Friday, August 28, 2015


hello america!!! where's the outrage for THIS BLACK LIFE??? do you mean to tell me that obama & sharpton (among others) are all worded out??? 9 years old & gone & most of you are only 'bitching' about cops killing blacks...when will we unite as a people & take control of our communities??? we have far too much power to remain helpless---yes, a lot has to change but nothing will ever change when we allow those with an agenda to push it down our throats...we have to elect & support those that will honestly try (other then just talking about it) to enable us (as a people) to eliminate economic poverty regardless of race...our country is far to great for any of us not to be successful...

when our 'so-called' leaders get 'air time' & try to ostracize the police from our communities, that's one thing---when we respond to it, that's another & hey, it's not good because the police will do less (i would) & that leaves us more open to the evil that seems to be an accepted part of our lives...

what's acceptable about a 9 year old being shot to death???


hello america!!! i don't know why it took others so long to realize that (apparently) some lives don't matter regardless of race---i remember posting about the 500 plus chicago homicides years ago but, that issue was quickly quieted when the media lost interest & the big-shot's quit talking about it...i've been calling out our 'so-called' black leader's to do more than just show up for the homicides that become sensationalized CLICK HERE however, that's not going to happen...

black people look, we have come a long way & yet, there are those that will try to persuade you that we're still in the 60's...yes, we still have a long way to go to eradicate racial hatred &, in truth, it will never be completely dissolved...hey, face it;;;love & hatred is taught---our likes & dislikes are instilled in us by those that helped raise us---as kids, we made fun of people with braces & those that were 'over-weight', etc...but, that's for another post...

black people are killing other black people with no regard to age---PERIOD!!! look at this list & you'll see it for yourselves HERE ...where are the demonstrations for all these senseless murders??? how come this news isn't constantly front page news??? where are those black groups that supposedly fight for black peoples rights??? obama spoke about the police killing a black & (along with others) condemned them but, he's MIA when it comes to blacks killing blacks;;; al sharpton invites himself to the cities when a cop kills a black & riles up the black community in a negative way but, he's MIA on blacks killing blacks---

do you want to really see how misguided some people are??? the 'so-called' first lady runs around the country telling you what your school kids HAVE to eat (& they changed the menus to accommodate her) & yet, when was the last time you heard her (or saw her) address black-on-black violence??? yeah, i thought the same thing---something's horribly wrong with that picture...but, she is quick to talk about racism & how sorry our country is...

common sense tells me that the vast majority of homicides by guns are committed by people that are illegally in possession of that firearm---are we that stupid to believe that tightening gun control laws will change the murder-by-gun rate one iota??? which gang member or drug dealer (etc) is going to murder somebody with their own legally registered gun??? come on obama, please tell me they all do it...

it's extremely ironic that the party screaming for gun control is the very same party that allowed 2,000 guns to walk & then had the audacity to deny's also the same party that says economic poverty plays a major role & yet, they delivered public handouts in lieu jobs...

we're in trouble when the 'black lives matter' group only shows up when cops kill blacks...