Tuesday, May 15, 2012


hello america!!! i wrote about this a few days ago &, the more i rethink it through, i'm convinced it did not come about by accident.....see here.....

check out this timeline::::::::
5/6/2012---vp joe biden comes out in support of same sex marriages
5/7/2012---obama cabinet member splits from obamas stand & supports same sex marriages
5/8/2012---obama talking heads say he has important announcement to make
5/9/2012---biden apologizes for publicly coming out in support of same sex marriages
5/9/2012---obama goes on record in support of same sex marriages
5/9/2012---obama attends 'gay' fundraiser
5/10/2012---obama touts his stance at hollywood fundraiser
48 hours later, obama has an ad out attacking gov mitt romney for his stance on same sex marriages....
let me put it this way, obama is attacking romney 48 hours after he changed his own stance & romney continues to hold his belief that marriage is between a man & a woman. &, he's been attacking him ever since...
is this who you really want as a leader for another 4 years?

well, one thing leads to another, &, the above leads me to this::::straight women, obamas change of mind undermines his support for your rights. for all of you that raised children or not, this has to be a setback to all the gains women have made. obama made his decision politically because he said, while he supports same sex marriages, it was up to the individual states although he was disappointed with north carolina's vote to ban same sex marriages.

america, what's happening to our rights, privacy's, freedoms, morals, values, traditions &, belief's?


hello america!!! here's your jobs situation........if you been following it, you'll notice that just about every day, we continue to have layoffs, bankruptcy's &, closings.....but obama says his stimulus worked...HMMM!!!

good people, does it really matter who donates their own money to a candidate as long as they are american citizens? somehow, obama doesn't think so---see here......
this is petty politics at its worst & shows you how low obama will go. he preachers 'fairness' however, you remember 'joe the plumber'?

unfortunately, it may be too late to turn back time so, we may actual become the 'nanny state' under obama. be very careful america, it could be your records that our fed gov't is sifting through without your knowledge or, that drone might be filming your backyard. of course the gov't will say these things won't happen but, can you afford to believe them?

