Sunday, January 28, 2018


hello america!!! to my black american dems, please, if nothing else, quit being so damn gullible---take the time to listen & understand what the black elected dems don't/won/t talk about &, especially, those that are supposed to represent us in congress... poverty crime education standards unemployment/black low-paying jobs abortions/black pregnancy rates down-trodden communities home ownership family single parent rates training programs for tomorrow's high-skilled/high paying jobs gangs drug problems youth organizations for after-&-out of school teens

but hey, let a cop kill a black, justified or not, & we have the 'so-called black leaders' all over the news crying 'police racism' & 'police brutality'---look, say what you wish but, simply put, they are 'house niggers' (yeah, i said it)---(who at one time used to be a part of us) but are now doing the work of their 'dem masters'...

whenever the dem leadership doesn't like something, they resort to race-baiting, fear tactics, distractions, lies, threats, name-calling, blame-gaming, etc---&, for whatever reason, you so-willingly continue to support them with your votes---DO YOU REALIZE THAT INSTEAD OF BEING THE NUMBER TWO RACE IN AMERICA, WE'VE BEEN NUMBER THREE AS OF JULY 2016 PER OUR US CENSUS BUREAU & hey, for you 'brain-dead', it has nothing to do with us being less sexually active...

in honesty, the dems have put all of their money on the 'hispanics' (simply for their votes---READ THE FACTS HERE) & left us blacks to fend for ourselves &, if you don't believe that, just look at our black communities that have been under dem leadership (FOR DECADES)---look at all the disarray, destruction, devastation, disconnect, distraction, division & downfall we've allowed by voting the same idiots into office to serve us that do nothing to help us---& yet, they'll be the first & loudest to tell you how the repubs will send you to hell---unfortunately, far too many of you ignorantly believe that...

to be 'ignorant' because you can't obtain all of the 'facts' is one thing---to be 'willfully ignorant' because you're either blind or stupid (or in denial) is another &, with all the facts at your fingertips, there's no excuse for it & yet, you continue to resist that (& who) which is actually good for you & yours---& yes, the dem 'talking points' seem to get more 'air-time' than does the actual issue but still, it's no excuse for you not to 'google' both sides of the issue & come up with an 'educated opinion'...

the new tax law was called 'armageddon' by nancy pelosi & chuck shumer said companies would pay only pay their shareholders &, they both agreed it was not a 'tax-cut' for the middle-class but a way for the wealthy to retain more of their own money---by now, even the idiots among you must confess that they were 100% wrong...

&, there's this---trumps 'daca' plans 'will make america more white' (racist) & 'keep families apart' (fear) &, the hell with the 1.8 million daca recipients that would benefit from the amnesty---the hell with securing our southern border; the hell with chain-migration; the hell with the visa lottery system---it's all about 'racism' according to the dems---FOR YOU EXTREMELY SLOW PEOPLE, IF YOUR ROOF LEAKS & SCREWS UP YOUR WALLS & FLOORS EVERY TIME IT RAINS, DO YOU REPAIR THE WALLS & FLOORS FIRST WHILE IGNORING THE ROOF??? please allow that to sink in...

to keep our fed gov't funded for a very short period of time, our senate needed 60 'yea' votes & yet, the dems voted 'no' because of daca---do any of you idiots realize that there wasn't even any 'legislature' for daca to be voted on??? JUST SO KNOW!!!

all voting dems &, moreso you black voting dems, please, i implore you to call your dem elected leaders & ask them why the new tax law is bad for you??? ask them why doubling your standard deduction is a bad thing??? ask them why your keeping more of your own money is a bad thing??? ask them why employers increasing their contributions to your 401k fund is a bad thing??? ask them why the stock markets gains are a bad thing for those of you that own individual stocks??? ask them why a pay-raise is a bad thing??? ask them why employers investing  more money in philanthropy is a bad thing??? ask them why investing more money in R&D is a bad thing??? ask them how is hiring more workers a bad thing??? ask them how your going to a lower tax bracket is a bad thing??? ask them why countries returning to our shores to set up businesses is a bad thing??? ask them why they didn't tell you that the $1 trillion plus dollars is to be added to our national debt over 10 years & not to tomorrow??? & please, black people, ask this for me, why is a bonus such a bad thing???

while we're in the asking mood---ask them why building a wall is a bad thing??? why is hiring more border agents & getting them the necessary equipment to better do their jobs a bad thing??? why is halting our chain-migration system a bad thing??? why is halting our visa lottery system a bad thing??? why is granting 1.8 million daca recipients amnesty (if they follow the guide-lines) a bad thing???

black people, quit listening to the dems & do your own homework---for far too long you've blindly  supported them & you don't have anything to show for it accept a 'congressional black caucus' that no longer shares your values or needs &, if they did, they would unite & approach donald trump to try & find solutions to our problems that only he has addressed because our plight was never even mentioned by obama...