Wednesday, August 21, 2019


hello america!!! the following is the 2019 update to the homicides i've been following from just 6 communities...

chicago---321 total homicides---252 of them black---36 of them hispanic---40 of them female---cops killed 5 people---CLICK HERE...

baltimore---217 total homicides---123 of them black---5 of them hispanic---21 of them female---CLICK HERE...

la county---325 total homicides---112 of them black---169 of them hispanic---39 of them female---cops killed 16 people---CLICK HERE...

jacksonville---83 total homicides---51 of them black---15 of them female---CLICK HERE...

milwaukee---58 total homicides---40 of them black---9 of them hispanic---12 of them female---CLICK HERE...

st louis---129 total homicides---110 of them black---3 of them hispanic---17 of them female---CLICK HERE...

good people---that's 1,133 total homicides---688 of them black---237 of them hispanic---144 of them female---cops killed at least 21 people---& hey, guess what's missing???

because i'm such a nice guy, i'll tell you what's missing---the coverage from the media;;;the demonstrations & protests from ALL the civil rights groups (male/female/other);;;the pro-sports people that took a knee during the playing of our national anthem &/or their supporter's;;;the 'so-called' congressional black caucus (made up of 55 dems);;;the tv talk-shows;;;all of congress & the senate;;;our 'so-called' celebrities;;;the outrage from the american people as a whole;;;& lastly, the dem presidential candidates...

all of the above refuse to address the issue about the carnage we inflict upon one another & yet, they're so extremely quick to defend & aid those entering our country illegally---where's their voice concerning the 1,133 families that have been permanently separated from their loved ones by this senseless violence??? however, you hear all of them calling for 'stricter gun control' after every 'sensationalized' mass shootings---that alone should prove you that not all lives matter...

when you look at the above homicide numbers, you must realize that they pale when you add the rest of our communities to them---why is this not a 24/7 media coverage event???

silence won't help the killings go away---for the most part, we need the drugs & gangs removed from our communities & hey, the trumpster is the only one trying to do just that...