Tuesday, June 4, 2013


hello america!!! i have many questions, however, the most pressing one is this: exactly why did you re-elect obama? an 'almost intelligent' person can only assume (yeah, i know, 'ass-u-me') you thought he was the most capable of the candidates to lead this great nation because there's no way you could have voted for him based on his record for the previous 4 years...oh, i forgot, give him more time. look, unless you're in cali or ny & the rain on the snow turns it yellow, you're being 'peed' on. pro & anti obama supporters, i'm here to tell you that the snow has turned dark brown & the 'lumps' keep coming.

good people, you elected obama to lead us & for him to be the head of our gov't & not know anything about what's going on below him has to have dampened your 'belief' in his abilities. now, we can debate what he knew & when he knew it, however, you cannot argue against the following::::from the very beginning, obama has denied knowing about-----'acorn'; 'rev wright & the hate sermons'; his ties with radical bill ayers; the 'fast & furious' gun-walking program; the irs's targeting' of specific groups'; the benghazi fiasco; the justice departments gathering of news-media emails............let's keep it real!!!! if he were your ceo, you've have fired him without pay.

here's another look...http://www.thepoliticalguide.com/Profiles/President/US/Barack_Obama/Scandals/
&, there's this one...http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2013/05/31/obamas-top-twenty-scandals/

need i say more???


hello america!!! i really like this...http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/351/scandalbracket.png   &, for how long will you blindly support a man that never has any answers as to what's going on below him? you hired him & he hired the various heads of the departments caught up in these scandals & nobody knows squat....who's running our country???


hello america!!! in case you missed this...http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/03/democrats-new-argument-its-a-good-thing-that-obamacare-doubles-individual-health-insurance-premiums/?partner=yahootix    &, for some of you, your premiums have already gone up.....