Thursday, July 26, 2012


hello america!!! woke up to foxnews {fox & friends} playing a video of obama {feb 9, 2012} putting the blame of the housing markets collapse on the lender's, bank's, etc...i don't remember who spoke for or against what obama had said but, it stirred me to do some research...however, before i get into that, here's the link for the obamas speech &, you can read it all but, i'd like to draw your attention to the 8th paragraph.

once again, i'm glad i didn't attend harvard or columbia because they must not have taught 'american history'---or, obama flunked it. also, he can't remember anything from his pre-election life. so now, let's just deal with the facts::::::::::::::::
#1.....obama  {& others} sued citibank {& others} to 'force' it/them to make sub prime loans.......
#2.....obama trained the 'acorn troops' to demonstrate in front of banks, pressuring them to make sub-prime loans.......
the above was done using CRA (community reinvestment act):::please google it & look at what info wikipedia has on it.........
#3.....pres clinton 'loosened' the reigns on CRA & 'forced' banks that wanted to become 'bigger' to make sub-prime it & look for wikipedia's REGULATORY CHANGES 1995 & LEGISLATIVE CHANGES 1999
#4.....pres bush {starting in 2001} warned congress of what was going to happen & wanted stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac... 
#5.....dems & repubs fought against pres bush every step of the way until it was too late---this has an old video in the link that you really need to see...

the media outlets allow obama to get away with his claims that it's everybody's fault but his...&, america is lulled into this belief that obama is 'good' for this country. i guess if i throw rocks at your windows & break them, using obamalogic, it would not be my fault:::i could blame it on the force of the wind; nobody 'policed' the rocks up; you should have built your house on the other side of the street; &, if you had of made your windows out of bricks, i would not have been able to break them so, it's not my fault. beside, you made them with cheap glass.....

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