Saturday, March 2, 2013


hello america!!! this is but another example of the dems 'doom & gloom' tactics &, can only hope that it will stop...    well, depending on where you get your numbers from, we only have 100 million to 155 million working people in america so, how in the hell could we possibly lose 170 million jobs? more importantly, where was her voice on sequestration since nov 2011?

obama is the master of spreading 'doom & gloom'...    if you care to remember how obama got his obamacare bill through congress, you can't take him on his word that he couldn't have gotten both sides together & come up with a more sensible plan to reduce our spending.

'doom & gloom' from obamas lips to your ears...

&, there's more...

if obama were serious about serious spending cuts, he would never have ridiculed rep paul ryans plan...instead, he would have worked with him to get it to where both party's were agreeable to it. however, it was easier for him to 'allow' the 'throw granny off the cliff' ads to instill fear in the elderly.

well, guess i'll go outside & see if i can catch a piece of the sky when it falls..........


hello america!!! if you honestly cannot see what has happened to this country over the past 4 years, perhaps you should renounce your citizenship & move to a 3rd world country.

you elected obama to lead & he's done everything but that. he recently ran around the country spreading his 'doom & gloom' crap, meets the house & senate leaders the day before the sky's supposed to fall, & now that the sequester is going to happen, he gets in front of the mikes to tell you it won't be as bad as he thought.   what's so bad about all this is, the dems support him blindly.

you might remember (back in nov 2011) that the 'super committee' failed to agree on a way to reduce our spending that would appeal to both sides & it was the obama/whitehouse that came up with this 'sequestration plan'. obama immediately blamed the repubs for the committees failure to come to terms & he threatened to veto & bill that would roll the sequester back...

from nov 2011 until now, where was obamas blueprint to avoid this sequestraion? where was the dems? & everything the repubs came up with was demonized & rejected.

obama & the dems have lied to you consistently & yet, you say nothing & act like sheep. here's another one obama lied to about...

obama got his wish to raise taxes on the wealthy jan 1st & yet, he's calling for more. when will he actually sit down & come up with a blueprint that will cut our spending across the board?