Friday, November 16, 2012


hello america!!! it's amazing that what obama & company told you about obamacare is exactly the opposite of reality but, hey, who am i to say i told you so. when the repubs said obamacare would stifle job growth, you laughed. when they told you, you wouldn't be able to keep your same coverage, you laughed. well good people, it's no longer a laughing matter because people are getting their full time hours cut to 30 hours or less per week &, are losing their healthcare coverage. less hours worked=less revenue the gov't can collect. those people that lose their present company healthcare coverage will be required to obtain their own gov't approved coverage or try to qualify for obamacare.

now, you might argue that company's are greedy however, when you point that finger, look in the mirror. one starts a company to make money. PERIOD! what's so wrong with that? most of you have jobs to either stay afloat or to get ahead. when the costs of goods, services & gasoline go up, the gov't continues to take their share from you; all of your bills still have to be paid & hey, two options you don't have are: layoff some of your family or print more money. you have to cut back. just imagine things as they now are & the gov't comes out with this 'milage tax' that they've been talking about. you're either going to pay the difference or drive less, whereas, companies have the ability to raise their prices or cut employees hours to pay the difference.

you wanted obamacare & now, we will have to suffer through it together. yes, there are some good things in it however, it's not doing what it was designed to do. healthcare costs have steadily been going up. company's are very reluctant to hire more people because nobody (&, i mean nobody) knows what the full effects of obamacare will have on them. they do know they'll have to pay more money & for them, it's easier & cheaper to cut your hours & just drop your coverage...

&, just so you'll know that there are others that think as i do, please read this...

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