want let out before the one in america can convince me that obama is just protecting holder or the justice department...what he doesn't want out has to be connected to him directly & that's not good for america to learn that before november............

in closing i say, pres george bush should feel honored that no matter what happens negatively, the dems just won't forget him..transparency 


hello america!!! sure am glad that obama thinks gm is doing 'fine' because of his auto 'bailout' for them. however, in reality, they are having big problems here with their unions & they are having problems in canada as well......see here......

well, one might argue that that's canada, not us, & i would respond with, we supply parts to those canadian plants &, when they close, it hurt us directly.....

speaking of hurt,
this hurts & i follow  daily. i see no end in sight or even a slow down in the continued loss of jobs that obamas great 'stimulus' was supposed to have fixed.

now, you don't have to 'hate' obama to realize that he's done a very lousy job across the board. this was supposed to be the obama-era of::::transparency; an open & honest gov't; breaking the gridlock in washington; fixing the economy; reducing the national debt; cutting the programs that don't work; reducing gov't spending, upholding the laws of the united states of america; upholding the constitution of the united states of tell me, where did you give him an 'A'?

whether you want them or not, here are my grades for obama......
1...transparency/minus D & honest gov't/minus F
3...gridlock in washington/minus F
4...our economy/minus F (can you give somebody a double F?)
5...national debt/   "      "  "  "     "     "           "         :      "      """
6...cutting programs that don't work/minus F't spending/minus F
8...upholding our laws/minus C
9...upholding our constitution/minus D

you may argue until november 32nd however, obama has not done the things he was elected to do &, with him promising four more years of the same, WE should be demanding he pack up & leave now & let joe biden close up shop for him..........


hello america!!! i cannot honestly believe that any of you want to endure another four years of what we will have gone through by this november. we have all suffered. while some of you may have been able to hang on to your jobs & homes, you paid the price at the grocery stores & for know what you were paying when the gas prices rose...................

for a stimulus, touted by obama saying, that "it did everything it was designed to do" (i've got the video), people are starting to realize that it didn't do that much::::people are still losing their jobs; people are still losing their homes; people still can't obtain bank loans; small business's did not get the 90% of stimulus funds promised; 'shovel ready jobs' were not that shovel ready (big joke obama); unemployment was not kept under 8%, in fact, it rose above 10% & is now at 8.2% (threatening to rise again); 'green technology investments' was lost money; 'job training programs' didn't measure up; need i go on? you bet i will........

many of you still use the 'he needs more time' argument which doesn't hold water....he promised you transparency-how much time does that take when he started his 'closed door' meetings right from the start? he promised you an open & honest gov't & there were serious 'breaches' of that promise right from the start & they have continued; he promised you fiscal control---where is it? he even appointed a committee to come up with a fiscal plan & ignored every one of their recommendations, just as he ignored the general's on the ground request for more troops for the 'surge'---look at how long it took him to just give them about 2/3 of their requests. how much more time will he need not to hire all those lobbyists that he promised would find no employment with him? how much longer does he need to close 'gitmo' when he's given up on even trying? you & i both know i could go on & on & on, & i will..............

obama is a man continuously 'evolving'---he's against torture however, having a 'kill list' & giving the okay for murder is proper. bear in mind, those he's selected to kill were never even formally charged with a crime & a warrant was never issued---on the face of that, what happens after he kills somebody & they find the information was incorrect??? he's 'evolved' on 'same sex marriages' &, he's 'evolved' on when to use 'executive privilege' &, he's 'evolved' on immigration............

the one constant with obama is, he cannot 'evolve' on creating jobs.........


hello america!!! i can't understand congress taking its time to challenge obamas choosing what laws he will & won't follow. i am glad that they are least questioning his authority...see here...

i can only hope that they can get obamas decision on immigration overturned. from where i sit, not being schooled in law but using common sense, the laws on immigration are on the books whether we like them or not &, obama swore an oath to uphold the constitution. his actions on granting temporary amnesty to illegal aliens within our borders has to violate that oath. but what do i know about it?

personally, i think obama granted the amnesty as a political gimmic to gain favor with the latino's & others that are here illegally. he is counting on it as a 'payoff' at the ballot box this november. well, he might want to rethink about what he's done because he's upset a lot of people to include latino's......

then you have this...........

i feel for all of those good people that came here, became legal & then, you have what obama did. it has to be upsetting to them.....


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   when will obama step up & do the right thing to put america back to work? his regulations are killing the market along with the tax uncertainty...&, his present plans of 'more of the same' for the next 4 years does not instill any faith.

now i know obama wants to 'bail' out the teacher's, firemen, & policemen & this article is good reason for one to support obamas plan---see here---  however, the states/city's/county's got into this mess by spending too much, expanding gov't, union contracts &, collecting less tax revenue. bailing them out is wrong & just delays what has to be allowed to occur. they have to clean up their own acts without fed bailouts.

for far to long, we have sat idly by & allowed our elected officials do with our money as they wish & now, it's caught up with us. &, instead of us voting them out of office, we continued to allow them to govern. it is far past the point to blame this one or that one, collectively, we are all at fault. that said, we need to vote for people that will do the right thing for our interests...shrink gov't; spend less; rewrite the contracts; &, encourage job growth.

to bail out the public sector at the expense of the private sector is wrong. the states/city's/county's will only need another bailout down the road. they must be allowed to clean up their own mess & we'll pick up the chips later. yes, we'll have to do with less services & public worker's but, that is the only way we can even attempt to get our fiscal houses in order. if obama simply gives them another round of bailouts, they'll do what they've been doing---nothing. they'll be able to retain all or most of the public workers & the problem will still be there when all the money is gone & they'll be back doing what is happening all over america.

i am not a union buster but, in these times, unions are not productive within our gov't on any level, especially when they are not willing to pay their own fair share for their own healthcare coverage or pension plans. wisconsin & others got that part right...even democrat controlled illinios.

hey, obama wants 4 more years & then you have his number 1 'number-cruncher' coming out & saying this
you already know the jobs situation however, if you read the last paragraph of the article, it should prove that obamas stimulus did not work........................................

obama should read this & apply the methodology to the fed gov't...........