Sunday, April 20, 2014


hello america!!! this post is about obama lies that the left-leaning media don't even bother to refute...please bear with me because this will be lengthy...

let's start with obama & company saying the repubs haven't offered any jobs bills...HERE...obama even signed some of them into law & the rest are stuck in our dem controlled senate...

obama & company lying about the repubs blocking the 'dream acts' bill from passing---the bill needed 60 votes to go to obama &, 3 repubs voted for it, however, it fell short because five dems voted against it, & yet, obama & company blame the repubs...SEE HERE...

obama & company lying about the infamous gun-walking program better known as the fast & furious which has led to obama invoking executive privilege & holder being held in contempt...HERE...

obama & company lying about pres bush & his part in our economic downfall...BIG COVER-UP HERE...

obama & company lied about actually helping the people of haiti...HERE...because this is where they are as i write this...HERE...

obama & company lied/are lying/&, will continue to lie about getting to the bottom of the benghazi attacks...VIDEO...

obama & company lied about the irs scandal & would rather blame the repubs for the 'phony scandal' although we now know it has led us to the justice department...READ IT matter how you word it, a lie is still a lie & this is a very big lie...HERE...

from the very beginning, obama & company have lied to you &, unfortunately, they will continue to do so...for that matter, i could pull up plenty of more lies from obama & company---&, by no means am i saying that the repubs are saints but, our country would be a hell of a lot better off with them in charge..........


hello america!!! have you ever wondered why politicians cave in to union demands??? well, there are many reasons, however (i'm going out on a limb here)---i'm going to say that money & influence are the two in the form of political donations & favors &, influence at the voting booths.

now, before you reach through the screen to choke me, i'm clearing the air by saying all politicians have been bought & abused---which brings me to this...HERE.......

i fully expect the dems to change their minds about opposing the pipeline---at least they will portray that image until after the elections because the unions have sent a direct threat that those dems, running for office, simply can't ignore...obama has been running from making a decision ever since he first took office &, because he can't run again, i don't expect any decision from him---after all, he 'fast-tracked' the whole thing---5 years of running from it...

well, we all know obama is a 'union man', however, he's lied to them also...SEE THE VIDEO HERE...
he hasn't 'marched' anywhere with them but, he has gone out of his way to help them at the expense of non-union americans...HERE...just think, 20,000 people got screwed by team obama...

can you remember all of those union members supporting obamacare demonstrating & voting at the polls for obamacare??? can you remember them sending a threatening letter to harry reid & nancy pelosi...READ IT HERE...

did you know obama caved in...RIGHT HERE...&, obama is 'bailing' them out the expense of the non-union people again...

what's truly amazing is this...MUST READ MATERIAL...why is it that the liberal left fight for unions to invade private businesses & yet, they don't want them in their own...HMMM!!!