Saturday, May 12, 2012


hello america!!! i'm going to post this daily so you'll know something about actual job layoffs, company bankruptcy's &, company closings........& after it, i'll do my talking on whatever the subject.........

while the above is not as bad as it could be, it's bad enough &, it just continues to strengthen the argument that obamas stimulus did not/is not/& will work. to let obama tell it, his stimulus did its job---all you have to do is look at the unemployment numbers & the number of people that stopped looking for work, the homes that are still being lost (obama was just talking about congress re-doing something to keep people in their homes), 'green' company's are still losing our money, teacher's are still being laid off &, food stamps/public welfare lines are getting longer. so, maybe's it me but, i fail to see what worked. plus, i might add, banks still aren't loaning out money.

speaking of banks, morgan chase just lost 2 billion dollars & boa (bank of america) is about to layoff a lot of people as are others within the banking industry.

it almost been 4 years on obamas watch & he honestly has extremely little to show for it. he is so quick to talk about everything & anything but the state of the economy. so, it's no wonder all we're hearing about at present is his decision to support same sex marriages. &, is it any wonder that the gay community & their supporters are jumping for joy? well, here we have a huge problem that will expose obama for what he really is---a fake. he supports the same sex marriages while at the same time saying it's up to the individual states....obama has been interfering with individual states from the beginning & 'forcing' federal authority on them whenever they went against his agenda. he's even been suing them to conform to his why, wouldn't someone that's for same sex marriages balk at trying to make it a national right? he supports same sex benefits at the top level but not same sex marriages:::::something's very wrong here...&, america, you know i'm right, after all, this is the same person that abolished 'don't ask-don't tell' so, why not make same sex marriages allowable in all of the united states????????

before you hand obama the peace prize realize he's just using you & this gay platform for the vote....& then you have this.........

hmmm, ever wonder who's in control of the military??????????


hello america!!! what if i told you that in 2001, pres bush started petitioning congress for stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac? what if i told you his efforts were rebuffed 21 different times & congress finally acted in july 2008? what if i told you that rep barney frank (who at the time was having a same sex relationship with someone (herb moses), helped him get an exec job at fannie mae? what if i told you that sen harry reid, barney frank & sen chris dodd were the main obstacles (along with the rest of congress) ignoring pres bush's petitions? would you believe me or do i have to prove it? ah, what the hay, here....   good people, what's really sad about all this is, so many of you jumped on that 'bash pres bush' band wagon &, in truth, if his warnings had of been addressed, we probably wouldn't be in the predicament we are now in.

this is a fact:::sub prime loans, shady banking practices &, extremely weak regulatory measures caused our economic collapse &, guess who forced those banks to make those sub prime loans? that's right, the federal gov't under pres clinton using CRA, acorn &, guess who trained the acorn troops &, represented them in court forcing those banks to make those sub prime loans using CRA? no, this is not a trick question....the answer is, obama. yeah, i know prove it.....okay see here.......    

in case you got lost in the sauce, this is the very same obama that denigrated pres bush & blames him for all of our problems. in truth, obama lies about our collapse being the fault of pres bush...the collapse occurred in spite of pres bush's warnings. however, in being fair, the collapse did happen on his watch so, he has to get the credit for it. that being said, obama must be given credit for what has occurred under his watch...&, the following is just a 2 billion dollar hint of what is to come......

america, regardless of who you support in the upcoming elections, you should demand that the media present the facts & not the cover-ups or the spin. they should not be the ones that shape your opinion. if they are allowed to continue as they now are, you will only get one side of the story & the other side of it gets buried or forgotten----yeah, i know, i'm just running my mouth::::well, glad you feel that way so, let me run it just a little more.

who can forget wisconsin & the media coverage of the unionized state workers in the rotunda & the 14 dems fleeing the state all because gov walker & the repubs wanted (& did) overhaul the union contracts???
you with me so far? well, where's the media on what's going on in illinios where the dems want to do the very same thing? want more? the ny times all but lynched gov walker because of what he did to the unions...
however, they are having the very same problems with their own unionized labor &, they want the unions to work an additional 5 hours more...where's the media on this story? also, i know you've heard about the auto bailouts & recently, obama was on tv telling you how great he was in bailing them out & how successful they, the city &, the state have become because of his, why is it so hard to find the coverage on the gm unions getting ready to go on strike?

good people, you don't have to believe me, just google the story's & see for yourself...then, when you have both sides of the story, you can make a better decision on who to vote for for..........