Thursday, April 7, 2016


hello america!!! this article from & others like it is why you need to conduct your own research READ HERE because all you see or hear about is how well our jobs market is doing &, in truth, our jobs markets are horrible---obama & company are so quick to point out our jobs growth while ignoring our job losses but, rest assured, i'm here to educate you...

let's take an honest look at our gov'ts own numbers:::
for march 2016 we added 215,000 jobs per our department of labor's bureau of labor statistics (bls) report HERE---if that was all one could look at, one could say we're doing well, however, there's that little report that comes out weekly from (guess who)---yes, our very own department of labor (dol) that says for march 2016, we had 1,320,000 unemployment claims---hell, for the week ending 2 april, we had 267,000 unemployment claims alone---here's their report HERE...& no, this isn't a fluke, it happens every month that we lose more jobs than we gain & that's a fact but, they don't recite those numbers... 

&, just think, i just posted about this HERE &, good people, we have a bunch of problems concerning our lack of jobs growth...look, if we only add the money we make & not the money we spend, we'd all look like geniuses...