Saturday, July 2, 2011


hello america!!! the following is an extremely touchy issue however, it is one that the feds & the states have to deal with &, they have to deal with it soon because things are getting out of here we go--

immigration needs to be over-hauled. if someone came here illegally, they broke the law & should not be rewarded with a 'path to citizenship' unless they can prove that their being returned to their country would actually cause them harm.

regardless of how one enters this country, if they do it illegally, they should be punished with immediate deportation unless they committed a criminal act at which point they should face those charges & then be deported.

our immigration laws have to reflect what is going on in 2011----we have to speed up the process on how we deport illegal aliens &, it's really a simple step & present history is on the side of this one....if someone crosses our borders illegally from mexico & we catch them immediately, we take them back to the border & that's that. why are we allowing them to languish in our jail systems for months & years? &, at our expense?

look, it seems hard & cold, but our laws need to be re-written immediately to reflect immediate deportation.
if illegal aliens are caught anywhere within our borders & we can "prove" they are here illegally----they need to go. damn all that 'due-process' crap. they don't deserve it & they never earned our 'due-process' system
&, we don't need to spend our money on their being jailed for long's really simple---bust them for being here illegally & BOOM, send them back home.

now, for congress to pass the legislation to speed up the 'get-them-the-hell-out-of-here' process, they will need the fortitude to withstand all the pressure the 'left-wingers' & other lib orgs are going to put on them.

we spend a fortune on 'captured' illegal aliens because our present system allows them to appeal their being deported & this should be abolished immediately....they are not american citizens & should not be afforded the same rights that we have as citizens. & that's the bottom line....

this is a link to another state trying to clean up it's immigration laws......


hello america!!! whether or not you like this is totally up to you but, some states are getting their financial houses in order without raising taxes.......please pass this message on to obama & all the dems that want to do the's a link on how ohio did it with a repub governor.........

obama wanted congress to stay in session until they reached a deal on raising the national debt ceiling &, guess who left town for the 4th of july holiday? obama took over the 'lead' on the talks between the dems & the repubs, had a few meetings with the dems, & then left town with nothing settled. what kind of 'leadership' is that? it kind of reminds me of when i was growing up------that 'do as i say, not as i do' crap.

america, we can balance our budget without raising taxes on anybody!!! it all seems common sense to me....
1.....we need to re-structure every entittlement program we have to reflect 2011, not 1950 or 1960
2.....we need to overhaul the pay, benefits, healthcare & retirement packages of all 'public' workers to include our elected officials in congress
3.....we need to overhaul our immigration laws by immediately "deporting" all aliens that are here illegally
4.....we need to stop 'giving' public assistance to those very same aliens but, not emergency medical care
5.....we need to stop giving 'foreign' country's money until we get our own house in order
6.....we need to immediately allow this great nation to produce its own oil & closely watch how they do it
7.....we need to stop 'bailing' out states & let them fight their own financial battles
8.....we need to stop unions from acquiring those lucrative deals at our expense
9.....we need to immediately cut back every federal agency
10...we need to stop bailing out the public sector & allow them to either sink or swim on their own
11...we need to immediately re-structure how we issue government contracts
12...we have to immediately 'freeze' all non-essential spending
13...we need to write & pass all future bills without any 'pork' in them
14...we need to immediately freeze all current tax levels
15...we need to immediately put americans back to work & back in their homes
16...we need to stop wasteful spending by either eliminating federal agency's or combining them

america, i'm sure you could add to this list however, if congress were to seriously devote their time to the above issues, we could get our federal government 'living within their means'. but, make no mistake, somebody will suffer but, in order to get to the top, you have to know where the bottom is.