hello america!!! i've got to give it to obama---he's consistent in asking for 'more' while reducing nothing to get it. although i do favor 'clean energy' i don't favor the gov't trying to do at my expense &, whatever he charges the oil company's is going to be passed on to us---always has been/always will be. nor do i favor any money being 'kept' by our gov't because they will find reasons to raid it whenever the need arises. here's obama...http://theenergycollective.com/cnunez/199571/obama-calls-security-trust-fund-energy-research
obama is always comparing us with overseas country's---i wonder if he'll even mention this the next time he calls for higher taxes...http://www.latimes.com/news/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-china-pledges-spending-restraint-20130316,0,6042887.story
say what you will but, do you know how much better this country would be doing if obama was only 1/2 serious about our spending & honestly tries to reduce it?????