Tuesday, August 16, 2011


hello america!!! i know obama has to use every trick in the book to persuade voters to even want to vote for him but, how can he spin his failure as a leader & his failed policy's? his attacking the gop candidates holds true to his taking the spotlight off of what he hasn't done for this country, &, of course, it's everybody's fault but his.

obama can spin the crap any way he wants but, when will the media & the people ask him the real questions:
ask him to honestly answer these questions::::::::

1.....obama, you said your stimulus would create millions of 'shovel ready' jobs which it failed to do. why?
2.....obama, with 14 million americans out of work, americans struggling to hold onto their jobs &, with many americans working at jobs that they're underpaid for, how can you just blow off their plight by joking that the shovel ready jobs weren't that shovel ready?
3.....obama, you said your stimulus would keep unemployment below 8% which it failed to do. why?
4.....obama, you said that we needed your 'cash-4-clunkers' program which did not do all you hyped it up to do. in fact, many traded in their gas guzzlers for new gas guzzlers that provided even less mpg's. why?
5.....obama, you made a lot of promises about obamacare & that we needed it. if it was all of that, why do you issue waivers?
6.....obama, in reference to question #5...waivers are issued because not to do so would impose a 'hardship' on the company but, why are only select company's allowed these waivers?
7.....obama, if obamacare will cause a 'hardship' on some of the big money-making businesses that have received these waviers, what will happen to the little businesses that cannot afford obamacare & don't receive waivers?
8.....obama, why didn't you tell the american people about the waivers & the hardships?
9.....obama, you extended the period for unemployment compensation but, how do you explain the millions of fired/laid-off americans that just sit at home collecting & refuse to look for work at our expense?
10...obama, you are supposed to be the 'leader' of this great nation. how can you weaken that status by bowing to foreign leaders &, we know the difference between a nod & a bow?
11...obama, you bailed the banks out & they still aren't making loans. why?
12...obama, you bailed out gm & chrysler when ford walked away. why is ford so successful?
13...obama, you told the american people that chrysler & gm repaid every penny they borrowed. why did you lie to us about this?
14...obama, what makes your policy's better then those that ran gitmo & tortured the prisoners when you can authorize 'murder' without due process?
15...obama, you sank our money into the education system. why is it worse off now then before? before you answer, allow me to remind you that several states have teachers that are cheating for & with the students to keep the fed dollars rolling in.
16...obama, you sank our money into the states. why are they worse off then before?
17...obama, you talked about our getting off of our foreign dependency for oil & yet, you go to brazille & promise them our money for their oil. how do you justify that?
18...obama, when n korea fired a missle up, you said "our words must mean more then words". at what point will your words mean more then words because they (& iran) don't take you serious?
19...obama, you want to close down foxnews. why?
20...obama, you blamed pres bush for our economic problems but you have not explained to the american people your role in the downfall of the housing market/banking industry. why not?
21...obama, you failed to heed pres bush's warning for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie. how come you don't admit this to the american people?
22...obama, you've been in office for 2 1/2 years plus. why do you have nothing to show for it?
23...obama, you say you knew you needed a budget plan & that we had to address the debt ceiling when you first got in office. i know your budget was defeated 97 to 0 but, why did you wait so long to get totally involved in either?
24...obama, you said that having to raise the debt ceiling is sign of failed leadership. does that saying still hold true?
25...obama, your 'no' vote on the debt ceiling raise for pres bush was symbolic & that you used it to send a message. that being the case, what gives you the right to question those elected officials that oppose what you wanted?
26...obama, for 2 1/2 years plus you have talked a good game about our jobs problem but, you have failed to provide the leadership needed to open up the freemarket which you seem to oppose at every turn. your actions prove this out by your strong support for unionized labor, why?
27...obama, you want businesses & the wealthy to pay their fare share but, don't you realize that any tax increase on them gets passed on to the consumer?  that would be us little people that have to buy their goods & services...
28...obama, you blame pres bush, the earthquake & tsunami in japan, & congress for our problems. when are you going to look the american people in the eye & admit that all you have done has failed?
29...obama, you knew before you were elected that we had a jobs problem & you had the support of both the house & the senate. why didn't you fix the problem instead of spending all that time & energy on obamacare (which has a 70/20 chance of being struck down by the supreme court)?
30...obama, you ran on 'hope' & 'change' but, you've failed to change anything in washington, you've spent more then we can afford &, you've changed the hope for our future to dispair. why? why are you so anti-american?
31...obama, you even bailed out the housing market & just look at the mess you created. why?
32...obama, you're asking america to give you another four years. based on the fact that you can't run on your record, what makes you think you even deserve to be on the ballot?