Friday, September 22, 2017


hello america!!! when i see & hear 'former officials' attacking donald trump's policies, executive actions or rhetoric, i am compelled to ask, how did america fare under their 'leadership'??? please, let's keep it real---obama attacking the repubs for trying to 'repeal & replace' obamacare has to be the actions of man whose time has passed & desperately wants to remain in the spotlight...

in honesty, obamacare has no doubt helped many americans, however, it's also failed the vast majority of them & will continue to fail them if it's allowed to continue---obama & company knew obamacare was based on 'lies' even before it became law &, i say that based solely on the facts which are/were...
1.....we were told that the obamacare mandate was a 'fine or fee' & not a tax, however, the supreme court ruled it was a tax---CREDIT TO CNN ... this actually means obama & company effectively 'raised taxes' on the middle class breaking yet another promise (NEWSFLASH!!! IN 2016 APPROX 6 MILLION PLUS PEOPLE ELECTED TO PAY THE TAX "$3 BILLION DOLLARS PLUS" RATHER THAN ENROLL IN OBAMACARE)...

2.....we were told 'if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor'---CLICK HERE FOR THE LIES ... obama & company knew that you wouldn't be able to 'keep' your policy if it didn't contain the 'obamacare 10 essentials' &, supposedly, 5 million plus policies were cancelled because of that---READ IT HERE ...

3.....we were told that the average family would save $2,500 per year FROM YOUTUBE ... i don't know of anybody that 'saved' that money &, if obama & company knew of families that did, they would be parading them in front of the cameras 24/7---good people, that wasn't the only lie obama & company told about 'savings---obamacare was supposed to be 'affordable', however, it is everything but that---i'm positive you've either experienced (or heard of) the continuous rising premiums & deductibles & hey, they're going to continue to rise because of another obama & company lie which was, the young & healthy would sign up for coverage (another reason the super-smart-idiots opted to keep them on their parents plans until age 26---they knew it then) &, it's because of that a multitude of insurers have opted out of obamacare leaving us with very few choices PERIOD!!!

4.....we were told that obamacare would cover the then estimated 48 million people that didn't have coverage---presently, we still have approx 31 million people (per our infamous congressional budget office) that are not insured &, another 'big lie' is about how many people are actually enrolled in obamacare---the dems float the number of people covered by obamacare at around 18-22 million people, however, this is yet another lie because they are 'cross-counting'---they are including people that are signed up under medicaid with the those enrolled in the actual obamacare---they are 2 different divisions &, the actual numbers for obamacare are right about 10 million people---so please, keep it straight---which begs the question, how can 22-24 million people lose obamacare when you don't even have that many people on it???

5.....we were told obamacare would add jobs & hey again, it has done everything but that---in fact, it has cost us jobs & those are facts---businesses stopped hiring; cut their work-force to under 50 people & cut hours to 30 hours per week just to be compliant with obamacare regulations...

if we're honest with ourselves, obamacare is a failure based on lies & needs to be repealed & replaced &, i can't think of a better way to do that than give the individual states the power to better service their own people---one size does not fit all & our states are better qualified to construct a healthcare plan based on our needs...

just think of this, do those that work in the farming industry need the very same healthcare coverage as those working in the fishing or coal-mining industries??? coverage should be designed for the individual states & hey, the individual states are best at determining who needs what compared to our federal gov't...

so, to obama & company, shut the hell on up---you had 8 years to get healthcare right & you failed to accomplish that...