Friday, July 11, 2014


hello america!!! why is it that the media (& others) always refers to pres bush when arguing a point made against obama??? isn't this the new era of an 'open & honest gov't'; the era of the 'most transparent gov't ever'; the era of 'hope & change'; the era of 'changing how business is conducted in washington'; the era of 'putting americans back to work'; the era of 'strengthening middle-class america'; the era of 'allowing more americans to keep their homes'; the era of 'greening america'; the era of 'getting rid of the fed agencies & programs that don't work & strengthening the ones that do'; the era of 'cutting our national debt in half'; the era of 'keeping america safe'; the era of 'reaching across the isle'; the era of 'not hiring lobbyists'; the era of 'making america a party of one'; the era of 'taking better care of our vets'; the era of 'making america energy independent'; the era of 'sitting down with our enemies'...look, i could go on forever!!! all of the above came out of obamas own mouth---there was no problem with him reading the teleprompter while promising you the moon &, there should be no problem with your holding him responsible for what he's failed to deliver on...

good people, you allowed yourselves (collectively as a country) to be lied to, cuddled, pampered, divided, conflicted, stone-walled, abused, threatened, misguided, distracted &, ram-rodded by obama & company &, what's even worse is:::they show no signs of letting up.......