Thursday, September 17, 2020


hello america!!! just think, you see something negative about the trumpster & you can't wait to post it on your social media outlets without doing any personal research on the subject---& hey, that's your right to do so &, i support that right 100%...

what i don't support is your refusing to acknowledge that your 'hasty' reaction may have been wrong---especially when that 'wrongness' is proved...

case in media was flooded with 2 major medal newspapers denouncing the trumpsters claims about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine (the lancet & the new england journal of medicine) &, you ran with them to help bolster your argument that the trumpster was & is truly clueless...

what i haven't seen you post is the RETRACTIONS of those stories---now, i wonder why that is???

look, i get it---nobody likes to be proved wrong, however, when you do what our media has been doing, you are complicit in the division of our country...

here's the original writing from the lancet (*RETRACTED* in red is not me)---take the time to notice it's from the lancet's own website---

some of you may still be sceptical so, this also comes from the lancet in their own words explaining the retraction---

here's cnn on may 22nd---

&, a mere 13 days later we have this from cnn on june 4th---

my-my-my---total opposites & yet, you only posted the one while completely ignoring the other, however, the damage was done...

i'm not defending the trumpster, i'm trying to make you aware of the damage you & the media inflict on us with the rush to publish any & everything negative about the trumpster---hell, the fda pulled testing, the va & just about every other hospital in america stopped treatment using the drug &, at this point, nobody has proved whether the drug works or not...

so, please allow me to ask the following??? who in the hell do you think prescribed hydroxychloroquine for the president &/or allowed him to take it without knowing a hell of a lot more about it than we do??? let that sink in!!! also, think about this---the trumpster sees a lot of different people every day & most of the time you see him mask-less & yet, he seems immune to covid-19...

in TRUTH, there's no scientific proof if the drug works or not, however, it is to my understanding that if taken early enough, it seems to ward off the bad symptoms of the virus &, we have the following from usatoday---CLICK HERE---unfortunately, the dem party is going to censure this young lady for speaking out---READ IT HERE...

there have been others to come forward with very high praise for the drug &, on the flip-side, there have been others to come forward against it---nobody knows & hey, those 2 articles were released much to soon & some of the report was doctored in being against the drug...

those are the facts & hey, we have this from reuters

but, why stop there, we have abc asking questions right here---

i don't make this stuff up nor will i lie about it---we all need to slow down & at least taste the coffee before we tell the whole world it's no good...