Monday, February 26, 2018


hello america!!! let's see if i got this right...

1...the broward county sheriffs received at least 18 calls in reference to the shooter & no action was taken that could have possibly prevented the shooting???
2...the fbi received a tip in reference to the shooter & no action was taken that might have possibly prevented the shooting??? least 1 deputy (& there are reports that as many as 3 others) failed to enter the school building to confront the shooter which may have prevented many (if not all) of the killings???

now, somehow, the above 3 incidents are not the problem &, there are far too many of you that want me to believe it's the fault of the 'gun' & the 'nra'---what a crock of crap...

some of you really are steeped in stupidity...
1.....when a car is involved in an accident & the driver is drunk, we fault the driver & charge him with dui---none of you idiots blame the car manufacturers or the alcohol makers...
2.....when a cop kills somebody (justified or not) you don't blame the gun or the nra, you blame the cop...
3.....when a car deliberately ran over innocent people, you never blamed the car maker, you blamed the driver...

look, be honest with yourselves & put the blame where is should rightly be because the gun used to kill those 17 people did not fire on its own---just in case you didn't know, somebody had to load that weapon, point in the general direction of the victims & pull the trigger---to blame the 'gun' & 'nra' is just plain wrong...

good people, quit allowing the dems & left-wing media to rile you up---they are all against american citizens owning their own weapons PERIOD & yet, they don't have crap to say about all the gun-violence occurring on a daily basis withing their own communities &, if you don't believe me, cali & chicago have some of the strictest gun laws in our country & they also lead the nation in gun violence---where's the main-stream media & dems voices on that??? for this year alone, chicago has had 346 people shot of which 78 have died/la county has had 58 people killed by gunshot & hey, the vast majority of those killings were by a hand-gun...

as sad as this may be, when one of our very young adolescents unintentionally wounds &/or kills another with a gun, we blame the parent, not the gun...

in the case of the florida killer, the systems let us down, not the gun...