Friday, January 8, 2010


hello america! if you listened to obamas speech yesterday concerning our security, you probably ended up like me---CONFUSED. common sense says that if we are at 'war' with terrorists & capture them, we should treat them as enemy combatants...

obama & his administration downplay the 'war on terrorism' & would have you believe it's a 'war on radical extremists'. well, call it what you want---the point is, they still don't get it. there are groups of people out there that are hellbent on killing americans no matter where the killing takes place.

so you ask, what's the problem, knowitall? after all, obama said 'the buck stops here' & that he would take care of it. the problem is obama can't even fix his own security. there have been 3 different reports of 'strangers' breaching his personal security at the whitehouse & 'rubbing shoulders' with him. these incidents have been on foxnews with the video to back them up. if obama couldn't fix this problem after the first incident, how in the hell can you expect him to 'fix' the bigger problems?

yeah, i know. give him more time---it's only been a year since he took over from pres bush. well, for those of you that are still willing to give him more time let me ask you this: how much more time will he need to understand that his "words must mean more then just words"? ask those people on that flight on x-mas day that actually got involved in stopping that would be bomber from blowing up that plane how much more time he needs.

more time!!! he's had more then enough time. i told you in the beginning that he didn't have any military experience; he doesn't have a clear-cut foreign policy; he doesn't understand the difference between an enemy combatant & a common criminal; he's extremely weak as a 'leader' & would rather allow others to make the decisions & then he'll support them.

still don't believe me? look at him bowing to foreign leaders & then denying it. what pisses me off the most about that is, he doesn't have enough back-bone to make them bow to him. &, no matter how you spin it, obamas bowing is a sign of submissiveness &, judging from the videos of it, he does it without thought.

need more? in reality, obama has 4 secs of state---hilary clinton (over-all flunky), richard holbrooke (afghanistan & pakistan), dennis ross (iran), & george mitchell (middle east). how are you going to reach a clear-cut foreign policy with so many cooks with their hands in the pot? the sad part of this is, they all have to report to someone that accepts the 'best sounding' thing he hears---not necessarily the 'best solution'

obama is full of crap when he grants the same rights & protection to captured enemy combatants that we give to those arrested for unpaid parking tickets. what is he trying to prove to america when he allows these people to be tried at our expense in our federal courts? they don't belong within our borders. &, if that doesn't make you mad, give some thought to this---obama is allowing some captured enemy combatants to be tried in our federal courts &, at the same time, he is allowing some to be tried in military tribunals. &, you're crazy to think that ag eric holder made the decision to try them in new york without consulting obama.

there are several 'smart' reasons they should not be tried within our borders...
1. taxpayers have to bear the cost of the security
2. americans working within the courthouse area are going to be screened & inconvenienced
3. the majority of americans don't want these people on our soil ( so who's agenda is this?)
4. if obama can allow un-maned drones to bomb suspected al queda & taliban strongholds without first reading them their rights, why be concerned with their rights when they are actually captured committing an act against us?

obama dropped the ball on our national security---he can blame it on his security advisors all he wants but let's be honest about this: instead of him supporting the cia & others for gathering info from 'terrorists', he has exposed them for their 'misdeeds' to the point that they have to change their methods for getting that info or face charges...yeah, i really feel safer...the x-mas would be bomber was willing to talk & was talking & should have been sent to "GITMO" & water-boarded by the cia; not held in one of our jails to be tried as a common criminal, nor, allowed to lawyer up & stop talking.

obama blames pres bush for all that is wrong with america. when will he man-up? he once spoke about pres bush sitting in a classroom when the twin towers went down & his handling of hurricane katrina----it took 10 plus days for obama to hold a news conference (he was on vacation) to talk to the american people. & then, remember how long it took him to respond to a request for more troops in afghanistan. NATIONAL SECURITY---

i don't think obama could find the word 'security' in websters even if i opened it to the 'n's'.

so, you obama faithful, keep on giving him more time &, when it's one of your loved ones or friends that fall victim to obamas time, don't bitch-just send him a letter saying you understand that he needs more time.

&, one more thing...just to put it in perspective---pres bush responded to the advise he received & everyone got on his case about it. afterall, he was the boss. how is that different then what obamas going through? he 'trusted' his security advisors & they failed him:::ISN'T THAT OBAMAS FAULT???