Monday, August 14, 2017


hello america!!! i've said it before but, it bears repeating---no matter what donald trump does or says, the dems & rino's will attack him for it---case in point; trump's comments about 'fire & fury' directed at north korea---dem sen chucky shumer called his comments 'reckless rhetoric' &, others have condemned them as well...

good people, where in the hell, in these united states of america, would you like north korea to drop a nuke??? while you're trying to answer that, let me ask you this; just how did north korea get to the point of being in the nuke conversation???

i don't know what the left want but, seemingly, they've become extremely anti-america---they go out of their way to shut down free speech with their imported mindless goons wearing disguises whose only function is to incite violence but, this is a conversation for another day...

back to north korea---can chucky or any other dem (or rino) tell me when politically correct rhetoric ever worked against north korea??? for that matter, when did the sanctions, diplomacy & negotiations work??? & hey, we can go back to the bill clinton era & work our way to the present...

the leader of north korea, kim jong un, supposedly killed members of his own family to become the dictator & is hell bent on making his country a nuclear power (which would be a threat to the whole world)---they have repeatedly defied un resolutions without having to suffer for their actions & yet, the dems have no solutions on how to deal with them...

enter donald j trump who seems to have the balls to call it like it is & put a stop to north korea's ambitions concerning nukes & i strongly support his rhetoric, tweeting & agenda---there is no room in this world for a nuclear north korea...

hey chucky & company, remember this???



hello america!!! what happened in charlottesville, virginia over the weekend should never have been allowed to occur PERIOD!!!

we can argue another day about the reason for the violence but, when it comes to assigning blame, one need not look any further than the governor/the mayor/the police chief &, the city planners---&, all of them should be fired immediately...

look, in this day & age, seemingly, all protests end with violence &, it's becoming the new norm---& despite knowing that, they allow the kkk to protest in public without an adequate police presence & expect nothing to happen---that is idiotic thinking & planning---unfortunately, time after time, our authorities prove powerless to prevent the violence from even starting...

there are those that will look back at what was allowed to occur & talk about hindsight---hell, hindsight has nothing to do with being 'PREPARED'---our elected officials are failing us---they give us the false-front that all is well & then, when the ugliness of their not doing their job rears its ugly head, they all have excuses & not one of them is willing to stand up & say, 'hey people, i dropped the ball'---& yes, they dropped the ball in charlottesville big-time---just as they dropped the ball in recently flooded new orleans---just as they dropped the ball in providing safe water to the people in flint, michigan---&, good people, they are allowing these negative events to occur all across our great country &, unfortunately, at our expense---what's even worse is, that after these tragedies occur, our 'so-called leaders' grab camera time & lay the blame on others---hey, just think, one could also compare what happened in benghazi to what happened in charlottesville...

good people, please, don't get it twisted---there is not any part of me that supports the kkk (or any other 'hate' group regardless of race) but hey, this is america &, i'm extremely sad to say, they all have that american right to peacefully protest &, knowing this, ample protection must be provided for them & from them &, when it's not, violence is allowed to flourish...

the people that have since been protesting the protest need to protest those that were obligated with providing protection for all...