Thursday, August 30, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    &, the weekly new jobless claims of 374,000 says we need help. it also says that we need help & a new direction........

it's hard to stand in the face of undeniable facts & ignore them. well, that is, unless you're obama. ceo after ceo has come forth & said why they are not hiring: tax uncertainties, regulations, obamacare &, the threat of unions being able to form faster. some have also said that those are the very reasons they have moved their business's overseas. please see here...    it's also the reason a lot of business's have closed up shop.

at a time when we need every job we can get, shouldn't common sense prevail? at what point wouldn't you say?, 'hey, we tried it my way & it's not working like i thought it would so just maybe i should try what everybody else is saying. mind you, i'm not admitting failure, i just want to try something else'.

would it really hurt for obama to 'suspend' his business regulations until better times? would it really hurt to leave all of the 'bush tax cuts' in place for another year? would it really hurt to offer business's more obamacare waivers? would it really hurt to suspend the forming of new unions for another year?

when you're out there working your butt off, day after day, & getting nowhere, don't you step back & re-evaluate your situation? when you're taking home $600 a week but your bills are $675 a week don't you think it's time for change. don't you at least make an attempt to turn your financial problems around? you cut here, you cut there, going to the movies is out, eating out is out, you downgrade your cable services... you do what must be done.

so, i ask, how is our fed gov't under obama any different? more people unemployed means less revenue being taken in means less money the gov't has to spend. so either you cut gov't spending or put more people back to work...what in the hell is so hard about that?


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...

obama wants to hire even more teachers...

before you jump down my throat, let me say the following: we need teachers---no, i retract that. we need good teachers. more importantly, we need teachers of the time. we need teachers to teach our children that if you make $100 per week, you don't spend $125 per week. we need teachers to teach our children that all men are created equal & should be treated so. the unions unbalance that. we need teachers to teach our children that when the whole country is doing badly, teachers should not be be demanding more until the times get better. we need teachers to teach our children that even teachers are americans & that they should be willing to do whatever it takes to help our country recover in bad times.

let's keep it real...if you promise your children a certain weekly allowance amount for doing their chores & getting good grades while you're working & can afford it, that's one thing. when you lose your job & the bills start piling up, are you going to keep paying the kids the same amount? when you reduce their allowance or take away some of the other things they like, they go on strike by not doing their chores until you not only restore their allowance but, increase it. this would be the time you all should make that trip to the woodshed..

i'm not asking the teachers to work for free however, the contracts honored during the good times cannot be honored during the bad times & they need to be reworked. if we have teachers that won't accept that fact, then those are the teachers that should be looking for another job....