Friday, October 6, 2017


hello america!!! this post is not about the senseless murders that occurred in las vegas---it's about the dem party trying to blame the repubs for it...

please, let's keep it real---when i hear the left demanding stricter gun control, i can only wonder why they never passed a 'national gun-control law' when they had control of all 3 branches of our gov't (1/2009-1/2011)---HMMM??? &, before any of you get to bumping your gums, they crammed obamacare down our throats without any repub assistance of any kind so, you'd be doing yourself a favor by appearing educated by not going that route...

for starters, you voting dems really need to take a totally new & honest look at your party & realize that there is an extremely big difference between what they say, what they do &, who they blame for their failures---they are now using the las vegas massacre for political tricks & appeal, & hey, i'm here to tell you the 'TRUTH' because 'THE TRUTH IS RIGHT'...

the dems had an opportunity (under obama-june 2010) to actually 'outlaw' the so-called 'bump stock' that was used by that sadistically-sick killer &, not surprisingly, the dems failed to do---now they're trying to blame donald trump & the repubs for the multiple killings amidst calls for stricter 'gun control'---however, you'll discover the irony of redistributing blame---[you can actually read the letter here from THE THEN OBAMA JUSTICE DEPART & they declared "the bump stock is a firearm part is & not regulated as a firearm under gun control act or the national firearms act")...

good people, blaming trump & the repubs for what happened in las vegas is just plain ludicrous when it's pretty obvious that the dems are at fault for not regulating the 'bump stock'...