Monday, August 13, 2012


hello america!!! i blogged about this when it first hit the airways & it seems to be as true as anything else out there...

while the media claims papa john's is the first to go public about the costs, you just have to believe that other business's have already applied the extra costs & passed it on to you & me---they just didn't publicize it.

with mcdonald's admitting what it may costs them, is there any doubt that the dollar menu is doomed. well, don't get upset yet, there's burger king, kfc, churches, popeye's, pizza hut &, domino's just to name a few. assuming that they all opt in for obamacare, the extra costs will be passed on to us. these big company's may be able to juggle their prices so as not to feel the hit however, there are smaller company's that are going to be forced out of the business.

so yes, obamacare will cost you more no matter how you slice it & hey, the good news is, i only mentioned the above food company's----what happens when you add in all the other company's & services that pass the cost on to us?

you may like obamacare but, it's going to cost you more then ever came out in any of the debates. &, no matter what people tell some of you, you just don't believe it will have an effect on you personally &, you are so wrong. for a prime example, let me ask you diehard obamacare believers this:::what happens when the costs of gasoline go up? this is what happens; we feel it at the pump when we fill up & then, when we go to our grocery stores, we feel it again. & yes, we complain because what was $1.99 last week is now closer to $3.00 &, we know this, the prices seem to go up overnight & it takes forever for them to come down. take it from 'knowitall', healthcare costs are going up---have been for some time---&, once obamacare is fully implemented, you're going to pay that cost & all the other extra costs related to it.

yeah, i know, i'm just piling 'crap' on obama that he doesn't deserve...well, when your utility company's have to pay that extra cost, do you really think they are going to swallow it? & that extends to your cable company's, phone company's & the list is endless. company's are in business to make money &, when the gov't takes more from them (for any reason) they take more from us. do you mean to even try & tell me that the yellow cab company in ny will keep it's fares at their current level when the gov't requires them to pay more?

as it stands right now, company's with 50 or more employees will have to pay more, so be prepared to pay more for everything...that said, i'm just so glad none of the above will affect the middle class or those less unfortunate because obama wouldn't put something into law that will cost you more....& besides, you're doing  "just fine". &, i just can't wait to see how much the walmarts & kmarts pass on to us.

hey, what do i know/ i know this, obamacare is scheduled to be fully implement by 2014...did you ever ask yourself, why did they have to wait that long? because the rising costs would have made you very negative going into novembers elections &, if obama is re-elected, he will not have to face the voters again & when the extra costs hit your wallet, you'll have to wait until 2016 to do something about it...

anyway you slice it, obama lied when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class. when the costs go up, the taxes on the goods & services go up...but, what do i know? i know that most of us are trying to hold on to every penny we can. middle class & those less fortunate drive all of the above company's & without us, kfc, walmart, etc would fall overnight...

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