hello america! why is it that man is so intent on destroying his fellow man? one would think that after all this time that we could co-exist on this planet---it's certainly big enough. we should all be pooling our resources for the betterment of life & the betterment of our planet.
instead, we have been so hell-bent on killing one another, for so long, that we have reached the point where we can no longer control our urges for destruction. &, regardless on how you may think of this, man has never had the ability to control his own destiny or fate &, never will. the bottom line is: man can't control yesterday, today, or tomorrow---&, he is having an extremely tough time controling himself.
throughout the history of man, man's propensity for killing has always existed &, unfortunately, in his quest for supremacy, it always will. man is unable to change himself without external help, &, when he realizes this, he will be in a better position to allow that change to occur.
modern man has let science confuse & blind him as to not only who he is but also, where he came from & where he is going. &, we, as a people, have forgotten to "love thy neighbor". we have also lost our way. our days are filled with working to exist & paying bills to live. man is killing man in the name of his GOD---you know this is wrong. man is killing man for profit through drugs---you know this is wrong. man never needed a valid reason to kill another man::just give him a weapon & he kills.
we need to get back to our roots. we need to get back to our CREATOR regardless of what name you call him or her. "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" & "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR".