Monday, August 13, 2012


hello america!!! remember the 'arab spring' & obamas support of it? then you can remember being told that what has happened wouldn't happen in egypt. can you remember obama being warned that the islamist would take over control? can you remember obama supporting 'regime change'? can you remember obama wanting pres hosni mubarak out? did you even know that the muslim brotherhood promised not to run for office? did you also not know that our people in charge allowed the brotherhood into the whitehouse & believed what they said?

sec of state, hilary clinton said everything was okay as long as the brotherhood respected the rights of it people & the rights of women---i'll never know why they separated those two---

anyway, i said all that to say appears that the brotherhood has decided to 'stretch' their muscles & are reverting to true form---see here---

how many people have to tell you that you're making a mistake before you believe them? well, obama & company have made a very big mistake with egypt as they have with their 'arab policy's' however, no matter what, they won't apologize for it.

here's a pop quiz for you: is the world safer now that the muslim brotherhood is in control of egypt? thank you obama, do you have any more 'goodies' for us??????????

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