Monday, January 15, 2018


hello america!!! daca (deferred action for childhood arrivals) is a program that obama said he didn't have the power or authority to do & then established it anyhow in june 2012---in other words, he decided to use his position to 'make law' & trump rescinded it sept 2017 with a 6 month delay so as to give congress the time to come up with a bill that would protect those already under daca...the following link is from the us citizenship & immigration services

seemingly, trump & all of our elected politicians are in favor of a 'daca bill', however, the dems want a straight bill on daca while trump & company want it to include funding for the southern border wall; a stop to chain-migration; a stop to the immigration lottery system &, more money for border agents & equipment---this is an update from the above agency

here's one of the problems---there are about 800,000 people 'covered' by daca plus, there are an estimated 11 million plus people living here illegally (nobody actually knows the real numbers because it's not like these people walk around with signs on their heads identifying them as being here illegally) &, sooner or later, we'll have to address it all...

this is so you know where all of those people come from click here

there is no easy fix, however, the issue is extremely political &, regardless of how the dems talk, they just won't do anything in the positive for donald trump...