Thursday, July 19, 2012


hello america!!! this is what happens when you live in a glass house & throw rocks at others---another class obama flunked while at harvard...

obamas calling on gov mitt romney to release more of his tax records & there's no law that says he has to. look at how long it took obama to produce his birth certificate. he still hasn't released his school records &, unless he's 'hiding' something, he should want the world to see what a bright student he was. he also doesn't us to see who's responsible for 'the fast & furious' scandal.

yeah, come on, tell me i don't know anything. i know this: obama accused gov mitt romney of outsourcing jobs to china & that got the repubs to digging. & guess what they found? give up yet? they found that obama is the one that's outsourcing our jobs....see this...  this should make everybody within our borders sick &, more so for those that have lost their jobs since obama took office.

the above are but two reasons obama doesn't want to talk about his record. how can you defend the outsourcing of american jobs & american money in  these times? &, it's not like obama didn't know about this...he just refuses to address it , hoping that he can turn enough voters away from the facts by 'smearing' gov romney at all costs. he's had more then ample opportunity to 'spin' the facts & work on the sympathy of the american people but, he refuses to acknowledge it or apologize for it---

personally, i don't give a crap about gov romney's tax returns or what he did at bains capital...he knows 'BUSINESS' & how to run one. &, he made money running his business & which one us can honestly say: if we started a business we wouldn't care if we made money or not? one gets into business to make money just like we get jobs to improve our lives...

obama appointed several people to his 'JOBS COUNCIL' & he has not met with them in the last 6 months. also, he's rejected their suggestions...his chief mouthpiece, jay carney, said he couldn't meet with the council because he was too busy. & he is---too busy campaigning for four more years. just like he was too busy to stop in wisconsin & try & help the unions because he was campaigning. he was too busy to drop in & say hello to the naacp recently & he didn't even have anything on the schedule.

obama has given up on even trying to 'put america back to work' & what's just as bad, he doesn't have a clue as to how to even try---that's why he's preaching for four more years of the same.........

&, for the fun of it, this is what happens when you give obama a lot of get a job.........................


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...'m sorry to say, if one had been following this site, they would have seen this coming &, the bad news is, there's no end in sight. so much for obamas promise of jobs......

here it is three years after the 'recession' officially ended & we still have 386,000 new jobless claims? &, what's worse is, all the experts thought like obama did last week that we were 'heading in the right direction'. well, now that the numbers have gone back up, which direction are we heading in now? while i'm far from an 'expert on the economy', i do have common sense &, know that using 'knowitall math', 1+1=2...

i posted a blog a week ago on the 12th in which i said not to get your hopes up but no, obama & company saw the july 12th drop in jobless claims as the 'turning of the tide'. good people, all one has to do is apply logic to our jobs situation & they'll know that we are very far from being out of the woods. here's my post.....   

one doesn't have to attend a meteorologists school to know when it's raining...however obama & company are the kind of people that look out the window, see it's raining, & then go outside & put their palms up to see if it's wet. &, knowing it's going to rain tomorrow, their solution to help the people that are going to get wet is to build shelters out of sand.................

obama said that the people he was surrounding himself with were the 'smartest' people on the planet &, look at where we are? america was promised so much by obama who has delivered so very little. he said he was the only one that could 'fix our economy', 'put americans back to work', 'keep people in their homes' 'reform immigration', &, 'cut our national deficit in half in his first three years'..............just look at where we are today after all this time. &, obama has no excuse for not getting done what he said he could get done......he could have passed anything he wanted in his first two years because he & the dems had washington on lockdown...if he & the dems had of focused on solving the five promises listed above, the dems would still be in control of washington.

that said, obama got elected & decided to do as he wanted to do & said the hell with all of the promises he made to the country. he may not have used those words however, his actions did. obama embarked on fulfilling his own agenda & lost track of why he was sent to washington. &, you'd think he learned his lesson however, he's promising 'four more years of the same' & we not can't afford him, we don't deserve him. we deserve better & should be demanding better.