Thursday, July 26, 2012


hello america!!! the following is what happens when we vote the 'left' into 'positions of power' &, i am not saying the 'right' isn't above abuse.

we have this..

& then, we have this...

in both cases, the comments were 'walked back' however, the damage is done. people listen & respond to their politicians &, they form their opinions from what is said by them..........i wonder what would happen if a republican mayor were to say something like, 'people should boycott stores that serve potato chips to over-weight people'?

bloomberg's been saying a lot lately inferring that extra large sodas contribute to people's obesity's problems however, does this idiot not recognize that very thin people are just as unhealthy?

it sounds good to say this & i wonder how things would pan out however, i hope it doesn't happen:::::all new york city & state police should all go on strike until a stronger gun control law is passed &, all the fast food places in illinios & mass should unite & close down until the mayor's of chicago & mass not only picked a prime location for chick-fil-a but also have to eat there once a week for 1 year. just think of all the lost revenue, mayhem &, hungry people...........


hello america!!! woke up to foxnews {fox & friends} playing a video of obama {feb 9, 2012} putting the blame of the housing markets collapse on the lender's, bank's, etc...i don't remember who spoke for or against what obama had said but, it stirred me to do some research...however, before i get into that, here's the link for the obamas speech &, you can read it all but, i'd like to draw your attention to the 8th paragraph.

once again, i'm glad i didn't attend harvard or columbia because they must not have taught 'american history'---or, obama flunked it. also, he can't remember anything from his pre-election life. so now, let's just deal with the facts::::::::::::::::
#1.....obama  {& others} sued citibank {& others} to 'force' it/them to make sub prime loans.......
#2.....obama trained the 'acorn troops' to demonstrate in front of banks, pressuring them to make sub-prime loans.......
the above was done using CRA (community reinvestment act):::please google it & look at what info wikipedia has on it.........
#3.....pres clinton 'loosened' the reigns on CRA & 'forced' banks that wanted to become 'bigger' to make sub-prime it & look for wikipedia's REGULATORY CHANGES 1995 & LEGISLATIVE CHANGES 1999
#4.....pres bush {starting in 2001} warned congress of what was going to happen & wanted stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac... 
#5.....dems & repubs fought against pres bush every step of the way until it was too late---this has an old video in the link that you really need to see...

the media outlets allow obama to get away with his claims that it's everybody's fault but his...&, america is lulled into this belief that obama is 'good' for this country. i guess if i throw rocks at your windows & break them, using obamalogic, it would not be my fault:::i could blame it on the force of the wind; nobody 'policed' the rocks up; you should have built your house on the other side of the street; &, if you had of made your windows out of bricks, i would not have been able to break them so, it's not my fault. beside, you made them with cheap glass.....


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    i'll get back to this shortly....

obama says all of his american policy's are working &, goes on to say, the data just doesn't show it. what part of 'STUPID' does he think america is? i honestly don't know who writes this stuff for him nor, do i know if he reads it before he says it.....regardless, BS is still BS!!! by obamas account, the data is all of you american's that have lost your jobs & homes, you are not part of that data---the 'data processor's' have it wrong so, why worry when the bills come in??? just get a black magic marker & send the bills back marked, 'obama says the data is wrong' even if you can't afford to feed your family because you can't work at that place you were laid off from. talk about out of touch............what an idiot........

the data comes from obamas own 'hand-picked' people & to believe him over them is to call them liars.   with the unemployment rate stuck at 8.2%, all sectors of hiring are down, homes are still being 'lost', new home sales just dropped by 8.4%, layoffs are already scheduled for the next 2 years, consumer confidence is at rock bottom, banks still aren't making loans &, a lot of them still owe us for their own bailout...where is the 'good news' for our economy?

on the other hand: obama is trying to sign up as many people as he can for some form of welfare; more people got disability in the last 3 months then were hired; more american's are unemployed now then when obama took office; obamas tax uncertainty's, regulations, & obamacare have made employers very skeptical  about hiring; unemployment benefits keep getting extended; obama has 'suspended' forcing people on welfare to actively go out & look for, if obamas touting this as 'his policy's working', then he's correct however, you see which way we're going & that should tell you what to do this november to change that direction..........