Monday, April 30, 2018


hello america!!! sometimes you just have to reach out & slap an idiot upside the head to prove a point you've been trying to prove for years---the dem party is not for people of color &, more specifically, not for black people---the factual history of the dem party is more than sufficient to verify that beyond any doubts...

unfortunately, far too many black people allow themselves to be supportive of the dem party & yet, they have extremely little to show for it---hell, black life under 8 years of dem president obama is proof of that alone---but alas, there are those that are either led by the ring in their nose or, they can't take off the blinders they were born with...

while some blacks seem to do very well as dems, they do so at the expense of their fellow blacks & hey, they're called 'uncle toms' &/or 'sell-outs' where i come from---they're more concerned about the 'power, money & prestige' they gain than helping those that really need help &, all of their campaign promises are forgotten until their next election...

look, some blacks swear by obama & refuse to realize just how badly he hurt us as a country, a community &, as a people---true math will never lie & i've posted the numbers in previous blogs so, i'll put it to you like this---8 years under obama, our 'middle-class shrunk & hey, if it hurt them, it hurt people of color even more---FACTS!!!

just roll this around in your heads for a while---the dems shut the gov't down over hispanic/latino illegal aliens (DACA) but have nothing to say or offer about the drugs, gangs, poverty & crime that has/is/will decimate our communities---but, they're all for your best interests???

the dems fought against voter id & national id all the way to the supreme court saying it would create an undue hardship & burden on you to have to travel to obtain one (by the way, these are the same dems that expect you to travel to vote for them) but, they can find ways to issue gov't id cards to illegal aliens to include sending out mobile vans to those illegal people so as to issue them a gov't issued id card---isn't it ironic that a black american cannot do anything legally without a gov't issued id card but the dems find ways to issue them to illegal aliens???

there's an extremely long list of dems that have raped our communities & they want your support at the voting booth to continue that rape---the problem is, far to many of you fail to recognize what they haven't done for you despite all of their promises---it saddening to acknowledge that a black person will be deliberately 'knocked down', 'forgotten', 'passed over', 'stepped on', 'lied to' 'blatantly used' &, 'kicked' & yet, steadfastly return for more abuse---hey good people, even a dog stays away after being 'kicked' too many times...

look, let's keep it real---donald trump has been called a lot things &, regardless of your liking him or not, honestly answer the following questions...

1...who stands to suffer from having more money in their pocket???
2...who stands to suffer from having more & better jobs to work at???
3...who stands to suffer from having fairer trades deals???
4...who stands to suffer from having the fed gov't try & eradicate the drugs, gangs & violence from our communities???
5...who stands to suffer from having the ability to remove your child from an under-performing school & enroll them in a school of your own choice???
6...who stands to suffer from having the fed gov't trying to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure???
7...who stands to suffer from having the best military in the world???
8...who stands to suffer from having safer borders???
9...who stands to suffers from having stronger vetting processes for people visiting our country???
10.who stands to suffer from having a completely energy independent country???
11.who stands to suffer from having businesses return to our land & open new plants???
12.who stands to suffer from having company's freely train us for future jobs???
13.who stands to suffer from having national support for out first responders???
14.who stands to suffer from having a smaller fed gov't???
15.who stands to suffer from having a president actually do what he said he would do???

america, we need to elect people that will support & strengthen trumps agenda because it really will make us great again & the dem party is openly opposing him at every turn...

please make sure you get out & vote the repubs into office that will actually help our country grow & hey, that's not the dems...