i hope you didn't miss this but, i think the debate hinges on this remark from joe biden...
If they would get out of the way and let us pass the tax cut for the middle class and make it permanent. If they would get out of the way and pass the jobs bill. If they would get out of the way and let us allow 14 million people who are struggling to stay in their homes because their mortgages are upside down but they never missed a mortgage payment.”
Biden added: “Just get out of the way. Stop talking about how you care about people. Show me something. Show me a policy. Show me a policy where you take responsibility.”
now, i cannot speak for you but, if you want to know what's wrong with washington & the gridlock there, just analyze biden's statement. he's the vp & he's not even calling for the repubs to meet him 1/2 way---he's calling for them to get out of the way & let obama & company do as they wish to. SO MUCH FOR 'REACHING ACROSS THE ISLE'...
obama has been saying he would tax incomes $200,000 & up:::biden said millionaires only. does anyone out there have any idea just how many 3, 4, 5, people business's earn $200,000 or more per year? does anyone out there have any idea what this tax would do to them & their business's? biden didn't tell you that there are at least 30 house of rep passed jobs related bills just sitting at the senate & have been for some time. he had the perfect opportunity to call out senate majority leader, harry reid, to act on them. &, i guess biden doesn't know that if those '14 million people' had jobs or better jobs, they wouldn't be so worried about their mortgages & yes, we're still losing jobs regardless of what the labor department reports. &, even though biden said they've created 5.1 million jobs, one has to really look at at where they start counting from: they don't start counting from obamas 1st day in office & that's just plain wrong. there's 3 months left under obama & they count job creation from the last 30 months or so only...something's wrong here.
both candidates were strong at times & weak at others. i would have liked to have heard more specifics from ryan on their 5 point plan however, he did say they would lay the framework & work with congress & who can argue with that? if we're going to hold that against them, obama stimulus & obamacare went the same route. hell, obama is on record for saying he wouldn't sign anything without universal healthcare in it. you see what he got...
more then anything, we need leaders that are willing to actually work with the other party. what we now have in washington is a 'my way or the highway' & you see where it's not getting us. &, obamas on record for saying he wants to a hire another 100,00 teachers, invest in 'green' technology & 'green' jobs---basically, 4 more years of the same &, you can't but see where the 1st 4 years have gotten us.
obama, biden & company have said that gov romney lied about th numbers he put out there in the 1st debate, &, guess what, those numbers are still true today. we are not better off today then we were 4 years ago & the very sad part of this is, obama & company know it.
&, i didn't even pounce on what happened in benghazi so, i say the debate was a push unless you actually hold bidens physical antics against him...
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