Sunday, September 24, 2017


hello america!!! for a very long time i have been telling my friends that i was against any form of disrespect directed towards our american flag (that disrespect became prominent during the vietnam war) so, it should come as no surprise to any of them (&/or you) that i very strongly support what donald trump said about pro-athletes kneeling (&/or sitting) during the playing of our national anthem PERIOD!!!

when i hear the remarks of our pro-athletes that support that disrespect (regardless of race or religion), i have to ask this---exactly what are they protesting---& yes, i want specifics because many of them are simply caught up in this 'social injustice/civil rights thing' & hey, that's far too large a subject to object to broadly...

look, colin kaepernick seemingly started this kneeling in protest of 'civil rights' &, just like blind rats following the scent of food, others have joined in &, here's the kicker, those on the left were so upset when tim tebow took a knee during the games to give thanks to his GOD...

this comes from the nfl media---
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

while kaepernick &, the players that support him have a very valid point (&, because of that flag, they certainly have the right to protest), exactly what have their actions gained except a furthering of division??? the only issue that seems to be gaining any traction is the disrespect itself &, you have those that support it & those that don't---furthermore, it seems that many of the players are only showing 'support' for those doing the kneeling, not the issues...

for the record, while i support kaepernick's right to protest, we are 2 very different people mentally---i was born & raised here & need not visit another country to 'find my independence'---but, that's another subject---the hell with it, here's what i think---if kaepernick didn't have the 'name-fame' or, wasn't a 'millionaire', i can only wonder how his trip to ghana would have fared---nuff said!!!

if the 'pros' truly wish to protest 'present day' social injustice/civil rights, where is their 'collective support' for our young college athletes (of all races & religions) that are caught up in the collegiate indentured servitude system??? hell, our pros came from that very same system & yet, seemingly speak very little about it---KNEEL FOR THAT!!! colleges make billions off of our young people & yet, don't pay them a salary---what's worse is, those young people still have to 'pay' their own way through the system---HMMM???

where is the kneel-down for all of 'the people of color' that have died by the hands of other 'people of color'??? do you mean to tell me that all of these pros (that have become rich because somebody died to give them the right to get rich) can't get together & 'march' through our down-trodden communities in protest of the gangs, violence, drugs & conditions??? but wait, maybe i'm wrong because i thought 'social injustice/civil rights' was the problem & yet, the pros are so invisible---HMMM???

you don't hear kaepernick & his followers talking about the civil rights of our unborn 'children of color' that never even got the opportunity to take a first breath---& here i was thinking it was all about a white cop shooting a black person (justified or not); silly me---good people, the facts on reported abortions are staggering (&, even moreso for people of color) yet, there's a big volume of silence about that when listening to our protesting pro-athletes---black children are aborted at 3 times the rate of white children/hispanics at 1 1/2 times the rate of white children & yet, the black population has been surpassed by the hispanic population (& it has nothing to do with having less sex)---& all you hear are the crickets...

look here are some facts for the collectively brain-dead...
fact #1---the vast majority of black-on-black homicides occur in the communities controlled by democrats &, it's been that way for years
fact #2---planned parenthood is a democrat institution &, it's always been that way
fact #3---most athletes are democrats &/or lean that way &, it's been that way for years

i called you 'brain-dead' because, when you add it all up, you support the very party that is either allowing us to kill one another or is actually doing the killing---&, you have a problem with our national anthem---HMMM???

our pro-athletes have the 'AMERICAN RIGHT' (&, yes that's an exclusive 'right') to protest by 'kneeling' but, that doesn't make the act of it right---nor is it right that they are not more specific in exactly what they are protesting---hell, 'social injustice/civil rights' could be 'more females are hired as maids than are males through 'more blacks are hired to play basketball than whites or hispanics combined'---need i point out that blacks spend a hell of lot more money in white establishments than in their own but, what do i know???

when our pro-athletes or, any american, (while in another country) kneels during the playing of our national anthem & stands for that country's national anthem, that's an un-american act PERIOD!!!
which brings me to this---approx 20% of uk's whites live in poverty compared to approx 50% of the blacks population living there---&, you stood up for their anthem??? are you that stupid or that misinformed???

for all of you 'knot-heads' out there, have you heard any of our pro-athletes protesting the rape of women??? or, the abuse inflicted on our youth??? or, the more favorable treatment of illegal aliens over our own people of color citizens??? etc, etc, etc...

we can bitch & moan about anything (we have that exclusive right) however, i feel you, & we, would be better served if you protested on a different platform & were more specific in what you were protesting &, before you females jump on their band-wagon, have you heard any of the pros calling for more female refs or coaches &, just name me one male player complaining about the salary ratio between men & women in sports...

donald trump was correct in what he said & the nfl owners & the league need to make a stand before this gets too far out of hand---that goes for all other sports as well...

at this point, i'm opposed to buying any more pro-sports gear or attending any of their games until we can get all of our athletes to honor our national anthem & flag in the manner they so richly deserve...&, that includes not purchasing from the pro-sports sponsors...