Friday, September 1, 2017


hello america!!! most of you are probably as caught up by the weather events in tx & la as i am &, if that's the case, you're probably constantly changing the channel because the scenes playing out are extremely captivating---that said, the left-wing media outlets always find the time to attack donald trump no matter what &, if you stayed tuned to them, you probably missed a few issues that are extraordinarily important (such as but not limited to the following)...

1.....former fbi director james comey is alleged to have drafted a statement announcing the closure of the fbi's investigation of hillary clinton in april 2016 & that was long before 17 'keys witnesses' were interviewed---hillary was interviewed july 2 2016 & comey made the official announcement on july 5th---2 repub senators, grassley & graham, sent a letter to the present head of the fbi, chris wray, asking for documents to back up the allegations based on heavily redacted transcripts they were able to uncover---HMMM??? there's a tremendous amount of 'wrong-doing' going on here & you can google it for yourselves, however, what you should do is demand that the left-wing media cover & report all the news---READ IT HERE...

2.....dem senator bob mendez has been indicted for a bunch of charges at the federal level &, the more this is investigated, the more information is revealed---HMMM??? again, there's a lot of 'wrong-doing' going on here &, you can google it for yourselves, however, what you should do is demand that the left-wing media cover & report all news---READ ABOUT IT HERE...

3.....'the idiots' (dems/left-wing media/rino's) all thought trump was crazy when he said millions voted illegally, however, we now know that he may have been 100% correct---there have been cited cases of dead people voting; illegal aliens voting; people cross-voting from different states; felons voting &, if the following is true, we need a better system---HMMM!!!CHECK THIS OUT...

4.....'the idiots' have been driving the 'racial & hatred' mantra for far too long & seemingly, it took hurricane harvey & the floods to dispel that crap (at least for the present time)---yes, it does exist (& it will continue to exist) but not of the magnitude as 'the idiots' would have you believe---hurricane harvey has brought out the true american way which is the very best of her---strangers of all races helping other strangers of all races &, doing so without any compensation or recognition---what's occurring in tx & la has nothing to do with politics, race, religion or financial standing &, the reasoning is truly simple; it's all based on man's love for one another in a time of need &, unfortunately, that isn't acknowledged enough---all americans, (& i do mean all) should rally around the out-pouring of love & care & allow it to heal us as a country of one &, while doing so, reject all efforts to divide us---all media, politicians, clergymen, schools, etc, should be vigorously  promoting the true goodwill of mankind---but, they aren't---HMMM!!!

5.....what's truly amazing is the absence of all the various groups that have permeated the 'headlines' such as the alt-right, the alt-left, the blm, planned parenthood, the congressional black caucus, the women's march, etc---this is just further proof that their agenda is not the agenda for america PERIOD!!! that said, 'the idiots' continue to attack donald trump (& his wife) & hey, i'm here to tell you that they spend more time on that than they do in reporting the news---HMMM!!!

i will be following up on the above stories plus, i have several more to add so, stay tuned...