Friday, April 1, 2016


hello america!!! look, everybody wants to get bent out of shape over donald trumps answer to chris matthews question on 'punishment for a woman having an abortion' & trump answered 'yes'---trump is the only one that answered that question 100% correctly as it was asked in its totality...

this question is from matthews own mouth...
MATTHEWS:  If you say abortion is a crime or abortion is murder, you have to deal with it under law. Should abortion be punished?

but, you can read it for yourselves here...

'if abortion is a crime or abortion is murder', punishment for both the doctor & the woman would be justified---end of story...

except it's not the end---look at all the idiots saying the woman shouldn't be punished & that trump is against women---if she knowingly breaks the law, she would be found guilty---hey, when the police catch somebody with crack or other drugs on them, they go to jail & when they catch up with the dealers, they also put them in jail...

this same hypothetical question should publicly be asked to the other 4 candidates, however, while you're waiting for that, ask yourself this---if the woman broke the law in getting an abortion, should she be punished???