Tuesday, November 13, 2012


hello america!!! it's been hard to come to grips with having obama for another 4 years. what bothers me most about it is: the groups of people he has supported the least gave him the most support...ie; black america (unemployment for blacks is at 14.3%,); hispanic america (unemployment for latino's is at 10%); &, teenage america (unemployment for teenagers is at 23.7%). just so you'll know, the national unemployment rate is 7.9%.

well, you reap what you sow &, if you noticed, obama isn't taking jobs---he's too bust talking about raising the taxes on those making $200,00/$250,000 or better. just for once, i wish congress would grant obama his wish & raise those taxes. i really would like to see how those 3 above listed groups deal with the fallout because they never did their own math to see exactly how much it would exasperate their own situations. raising those taxes will cause more harm then good. look, honest math never lies:::just take $200,000 & divide it by 52 weeks &, anyone or any business making $3,846 a week is affected. for those in allentown pa, this includes our nightclubs, woody's, skate-away, bowling, corner stores, etc...when you raise their taxes, they're going to raise the costs of their goods & services. some of your nail & hair salons are going to raise their rates...don't stop there, what about those legitimate daycare centers? you think their going to swallow new tax rates or are they going to charge you more? hell, every time gas goes up, we not only pay the difference at the pumps but, we also get to pay the difference when we buy our goods & services.

big mistake america...&, if you care to remember obama very recently said he 'won't sign any bill to avoid the 'fiscal cliff' that doesn't include those tax raises'.

&, something else obama isn't talking about is: our social security disability system is estimated to be broke by 2017. basically, that's 4 years from now. however, because of the lack of jobs, many, many more people are taking advantage of this system meaning it will run out of money even sooner.

then there's social security. they predict it will become insolvent in 2037...hell, they just released a report that says those that are working now are paying for those that are already in the system.

then we have the other public entitlements such as welfare (financially, medically &, food stamps), housing & daycare assistance to think about & how we're going to continue to help those that actually need it.

i'm sure your belief in obama will be justified...all you have to do is read the plan he has never submitted for fixing the above problems & yet, he's the very first one to castigate anybody that has submitted a plan. the bottom line is, we need jobs & obama is not a job maker.