Wednesday, April 18, 2012


hello america!!! you hear obama talking about everything but this::::::::::::::::::::

this effects everybody i know. &, you have to be very stupid if you didn't or don't know that obama wanted to do away with bush tax cuts long before this.

so, i ask you now, what's more important to you...obama getting the 'fat cats' to pay more (which won't effect you one iota), or your own taxes increasing (which will directly effect your wallet)?

that being said, if it wasn't for the repubs & the teaparty, obama would have had his way in letting the bush tax cuts expire two years ago. he & the dems want more of your money so they can spend more. it's just that simple.

yes, i 'bash' obama all the time &, the reason i do so is to try & open the eyes of those that think he is one lily pad short of walking on water.

for those of color i say this:::the only difference between obama & the other presidents is the color of his skin. he "PROMISED" you change but, nothing has changed. in defense of him, the first thing out of his supporters mouth's is, 'well, the presidents before him did it'. what has obama 'changed'?

i'll tell you what he's 'changed' but you won't like it if you are an obamaholic. he's changed how the media reports the 'absolute truth' about him & his 'wreck america' policy's; he's changed how we view violence & deaths in our own country---this 'so-called man' would rather talk about the violence in syria then talk about the violence right here. american violence is on the uprise & obama hasn't addressed this issue at all. americans living south of the national poverty line have not heard ONE encouraging word from obama. yes, he talks a 'good' game but delivers extremely little &, YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT HE HAD TWO YEARS WITH THE DEMS CONTROLLING BOTH THE SENATE & THE HOUSE, SO, HE HAS NO EXCUSES FOR NOT 'GETTING IT DONE'....OH, THAT'S RIGHT, HIS OWN CAMP TOTALLY VOTED AGAINST HIS BUDGETS...& OTHER BILLS THEY WOULD BRING UP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

now, you don't have to believe me but, when have you heard obama talk about the plight of those living on or under the national poverty level? i'm waiting!!! you may support him but, let's be honest, he's not for you or me...he's for those that have union jobs &, the middle class, & yet, he says he is not trying to 'divide'  america. he's already done that & will continue to do so---he's all about being re-elected & the hell with everything else.

obama lies to you; he deliberately deceives you &, he uses 'fear tactics' to try & control you. he great at pitting one against another, causing division...regardless how you slice it, he's not good for this country...& yeah, i know you want to give me hell for my comments & that's okay but, in my own defense, allow me to ask you this:::just what in the hell has obama done for you??? &, please be positive.......

we have a dem controlled senate & a repub controlled house with a dem controlling the executive, before you color me stupid, please ask yourselves, which party has fought not to raise taxes on anybody & which party is fighting to raise them>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?

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