Thursday, July 13, 2017


 hello america!!! the following is directed to all of our elected officials, however, even moreso to our very own elected repubs...

our elected repubs need to unite & support donald trump to the fullest---they need to outwit the dems & do the jobs we hired them to do &, if they won't/don/t, we need to replace them with those that will---repubs need to use their muscles instead of running scared...

as a country, we need lower taxes & tax reform; we need healthcare that works & is truly affordable & puts us back in charge of how we want it; we need medicaid reformed & we need our states to be in charge of it; we need our infrastructure repaired &/or rebuilt; we need more jobs for all americans; we need to rid our communities of drugs, gangs & violence; we need school choice & we need our states to to determine our educational needs; we need our borders secure & we need those entering our country to be fully vetted; we need to reform our immigration policy; we need our trade deals to be fairer; we need countries to pay us for our services; we need to be energy independent; we need our our military to have the very best & to be the very best; we need our veterans to receive the best heath care possible; we need our media to report all the news honestly; we need american interests to be first in all matters; we need to wipe out american poverty; we need cleaner water & a cleaner environment; we need all of congress to run our country as we see fit; we need politicians to live under the same laws they subject us to; we need term limits; we need all officials to be held accountable; we need america to have a workable budget; we need female equality & true gender recognition; we need to respect & support our police & severely punish those that break the law; we need to eradicate all forms of hate & racism; we need our constitution strictly enforced & re-strengthened; we need to take much better care of our young & seniors; we need to effectively take better care of one another & we need to be more tolerant; we need to wipe out terrorism; we need to make the world a safer place; we need to help those that are struggling to help themselves...

repubs, wake the hell on up & realize that our party finally has a leader that could accomplish all of the above if only you would do more than talk---either get on the trump train or get the hell off the tracks...