Thursday, June 28, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   obama can blame who he wishes to but, his economic policy is just not working & rather then look for other solutions, he's still running around blaming pres bush & the dems. as usual, he continues to lie---see here----

good people, i wrote that obama had lied about the mandate in his obamacare because while he was telling america & the dems it was a penalty, his lawyers were at the supreme court arguing it was a tax. how many lies does one have to tell you before you vote against him? well, for those are counting, here's some more of that he 'won't raise taxes on the middle class' crap...........


hello america!!! the supreme court upheld obamacare & this is not good for america. while many of you are jumping up & down with joy, this is just the beginning of our fed gov't 'forcing' you to do what they say. obama can now 'force' you obtain 'gov't acceptable' healthcare coverage or pay a fine if you don't however, we are now learning that obamas fine is actually a tax....ain't nothing like being lied to for 3 1/2 years that the mandate was not a tax......

so you might ask, what in the hell is wrong with obamacare? & my response is: quite a lot but we're not going there yet. besides, there are some provisions in it that i do like. that said, i need you to think about this::::::::you are being forced to obtain healthcare coverage because at some point in your life, you may get sick enough to have to visit a doctor or hospital; therefore, you would have a policy in affect to defray the expenses. please, just let that sink in.

so you ask, what's wrong with that? while mostly everybody has a need to visit their doctor or emergency rooms at some point in their life, obama is forcing you to have a policy in effect before that day comes. piece of cake right? no big thing, right? WRONG!!! DEAD WRONG!!!

the next logical step is, at some point you are going to die &, with this ruling today, obama can force a law on us to 'buy' a life insurance policy so that the uninsured, when they pass away, don't pass on that 'death debt' to the good tax paying citizens---exactly what obamacare is all about.

but, it continues::::common sense says, if i can force you to buy healthcare coverage & life insurance, i can also force you to pre-pay for your casket & burial site so that those costs are not passed on the good citizens of our nation.............

in other words, there is no stopping what the 'fed gov't' can force you to do. it is really mind boggling because there is no limit.

the door has been opened & it will not close on its own---obama needs to be voted out of office this nov.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   it's pretty quiet right now....

while the dems & others are calling what florida's doing 'racially motivated', please tell me which dem, if they lost a close election &, it was found that people voted that weren't supposed to, wouldn't be crying 'foul' & calling for a re-vote? so, i'm glad that florida can continue to do what it's doing.....see here.....

in this age of cyber & identity thefts, everybody should have to prove who they are when they vote. for that matter, everybody within our borders should have to have valid id (even if they leave it at home). yeah, i know, it creates a hardship on blacks & latino's however, drop your wallet & somebody finds it with your banking info & uses your soc sec card to withdraw money from your account, the first thing you're going to ask the bank is, 'why didn't you ask them for their id?' or, they use your soc sec card & charge card to open up a charge account at macy's & go on a 2 day charging binge, when you get the bill you're going to call macy's & we all know you're going to ask if the person showed an id card.

instead of fighting the people that want to require people to have valid id, those that have the power of the vote & those that have the power of the voice, should be raising hell to get these people valid id. by squashing the efforts to get people id cards (etc) you're actually helping in keeping them in very same situations your mouth says you're trying to get them out of. so, i ask the black civil rights leaders & the dems this: just what in the hell can a black or latino do in america if they don't have valid id? 
they can't get a 'legal' job; can't open a bank acc't; can't cash a check; can't drive or buy a car; hell, they can't even rent from 'rent a center'. in truth, they're legally not even allowed to enter our school or military systems....

all of you that don't support valid id for everybody within our borders are hurting the blacks & latino's. civil rights leaders aren't going to hire any undocumented people to sit in their offices & keep a track of their donations nor, are the dems going to hire an undocumented person to work in washington with them...

there are only so many reasons for somebody not having valid id:::
1. they are here illegally
2. they can't afford the cost of an id card
3. they can't travel the distance to the gov't center
4. they have criminal problems or warrants
5. they have a legitimate reason to fear the gov't
6. they prefer to live as non-conformists
7. they actually have mental or physical problems
you may be able to add to this list but race won't be an addition (i don't want an valid id because i'm black).

by not requiring our blacks & latino's to obtain valid id, we are stifling their individual growth & positive production to this great nation...please, rethink your stand on this issue.........