Tuesday, June 24, 2014


hello america!!! there can be no doubt that we are not safer than we were five plus years ago...our foreign policy (whatever it may be), has not worked/is not working/will not work & yet, obama & company don't even pretend to care about fixing it............

closer to home---the influx of illegal aliens crossing our borders presents a major security concern on several fronts that seem to be ignored.........we honestly don't know where they come from, nor do we know who they're attached to &, regardless of what others may say, we don't know their true intentions...& then, there's element of unknowing........

obama, would you allow your daughters to walk among them in a closed room not knowing what health problems they may or may not have??? you haven't a clue as to what diseases they may carry & yet, you allowed them to cross our borders........need i say more????????????


hello america!!! obama & company have been 'flirting' with a VMT (vehicle mileage tax) from the beginning &, if it's up to them, it may become a reality...CLICK HERE...of course this would just be another broken promise to our nation about raising taxes on the middle-class.......

you may argue about where i get my facts, however, i do my homework---this comes directly from the horses mouth...CBO REPORT...


hello america!!! first, you show pictures of polar bears stuck on little blocks of floating ice (just don't tell anybody that they are excellent long distance swimmers); then, you show pictures of glaciers breaking off & falling into the sea; then, you spread the story about how the arctic wildlife is about to be wiped out because it's so warm; then, you conjure up 'facts' that seemingly support your direction of thought; then, you blame mankind for the melting ice (global warming)------well, if you truly believe all that they've told you, this story will have no effect on your thinking but, read it anyway...HERE...


hello america!!! when the repubs & others told you this was coming...CLICK HERE---you laughed but, it is no laughing matter now---it's actually happening---HERE---it's just a matter of time before those 'gov't death squads' start flexing their muscles denying you certain examinations & tests---yes, you were warned that this was coming & obama & company denied it---it is also one of many reasons why they (& unions) don't want any parts of it for themselves, families & friends, however, it's good enough for you because your gov't said it was & they seem to know what your healthcare needs are better than you & your doctor do........


hello america...please look around the world &, pretty much, all you see is major violence &, unfortunately, the middle-east is in dire straights but, we always have obama & company to remind us how well we're doing over their...CLICK HERE...iraq is pretty close to falling &, you can't help but notice how much stronger, bigger, bolder, & better al qaeda now is......however, obama said they are on the run.......


hello america!!! i blogged about this...CLICK HERE when it first happened...HERE'S MY PROOF...why did they give it to him??? what did he do then & what has he done since to promote peace except bump his gums...am i to understand that (in order to be awarded the nobel) all one has to do is talk??? in reality, there is more 'warring' occurring all over the world now than when obama received the award &, his foreign policies have not worked/are not working/will not work...