Saturday, June 20, 2020


hello america!!! as the days go by, i see less & less media coverage on george floyd & what happened to him &, i see more & more coverage on the ineffective token symbolism that the dem party offers the black people...

one case in point---dem speaker of the house (nancy pelosi) has been in politics since 2/1981 & has just decided to remove paintings that have a pro-confederacy reference (that have been hanging in the capitol for eons)---yes, that should make black people stand up & feel liberated---good, bad, or ugly, the paintings reflect a part of our history...

we also have businesses removing certain images that 'reflect' slavery---good people, who in the hell ever purchased a box of aunt jemima's pancake mix thinking it represented slavery??? or, uncle ben's rice??? etc....

just maybe---you should look up the actual history of aunt jemima & who she really was before you fall into that 'the dems care for us trap'---her name is NANCY GREEN...

look, the george floyd protests & rioting have morphed into something none of us saw coming (well, i did &, i tried to warn you)---the cause was 'hi-jacked' by other groups with entirely different messages & that's where we stand today---

yes, there's a 'police reform' bill in the repub senate & there's one in the dem house &, unfortunately, many communities have decided not to 'fund' their police---without seeing the final version of both bills, i'm here to tell you that neither will address the problem head-on---i'm also here to tell you that the dem bill will allocate money to various industries that have nothing to do with any of our concerns...

america, what's occurring across our country is occurring by design---when 'peaceful protests' are allowed to become violent & the police are 'unwilling bystanders' that should tell you that the order to 'stand down' came from the top---there's not a police force in america that can be over-run if the polce decide not to let that happen---the same is true of the looting, violence & burning...

before you respond, ask yourselves this---what would happen if violent protesters were approaching nancy pelosi's fortress hell-bent on destruction---i'm 100% certain that many lives would be lost in the confrontation, however, the protesters would not gain entrance---PERIOD!!! the police response would be overwhelming &, we all know that...

the above follows the same 'mind-set' of the rich & famous in hollywood---we support you but just don't bring that bs to our neighborhoods---we have our own 'armed police' plus the regular police...

good people, there were outside groups just chomping at the bits waiting for what happened to george floyd to happen & hey, look at how extremely quick they were to organize & respond---pallets of bricks strategically placed (over night), hammers & molotov cock-tails & batans just magically appearing??? paying protesters to block key intersections &, professional crowd agitation---HMMM???

what's been allowed to happen comes out of the dem playbook---it instills fear & then, they come out of the woodwork to tell you how they're the only party in america that can 'save' you &, unfortunately, you continue to swallow that bs...

wake up america!!! the dem party doesn't give one s##t about the black people withing our country (until election time) but, they'll agitate you enough into believing that they do---so, rather than argue with me, just honestly answer the following...

1...which community or city has ever been designated a 'sanctuary city' for black people???
2...which community or city has a program to issue free valid 'divers licenses' to black people???
3...which community or city has instituted programs to keep black people from being arrested on warrants???
4...which community or city has programs to help black people with housing & healthcare in addition to welfare & hud???
5...which community or city has instituted programs to keep black people from being incarcerated for minor crimes???
6...which community or city has instituted policies that enable black parents to enroll their black children in a school of their choice???
7...which community or city has ever enacted policies that black people be trained for a job by the very same people they would be replacing???
8...which community or city has ever successfully defeated black/white racism???
9...which political party has a history for fighting for the rights & freedoms of the black people???

& yes, the list is far from complete &, please feel free to add to it in the comments sections...

while america has many, many problems, racism is not at top of that list---far too many of our problems are exacerbated by our loving media & those that copy & paste their headlines without actually looking any further---& hey, those that reported on the george floyd homicide reuse to give you the actual facts of 'unarmed' blacks killed by the police to those of 'unarmed' whites killed by the police---i wonder why that is &, more importantly, i wonder why you don't question that...

i leave you with the following because all was well until it happened to her---READ HERE...

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