Wednesday, November 11, 2015


hello america!!! as far left as our country has fallen, we do not not need a dem president that talks about working with the other side but won't...simply ask yourself this, what repub policies do the dems agree with??? on the flip-side, i'll bet there are many rolling around in your head that they disagree with...

our next president will be facing more severe challenges than obama ever thought of (several will be of his own doing &/or not doing)---here is a list which i'm positive you can add to:::
1...strictly control our borders
2...reform immigration
3...reform all of our tax laws & rates (from the county level & up)
4...downsize our gov't
5...reign in gov't spending
6...hold our gov't accountable
7...eradicate drugs, gangs & bullying from our communities
8...provide our youth with more constructive after-school options & incentives
9...provide better employment for all by bringing the jobs back to our shores
10.strengthen our educational standards
11.award successful teachers & eliminate underachievers
12.make colleges affordable
13.make valid gov't issued id mandatory for all within our borders
14.ensure better care for our vets & seniors
15.make our military the absolute strongest & up-to-date in the world (all branches)
16.balance our budgets (locally & up)
17.devise trade agreements that actually work in our favor
18.become completely energy independent
19.take better care of mother earth & the animals
20.make all live by the laws congress passes with no exceptions
21.restore the american dream
22.restore faith, honor & respect to our american flag
23.repeal & replace obamacare
24.mandate affordable medicine for all
25.devise a cohesive & workable foreign policy with alternatives
26.reform & strengthen social security (hell, reform all of our entitlements programs)
27.make our enemies fear us & our allies respect us
28.patch up our differences with israel & canada
29.stop our financial involvement with amtrac, fannie mae & freddy mac & other gov't supported entities
30.confront al qaeda & isis overseas & defeat them there
31.stop assisting countries that don't like us
32.take total control of a free web/internet
33.make america great again & second to none
34.allow our three branches of gov't to function only as they were originally set up to do
35.enforce complete compliance with our constitution & laws by all
36.revisit & reform all regulations that stifle job growth & privately owed land management all religions equally
38.reform our sentencing guidelines & make them equal across the board
39.strictly prohibit cohesion between our justice department/fbi from the whitehouse term limits for our elected officials (all levels) the will of the many over the wants of a few
42.fairly open our free market to all legally qualified to participate in it
43.nominate judges based on ability & not political affiliation
44.enforce the rights of all citizens equally
45.mandate that our media outlets post only the truth
46.implement equal pay for equal work with no exceptions
47.strictly enforce inter-agency communication on all fronts
48.outlaw 'sanctuary cities'
49.decide what side of the lgbt movement you're on & follow the law

yes, you probably have other wants & needs from our next president but, ask yourself this, which party can deliver on most of the above???