Sunday, March 11, 2012


hello america!!! obama & his think-tank of 'super smart idiots' want to keep this kind of news from you because they are opposed to "work friendly" states & have strongly voiced their opinions about the subject.
please click on this link & read the whole story which comes from newsmax<><><>

6. Foreign Firms Investing in ‘Right to Work’ U.S. South
Foreign companies are increasing their industrial investment in the United States and concentrating their growth in the Southern states due to their “most hospitable business climates,” according to a new report.
Industrial investment by overseas firms in America rose $30 billion between 2009 and 2010 alone, much of it concentrated in the chemical and automotive industries.
“It is heavily focused on the southeastern states and Texas,” according to Joel Kotkin, executive editor of and a contributing editor to the City Journal in New York. He cites a study showing that the five states with the best business climates and 10 of the top 12 are from the old Confederacy.
He also notes that foreign companies generally invest in those “right to work” states to avoid troubles with unionized workers.
The largest Mercedes plant in the United States is in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and last year the German company invested $350 million in the plant.
German automaker Volkswagen announced it will build a new assembly plant in Chattanooga, Tenn. Nissan, Toyota, and Kia have also announced major new plant openings or expansions in the South.
The average cost of building these facilities is over $1 billion, and they bring not only higher-paying jobs at the auto plants, but also employment at parts suppliers and other related industries. For instance, Germany’s Thyssen Krupp has invested $4.6 billion in the steel industry in Alabama, reports Kotkin, whose article originally appeared in
He writes that managers in foreign firms believe Southern workers “have not picked up the bad habits and work rules common among their unionized Midwestern brethren.”
Only 7,100 auto workers in Alabama are unionized, and less than five percent of workers in Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia belong to a union.
And according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, foreign industrial firms are far less likely to impose layoffs on their workforce than their domestic competitors.
Note: Newsmax magazine is now available on the iPad. Find us in the App Store.

this is further proof that obama & his merry band of idiots really don't know how to get us out of this economic mess but, they'll take credit for any of the positives. in fact, they support unionized labor & have gone out of their way to 'bail' them out at every opportunity that presents itself, & then, they tell you that they are "too big to fail".

if obama had of focused on helping any of the states become 'work friendly' we would be very close to being out of this mess....facts are facts<><><><><>


hello america!!! the following is but one reason our medical records should not be digitalized....

this is another reason...

&, just so you know...

did you ever ask yourself this (i bet obama didn't)? what happens during a serious operation & the surgeons can't access the information they need because of a computer crash???? just something for you to think about...  


hello america!!! this is for all of you pres bush haters....please read it & weep...  

facts are facts &, although we may argue for or against them, they are still facts &, when you see how pres bush tried (& yes, he probably could have tried harder) to implement stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac (had his concerns been acted on by congress) the collapse of the housing market may very well have been averted. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELVES TO DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK & NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN THE HEADLINES BECAUSE THE PRO-OBAMA BIASED NEWS MEDIA HAS BEEN SUPPRESSING THE FACTS. IF THEY WERE REALLY REPORTING HONEST NEWS, THIS STORY WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL OVER THEIR FRONT PAGES.......however, that being said, it's easy to see how obama can continue to blame others for his failures & inheritance...

this is for all you obamaholics>>>>>>>>>>>>>please read it & weep>>>>>>>>> 

obama had a direct hand in our economic downfall, lied about it, & you still voted him him......& yet, he's still blaming pres bush...he should be blaming himself, acorn & pres clinton...regardless of what roll he played as a lawyer in the above legal matter, he is listed on the document & had knowledge of the whole case...

i cannot understand why mccain/palin didn't bring this up &, i don't understand why the media won't tell you about it...

hey good people: we are basically a simple people with simple wants & needs but, facts are facts &, here is one more::::::::if i throw a rock through your glass window; go through hell to buy your house; i can then turn around & blame you for the broken window, all the while telling lies about how that window got broken........& this is the person you voted for!!!!!