hello america!!! i've found 3 articles that i really find bothersome & hope that obama & company will (just for once) be honest with us & tell us the truth & not the 'spin'...however, it's an election year &, if it's going to 'play' negative towards obama, we'll have to rely on those in the media that are not pro-obama-biased to provide us with the 'news'...
obama, if this is true (&, i honestly believe it is), you should be fired on the spot! i can only imagine that the requests were turned down so as not to make it a bigger issue then it was because obama has told us bin laden is dead & al qaeda is on the run...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/
from that to this: you know, that issue obama has all of those plans for & has yet to produce even one of them & yet, everybody's elses plans are no good...what obama won't tell you is that when these people do start collecting, they very seldom will return to the workforce & hey, since he doesn't have a plan to fix any of the problems, how are we going to continue to pay these people & at what cost? i am a realist & 2018 is right around the corner. when the money dries up, we will have to borrow more money against our future &, the sad part of all of this is, less people working=less revenue being collected. obama has had 4 years to address this issue & here we are...http://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/2012/10/26/record-us-disability-payouts/?test=latestnews
with all of the past problems obama has had with our money, this does not surprise me. for somebody to blame it on china is wrong. if you're getting a defective product from china, don't you cancel your orders?
i'll sum it up to say, the media gives obama a pass for his failures exactly like they do when joe biden has his gaffe moments saying, it's just joe...like that should make it all better.
this site will primarily consist of my political writings on what i see, hear, know &, research &, it will be predominantly about the negativety within our government, as i see it, regardless of who it may be about. above all else, it will be the truth as best i can present it.
Friday, October 26, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ according to obama, he has a plan to put america back to work if he's re-elected...you know, use the money from the savings when the wars totally end to restart infrastructure jobs & hire more teachers. what a novel idea! you should vote 3 times for this man that is calling you stupid if you believe that. good people, we 'borrow' the money to pay for the wars & when the wars stop, the borrowing stops. on the other hand, obama may be saying he's going to do another 'stimulus' & that seems more like it because he said he wants to 'help out other manufacturing business's'.
obamas been in office for 4 years & his stimulus did not work. his plans for another 4 years are more of the same. he has no new ideas to bring to the table & castigates anybody that does bring forth a plan. hell, he won't even listen to his own self-appointed jobs council &, he blew off the debt commission.
our economy cannot afford 4 more years of the same &, obama said, 'you can't fix washington from the inside' &, if he had of done the work that we actually needed during his 1st 2 years, the dems would still be in power & this election would have already been over. in truth, obama has failed us & he knows it.
washington is broke & we need somebody in there that can fix it &, obama is not the one.....
obamas been in office for 4 years & his stimulus did not work. his plans for another 4 years are more of the same. he has no new ideas to bring to the table & castigates anybody that does bring forth a plan. hell, he won't even listen to his own self-appointed jobs council &, he blew off the debt commission.
our economy cannot afford 4 more years of the same &, obama said, 'you can't fix washington from the inside' &, if he had of done the work that we actually needed during his 1st 2 years, the dems would still be in power & this election would have already been over. in truth, obama has failed us & he knows it.
washington is broke & we need somebody in there that can fix it &, obama is not the one.....
hello america!!! obama is quick to use the word 'truth' but, is extremely hesitant to practice what he preaches. honesty is not in obamas DNA. he's rather tell a lie then the truth...&, if you follow me, i'll show you the pure, un-spun truth...
this is was 2 days ago...http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20121024/NEWS09/121024003/After-editor-s-blog-President-Obama-releases-transcript-Register-interview
number 1...the auto bailout was not as successful as obama would have you believe. they should have been allowed to file for bankruptcy just as the ford motor company did. so, they took our money & this is where we stand...http://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller/2012/08/29/automakers-report-card-who-still-owes-taxpayers-money-the-answer-might-surprise-you/2/ another thing obama doesn't tell you is gm is still making risky, sub-prime loans to sell its cars & for the obama-hype about the chevy volt, it's a 'dud'. by the way, it also comes with a warning that using anything but premium gasoline may hurt the engine. &, why has it taken 4 years for obama to now want to try & bring business's back to our shores?
number 2...hiring more teachers is not the answer. the communities & school environments have to be cleaned up---drugs, sex, gangs & violence have breached the walls of all of our schools. teacher tenure has to go & only the best teachers need to be retained or hired. if the students flunk, the teacher flunks....costs of higher education is ever increasing regardless of what obama says &, they will continue to do. college is a business for those that run them.
number 3...obama has had 4 years to allow his actions to speak for themselves. he does not support a 'all of the above' approach to our energy needs. he's invested too much of our money in 'failed' energy company's & to continue to do more of the same borders on stupidity. we are producing more however, that's on private lands, not the lands & waters obama has control of.
number 4...when obama talks about cutting the deficit, you have to laugh because he's done everything but that. he likes spending money he doesn't have to account for. he had a 'debt commission' & he blew their suggestions off. he can't even get his own party to agree with him when it comes to a budget. when he talks about 'tax fairness' he just wants those making $200,000 or more to pay a higher tax rate which will not even dent our deficit. on the same hand, he doesn't even mention that we have professional sports leagues that pay no federal taxes...i.e; the NFL, which made $9 billion last year is tax exempt, as are others. another thing is, obama is always talking about closing 'loopholes' & yet, he continues to create them. i.e; the $7,500 tax credit for the chevy volt, etc...
good people, do not be fooled. when the wars are ended, there will be no pile of money to use for infrastructure fixing or building---this is a blatant lie. we are borrowing the money for the wars & when they end, the borrowing ends. obama knows this but, it sounds so good to say it. just like what he says about creating jobs & our economic growth...obama only counts jobs growth from the last 30 months claiming he's created 5 million plus however, what he doesn't tell you is, he's been in office for 45 months & we lost 4 million jobs over that time-span which means, in 4 longs years, he's really only created 175,000-300,000 jobs. & yes, our economy suffers because of it.
&, just so you know, obama blames the repubs for the failure of his 'Dream Act' to pass through the senate. he lies about this because the bill needed 60 yes votes; recieved only 55; &, 5 dems voted against it. if you listen to obama, your math skills are probably like his<><>55+5=60 but, we won't say anything about those 5 dem 'no' votes & blame it on the repubs....
just had to add this...http://money.cnn.com/2012/10/24/pf/college/college-tuition/index.html?iid=HP_LN
this is was 2 days ago...http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20121024/NEWS09/121024003/After-editor-s-blog-President-Obama-releases-transcript-Register-interview
number 1...the auto bailout was not as successful as obama would have you believe. they should have been allowed to file for bankruptcy just as the ford motor company did. so, they took our money & this is where we stand...http://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller/2012/08/29/automakers-report-card-who-still-owes-taxpayers-money-the-answer-might-surprise-you/2/ another thing obama doesn't tell you is gm is still making risky, sub-prime loans to sell its cars & for the obama-hype about the chevy volt, it's a 'dud'. by the way, it also comes with a warning that using anything but premium gasoline may hurt the engine. &, why has it taken 4 years for obama to now want to try & bring business's back to our shores?
number 2...hiring more teachers is not the answer. the communities & school environments have to be cleaned up---drugs, sex, gangs & violence have breached the walls of all of our schools. teacher tenure has to go & only the best teachers need to be retained or hired. if the students flunk, the teacher flunks....costs of higher education is ever increasing regardless of what obama says &, they will continue to do. college is a business for those that run them.
number 3...obama has had 4 years to allow his actions to speak for themselves. he does not support a 'all of the above' approach to our energy needs. he's invested too much of our money in 'failed' energy company's & to continue to do more of the same borders on stupidity. we are producing more however, that's on private lands, not the lands & waters obama has control of.
number 4...when obama talks about cutting the deficit, you have to laugh because he's done everything but that. he likes spending money he doesn't have to account for. he had a 'debt commission' & he blew their suggestions off. he can't even get his own party to agree with him when it comes to a budget. when he talks about 'tax fairness' he just wants those making $200,000 or more to pay a higher tax rate which will not even dent our deficit. on the same hand, he doesn't even mention that we have professional sports leagues that pay no federal taxes...i.e; the NFL, which made $9 billion last year is tax exempt, as are others. another thing is, obama is always talking about closing 'loopholes' & yet, he continues to create them. i.e; the $7,500 tax credit for the chevy volt, etc...
good people, do not be fooled. when the wars are ended, there will be no pile of money to use for infrastructure fixing or building---this is a blatant lie. we are borrowing the money for the wars & when they end, the borrowing ends. obama knows this but, it sounds so good to say it. just like what he says about creating jobs & our economic growth...obama only counts jobs growth from the last 30 months claiming he's created 5 million plus however, what he doesn't tell you is, he's been in office for 45 months & we lost 4 million jobs over that time-span which means, in 4 longs years, he's really only created 175,000-300,000 jobs. & yes, our economy suffers because of it.
&, just so you know, obama blames the repubs for the failure of his 'Dream Act' to pass through the senate. he lies about this because the bill needed 60 yes votes; recieved only 55; &, 5 dems voted against it. if you listen to obama, your math skills are probably like his<><>55+5=60 but, we won't say anything about those 5 dem 'no' votes & blame it on the repubs....
just had to add this...http://money.cnn.com/2012/10/24/pf/college/college-tuition/index.html?iid=HP_LN
Thursday, October 25, 2012
hello america!!! obama recently said he has a plan to put americans back to work if he's re-elected however, i would not get my hopes up because it's the same plan he unleashed on us during the past 4 years...&, it didn't work then & it won't work for our future....
obama is all over the country saying he's created 5 million plus jobs over the past 30 months & yet, he's been in office for 45 months...&, the media doesn't challenge him on his numbers however, i will & do. obamas jobs numbers began when he was first sworn in &, in the 45 months he's been in office, 4 million plus jobs have been lost which gives obama a net gain of only 175,000-350,000 new jobs created......those are the facts &, i don't care who spins them. the jobs number for his 4 years is pathetic...
speaking of jobs...http://my.news.yahoo.com/us-weekly-jobless-claims-head-130620830.html
we continue to lose 350,000 plus jobs a week with no slow-down in sight. last weeks jobless claims was upgraded from 388,000 to 392,000 new jobless claims. good people, wake the hell up. we're losing one million plus jobs a month & there's nothing in obamas plan to even slow those numbers down.
he's had 4 years & this is as far as we've gotten. in 2008, he didn't tell you he would need 2 terms to get our country right. in 2008, he didn't tell you he would fix our jobs problems after his 1st 4 years were over. in 2008, he didn't tell you he would decide what to take credit for & what to ignore in his 1st 15 months.
if you look at this video, you'll see why obama should not be re-elected...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEuDqBFuFK4
just so you'll know, the Dream Act needed 60 senate votes---it received only 55 yes votes because 5 dems voted against it............
obama is all over the country saying he's created 5 million plus jobs over the past 30 months & yet, he's been in office for 45 months...&, the media doesn't challenge him on his numbers however, i will & do. obamas jobs numbers began when he was first sworn in &, in the 45 months he's been in office, 4 million plus jobs have been lost which gives obama a net gain of only 175,000-350,000 new jobs created......those are the facts &, i don't care who spins them. the jobs number for his 4 years is pathetic...
speaking of jobs...http://my.news.yahoo.com/us-weekly-jobless-claims-head-130620830.html
we continue to lose 350,000 plus jobs a week with no slow-down in sight. last weeks jobless claims was upgraded from 388,000 to 392,000 new jobless claims. good people, wake the hell up. we're losing one million plus jobs a month & there's nothing in obamas plan to even slow those numbers down.
he's had 4 years & this is as far as we've gotten. in 2008, he didn't tell you he would need 2 terms to get our country right. in 2008, he didn't tell you he would fix our jobs problems after his 1st 4 years were over. in 2008, he didn't tell you he would decide what to take credit for & what to ignore in his 1st 15 months.
if you look at this video, you'll see why obama should not be re-elected...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEuDqBFuFK4
just so you'll know, the Dream Act needed 60 senate votes---it received only 55 yes votes because 5 dems voted against it............
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/
well, well, well...the truth seeps out...
obama painted gov romney as the one that wanted to cut various benefits & the problem with that is, we have a lot of people that believe it. they don't do their own homework & whatever they hear see on tv or are told by others, they believe.
speaking of which, i know a 41 year old female that admits that obama has done nothing for us for the past 4 years & yet, she's going to vote for him anyway---go figure. she honestly doesn't have a single clue as to what's happening to our country &, if obama is re-elected, she'll find out much too late...some people are destined to remain ignorant.
well, well, well...the truth seeps out...
obama painted gov romney as the one that wanted to cut various benefits & the problem with that is, we have a lot of people that believe it. they don't do their own homework & whatever they hear see on tv or are told by others, they believe.
speaking of which, i know a 41 year old female that admits that obama has done nothing for us for the past 4 years & yet, she's going to vote for him anyway---go figure. she honestly doesn't have a single clue as to what's happening to our country &, if obama is re-elected, she'll find out much too late...some people are destined to remain ignorant.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ in the face of the continued onslaught on jobs losses, is it any wonder that obama can't make a compelling argument for 4 more years? jobs drive our economy &, when we couple more expenditures with less revenue, we need a change of plans. we need somebody that can get our jobs market out of the gutter &, another 4 years under obama won't do it.
one would think that, since these past 4 years have achieved so very little, obama would try to offer us a different approach to 'save' us. that would be incorrect thinking because all obama wants to do is, 4 more years of the same. how many times can you go to the same junk-yard, sit in the same engineless less car &, expect it to start?
now you can call me whatever you wish however, when you're done with the name-calling, reality will still be there to smack you in the face. what & who is better in american society now compared to 4 years ago? with grocery, gasoline healthcare & services prices steadily rising, combined with the loss of jobs & continued fed gov't spending, we are nowhere near where we should be &, another 4 years of the same will not advance our growth or hopes......
one would think that, since these past 4 years have achieved so very little, obama would try to offer us a different approach to 'save' us. that would be incorrect thinking because all obama wants to do is, 4 more years of the same. how many times can you go to the same junk-yard, sit in the same engineless less car &, expect it to start?
now you can call me whatever you wish however, when you're done with the name-calling, reality will still be there to smack you in the face. what & who is better in american society now compared to 4 years ago? with grocery, gasoline healthcare & services prices steadily rising, combined with the loss of jobs & continued fed gov't spending, we are nowhere near where we should be &, another 4 years of the same will not advance our growth or hopes......
Saturday, October 20, 2012
hello america!!! i guess that if you're in the habit of lying, you just can't help yourself. obama says one thing & then someone comes along & proves him wrong as is in this example... http://cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-we-got-back-every-dime-bailout-cbo-bailout-will-lose-24-billion
&, the money from the auto bailouts & green technology company's isn't even mentioned. so much for honesty from the one person that should be going out of his way to tell the american people the absolute truth, no matter what. but, we're talking about obama here. speaking of which, he told us that al qaeda was on the run but, here is an up-to-date report on that...http://news.yahoo.com/al-qaida-afghanistan-attempting-comeback-144002075.html
this is not something he wants the world country to see &, he doesn't have the manliness to admit that while we may have weakened our enemy, they are far from being finished &, i have no doubt that between here & our departing afghanistan in 2014, we're going to be hearing & seeing a lot more from them...
&, the money from the auto bailouts & green technology company's isn't even mentioned. so much for honesty from the one person that should be going out of his way to tell the american people the absolute truth, no matter what. but, we're talking about obama here. speaking of which, he told us that al qaeda was on the run but, here is an up-to-date report on that...http://news.yahoo.com/al-qaida-afghanistan-attempting-comeback-144002075.html
this is not something he wants the world country to see &, he doesn't have the manliness to admit that while we may have weakened our enemy, they are far from being finished &, i have no doubt that between here & our departing afghanistan in 2014, we're going to be hearing & seeing a lot more from them...
Friday, October 19, 2012
hello america!!! foreign policy? what do i know about it? i form my opinions about it just like the vast majority of the rest of our country. i don't get 'insider' briefings however, i know what i know &, when you once smell a foul odor, you'll always know that smell.
before i begin, on 9/12/2012, obama did address the benghazi incident in the rose garden &, he did use the term, 'acts of terror' but at no time during his speech did he ever put 'benghazi' & 'acts of terror' in the same sentence. one could say he implied that the attack was an 'act of terror' but obama never came out & said it. he was so careful not to 'piss off' others & protect his middle east policy that, he did not actually say, 'the attack on benghazi was an act of terror' on the day after the attack. i defy you to prove me wrong. furthermore, 'acts of terror' is plural & the attack on benghazi is a singular event.
candy crowly was wrong---&, i don't give a damn what cnn says about her; she blew it & she knows it. &, if you'd do your own homework, you'd know it to.
but, let me continue...yeah, foreign policy for the past 4 years..........cuba is still cuba & may allow russia to build a naval base there; iraq & afghanistan have become lost causes &, the violence has escalated so, our efforts to create a regime change & a democracy has become a waste of american lives, time &, money; the reset with russia is not working: they have built up their armed forces & have thwarted us every step of the way with iran & syria; china is still china & has teamed up with russia trade-wise & militarily & they have thwarted us every step of the way with north korea...&, both are still known for 'HUMAN RIGHTS' violations; israel seems to have been thrown under the bus as was canada; haiti is still in dire need of all that help obama promised them; africa is still africa & i don't see where we've done one single thing to stop the warring, famines or massive abuses except talk about them; we've promised brazil billions of dollars for their oil; france & england don't seem as close to us as they once were; mexico & columbia still have their gangs & drugs that find their way inside our borders &, we still have not sealed our mexican border problems; &, we actively supported the 'arab spring' & it has come back to bite us---obama even had the muslim brotherhood in the whitehouse & they left saying they would not seek office & yet, egypt is now ruled by them---pakistan is not our friend &, saudi arabia still violates the human rights of its people; we seem to have more imports then exports; what happened in benghazi was because we relaxed our standards in lieu of making obama look good when he says,'bin laden is dead & al quaeda is on the run'; europe is so fragile that they could fall apart any minute & if they fall, we fall........so, exactly what has our state department & foreign
done over the last 4 years? they can't say they've made us safer if we lost a border agent & the 4 americans that needlessly lost their lives 9/11/2012..............
before i begin, on 9/12/2012, obama did address the benghazi incident in the rose garden &, he did use the term, 'acts of terror' but at no time during his speech did he ever put 'benghazi' & 'acts of terror' in the same sentence. one could say he implied that the attack was an 'act of terror' but obama never came out & said it. he was so careful not to 'piss off' others & protect his middle east policy that, he did not actually say, 'the attack on benghazi was an act of terror' on the day after the attack. i defy you to prove me wrong. furthermore, 'acts of terror' is plural & the attack on benghazi is a singular event.
candy crowly was wrong---&, i don't give a damn what cnn says about her; she blew it & she knows it. &, if you'd do your own homework, you'd know it to.
but, let me continue...yeah, foreign policy for the past 4 years..........cuba is still cuba & may allow russia to build a naval base there; iraq & afghanistan have become lost causes &, the violence has escalated so, our efforts to create a regime change & a democracy has become a waste of american lives, time &, money; the reset with russia is not working: they have built up their armed forces & have thwarted us every step of the way with iran & syria; china is still china & has teamed up with russia trade-wise & militarily & they have thwarted us every step of the way with north korea...&, both are still known for 'HUMAN RIGHTS' violations; israel seems to have been thrown under the bus as was canada; haiti is still in dire need of all that help obama promised them; africa is still africa & i don't see where we've done one single thing to stop the warring, famines or massive abuses except talk about them; we've promised brazil billions of dollars for their oil; france & england don't seem as close to us as they once were; mexico & columbia still have their gangs & drugs that find their way inside our borders &, we still have not sealed our mexican border problems; &, we actively supported the 'arab spring' & it has come back to bite us---obama even had the muslim brotherhood in the whitehouse & they left saying they would not seek office & yet, egypt is now ruled by them---pakistan is not our friend &, saudi arabia still violates the human rights of its people; we seem to have more imports then exports; what happened in benghazi was because we relaxed our standards in lieu of making obama look good when he says,'bin laden is dead & al quaeda is on the run'; europe is so fragile that they could fall apart any minute & if they fall, we fall........so, exactly what has our state department & foreign
done over the last 4 years? they can't say they've made us safer if we lost a border agent & the 4 americans that needlessly lost their lives 9/11/2012..............
Thursday, October 18, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ as i've previously written, the layoffs, closings &, bankruptcy filings seem endless.
speaking of jobs, 388,000 new jobless claims for unemployment benefits were reported today, an increase of 46,000 people. how does obama spin that? is this but another 'bump in the road'? another way of looking at the numbers is: we're losing 1 million plus jobs a month & yet, obama says we're heading in the right direction........how can he even think that when, job loss leads to home & car losses, bills not being paid on time &, stores, services & our gov't (on all levels) depend on them working. but, hey, what is one to expect from obama when he doesn't even include his 1st 15 months of office in the jobs numbers issue?
yes, i'm back at it! gov romney should hang him out to dry because, when obama talks about creating 5 million plus jobs over the past 30 months, the gov should ask him 'was he sworn in 30 months ago or, was he sworn in 45 months ago'? the media just won't touch this & the sad part of this whole thing is, they know. he's been getting a free pass & that's not the same standard they hold pres bush to. if obama is allowed to omit his 1st 15 months in office then pres bush should be allowed to omit his last 15 months in office &, you guys don't want to even hear that.
look, even i know why obama doesn't start counting his 1st 15 month but, he willingly volunteered himself for the job. he won & his counting has to start from day one....with that said, obama can 'tout' 5 plus millions jobs created over 45 months &, he has to include that 4 plus million jobs were lost in that same period...giving him a dismal net gain of 175,000-300,000 jobs created over a 4 year time span & america, that is not good & that's why he short-changes you with the numbers.
since obama brought up that ceo analogy, ask yourself this: could any ceo tell his board of directors that he made them 1 million dollars in his last 6 months & not bother including that they lost $800,000 in his 1st 6 months?
speaking of jobs, 388,000 new jobless claims for unemployment benefits were reported today, an increase of 46,000 people. how does obama spin that? is this but another 'bump in the road'? another way of looking at the numbers is: we're losing 1 million plus jobs a month & yet, obama says we're heading in the right direction........how can he even think that when, job loss leads to home & car losses, bills not being paid on time &, stores, services & our gov't (on all levels) depend on them working. but, hey, what is one to expect from obama when he doesn't even include his 1st 15 months of office in the jobs numbers issue?
yes, i'm back at it! gov romney should hang him out to dry because, when obama talks about creating 5 million plus jobs over the past 30 months, the gov should ask him 'was he sworn in 30 months ago or, was he sworn in 45 months ago'? the media just won't touch this & the sad part of this whole thing is, they know. he's been getting a free pass & that's not the same standard they hold pres bush to. if obama is allowed to omit his 1st 15 months in office then pres bush should be allowed to omit his last 15 months in office &, you guys don't want to even hear that.
look, even i know why obama doesn't start counting his 1st 15 month but, he willingly volunteered himself for the job. he won & his counting has to start from day one....with that said, obama can 'tout' 5 plus millions jobs created over 45 months &, he has to include that 4 plus million jobs were lost in that same period...giving him a dismal net gain of 175,000-300,000 jobs created over a 4 year time span & america, that is not good & that's why he short-changes you with the numbers.
since obama brought up that ceo analogy, ask yourself this: could any ceo tell his board of directors that he made them 1 million dollars in his last 6 months & not bother including that they lost $800,000 in his 1st 6 months?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
hello america!!! just watched the debate & will post my comments on it soon. however, this comes from today's news...http://money.cnn.com/2012/10/16/retirement/social-security-benefits-seniors/index.html?iid=HP_LN
don't you just have love the fact that you may have to live off of your social security, if it's still there & you weren't able to save that 'eggs nest'?
then we have this---another obama lie...http://cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-we-got-back-every-dime-bailout-cbo-bailout-will-lose-24-billion
& guess what, the numbers don't account for what we have lost with the auto bailouts or, for our 'green technology' investments when the companies went bankrupt or sent the money overseas....
don't you just have love the fact that you may have to live off of your social security, if it's still there & you weren't able to save that 'eggs nest'?
then we have this---another obama lie...http://cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-we-got-back-every-dime-bailout-cbo-bailout-will-lose-24-billion
& guess what, the numbers don't account for what we have lost with the auto bailouts or, for our 'green technology' investments when the companies went bankrupt or sent the money overseas....
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ when you click on this link, just look at all the companies that are closing (for whatever reason). &, the layoffs just continue...
well, if we didn't have enough bad news about our 'green technology' investments, the hits keep coming.........
how many more of these companies have we poured money into that are not stable? how much more money are we going to continue to lose because of bad investments? or, is this just another 'BUMP IN THE ROAD'?
obama invested our money in these companies without even asking us. he just did it &, the really bad thing is: he's promising 4 more years of similar investments. what's worse is: he was warned about some of the companies & went on & invested in them anyway...
good people, we don't need to hear the spin about these failures; we need a leader that will stand up & admit their mistakes & take responsibility for them. unfortunately, obama is not that person.........
well, if we didn't have enough bad news about our 'green technology' investments, the hits keep coming.........
how many more of these companies have we poured money into that are not stable? how much more money are we going to continue to lose because of bad investments? or, is this just another 'BUMP IN THE ROAD'?
obama invested our money in these companies without even asking us. he just did it &, the really bad thing is: he's promising 4 more years of similar investments. what's worse is: he was warned about some of the companies & went on & invested in them anyway...
good people, we don't need to hear the spin about these failures; we need a leader that will stand up & admit their mistakes & take responsibility for them. unfortunately, obama is not that person.........
Monday, October 15, 2012
hello america!!! it sickens me that obama & company can lie to us; try to cover up their ineptness; blame the romney/ryan ticket for politicizing the benghazi incident; continue to deny knowledge of prior security requests; denythey had 'real time' knowledge; & now, allow 'plans' for retribution to be leaked...
see here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/15/white-house-wrestles-with-how-where-to-strike-back-if-libya-consulate-attackers/
are we that stupid that we don't know the leak is deliberate? it's supposed to convey the message that obama is strong against our enemies. if he were as strong as he wants us to think, we'd have had more security of our embassy people in the 1st place.
see here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/15/white-house-wrestles-with-how-where-to-strike-back-if-libya-consulate-attackers/
are we that stupid that we don't know the leak is deliberate? it's supposed to convey the message that obama is strong against our enemies. if he were as strong as he wants us to think, we'd have had more security of our embassy people in the 1st place.
hello america!!! i watched the house hearing & listened very intently to the questions & answers; i watched cbs's 'face the nation' & again, i listened very intently to the questions & answers. i've been following this issue ever since the 'arab spring'. i've been listening to obama tell us how 'great' everything was going on in the middle east & i was filled with skepticism then. we supported 'regime changes' without fully knowing who was going to be the 'new' leaders &, when the muslim brotherhood was allowed in the whitehouse & sold us a 'false bill of goods' about running for office, i knew then that we in a 'catch 22'.
now that the facts are coming out, obama is trying to deflect the blame. how can he &, why do you let him? he ran to lead us &, every time something comes up with any negativity to it, he runs the other way. look, he's supposed to be the head of our fed gov't & all of those below him are supposed to report to him & carry out his orders. what happened in libya (while unfortunate & was avoidable) is just another extremely strong statement that we really are 'leaderless'.
the tsa, the justice department, the atf, the state department, the secret service, the intelligence departments &, the department of homeland security all seem to be 'detached' from obama & are running themselves. everyone of them has had revealing scandals that obama has denied knowledge of & then, he blames others for his incompetence.
it's his job, & his alone, to know what is going on with our fed agencies &, more importantly, it's his job to control them &, if they don't follow his lead or directives, he's supposed to fire them. be honest with yourselves & look at it this way: if obama was the ceo of your company & his managers acted on their own without his input &, their actions were negative for the company & he didn't fire them, then you would fire him. how could any ceo report to the stock holders the he doesn't know what his managers are doing?
obama had to know that there had been 230 separate middle east incidents from july 2011-july 2012 & yet, he kept saying how well everything was going over there when in reality, it was just the opposite however, for him to say everything over there wasn't going well would fly in the face of his foreign policy for that region.
obama watched the death of bin laden in real time & yet, he wants you to believe that he only reacted to what the intelligence people told him...what a crock & more so when you know that the state department watched what happened in benghazi in real time.
obama can't just blame the state department or the intelligence agency for what he did or didn't know---HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN &, IF HE WAS TRULY BEING HONEST, HE SHOULD HAVE ALREADY FIRED SOMEBODY...
we deserve true leadership....
now that the facts are coming out, obama is trying to deflect the blame. how can he &, why do you let him? he ran to lead us &, every time something comes up with any negativity to it, he runs the other way. look, he's supposed to be the head of our fed gov't & all of those below him are supposed to report to him & carry out his orders. what happened in libya (while unfortunate & was avoidable) is just another extremely strong statement that we really are 'leaderless'.
the tsa, the justice department, the atf, the state department, the secret service, the intelligence departments &, the department of homeland security all seem to be 'detached' from obama & are running themselves. everyone of them has had revealing scandals that obama has denied knowledge of & then, he blames others for his incompetence.
it's his job, & his alone, to know what is going on with our fed agencies &, more importantly, it's his job to control them &, if they don't follow his lead or directives, he's supposed to fire them. be honest with yourselves & look at it this way: if obama was the ceo of your company & his managers acted on their own without his input &, their actions were negative for the company & he didn't fire them, then you would fire him. how could any ceo report to the stock holders the he doesn't know what his managers are doing?
obama had to know that there had been 230 separate middle east incidents from july 2011-july 2012 & yet, he kept saying how well everything was going over there when in reality, it was just the opposite however, for him to say everything over there wasn't going well would fly in the face of his foreign policy for that region.
obama watched the death of bin laden in real time & yet, he wants you to believe that he only reacted to what the intelligence people told him...what a crock & more so when you know that the state department watched what happened in benghazi in real time.
obama can't just blame the state department or the intelligence agency for what he did or didn't know---HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN &, IF HE WAS TRULY BEING HONEST, HE SHOULD HAVE ALREADY FIRED SOMEBODY...
we deserve true leadership....
Sunday, October 14, 2012
hello america!!! any bets that obama won't touch this? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/13/los-angeles-mayor-wants-id-card-for-immigrants/?test=latestnews
obama sued states that wanted to require OUR VERY OWN CITIZENS to obtain some form of gov't id &, he didn't care whether it was for voting or other reasons. &, the number one complaint was, it would create a hardship on them either financially or travel-wise. the other reason was, it was a form of discrimination & the efforts were directed at blacks & latino's.
i am 100% for everybody within our borders to have some form of gov't id however, i don't think that los angeles should restrict it to 'immigrants only'.
as i have blogged before, those without valid id are hurting &, when obama, ag, william holder & rights groups oppose 'mandatory id' laws, they are exacerbating the plight of those people.
again, what can you do in america without valid id???
obama sued states that wanted to require OUR VERY OWN CITIZENS to obtain some form of gov't id &, he didn't care whether it was for voting or other reasons. &, the number one complaint was, it would create a hardship on them either financially or travel-wise. the other reason was, it was a form of discrimination & the efforts were directed at blacks & latino's.
i am 100% for everybody within our borders to have some form of gov't id however, i don't think that los angeles should restrict it to 'immigrants only'.
as i have blogged before, those without valid id are hurting &, when obama, ag, william holder & rights groups oppose 'mandatory id' laws, they are exacerbating the plight of those people.
again, what can you do in america without valid id???
hello america!!! although the ny times isn't regarded as it once was, i found this article & think it is a reflection of obamas failed middle east policy...http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/14/world/africa/libyan-government-struggles-to-rein-in-powerful-militias.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0&hp
obama actively helped rid libya of muammar qaddafi & since then, the country has been very unstable. our state department & cia knew of the increased dangers & therefore, the whitehouse had to know. read this here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/09/hundreds-ecurity-incidents-in-libya-before-attack/
i watched c-span's complete coverage of the hearing on the consulate attacks & i'm at a loss why our embassy security was not 'beefed up'---there can be no excuse because at the end of the 230 incidents between july 2011-july 2012, there is a clear warning that what happened would happen...on page 51, 2nd paragraph from the last 1, there can be no mistake that the security assessment knew that the dangers were 'HIGH' &, here is the list...http://www.scribd.com/doc/109597677/Security-Incidents-in-Libya-from-June-2011
more importantly, how can obama tout the state department as doing a good job & then 4 americans are needlessly killed. if obama had of been doing his job, those deaths could possibly have been prevented. instead, he's talking about how good the 'arab spring' was & is.
obama did not do his job & there's no other way to look at it!!!
obama actively helped rid libya of muammar qaddafi & since then, the country has been very unstable. our state department & cia knew of the increased dangers & therefore, the whitehouse had to know. read this here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/09/hundreds-ecurity-incidents-in-libya-before-attack/
i watched c-span's complete coverage of the hearing on the consulate attacks & i'm at a loss why our embassy security was not 'beefed up'---there can be no excuse because at the end of the 230 incidents between july 2011-july 2012, there is a clear warning that what happened would happen...on page 51, 2nd paragraph from the last 1, there can be no mistake that the security assessment knew that the dangers were 'HIGH' &, here is the list...http://www.scribd.com/doc/109597677/Security-Incidents-in-Libya-from-June-2011
more importantly, how can obama tout the state department as doing a good job & then 4 americans are needlessly killed. if obama had of been doing his job, those deaths could possibly have been prevented. instead, he's talking about how good the 'arab spring' was & is.
obama did not do his job & there's no other way to look at it!!!
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ obama doesn't really want to talk about jobs or lack thereof however, i don't think he wants to spend the rest of the time having to defend his 'middle east' policy. as far as the 4 american deaths & what all occurred in libya, suffice it to say, if he didn't know, he should have known &, for him not getting the fed agencies involved together, demanding answers &, firing somebody, then he's either lying, covering or, very inept. you voted him into office to 'lead' this country. if the fed agencies are making decisions that effect our security without his approval or guidance, then he shouldn't be there. PERIOD! for all the lies that came out from the whitehouse regarding benghazi coupled with all the fed agencies scandals---(&, if that's not bad enough, biden says he & obama never knew that more security was requested)---both of them just won't accept responsibility for anything negative &, they are extraordinarily quick to assign blame.
good people, we need 'leadership' that will stand up & tell us the truth & acknowledge their mistakes. in 4 years, we have yet to have either obama or biden apologize for any of their errors. however, they'll apologize to our enemies for our way of living...
good people, we need 'leadership' that will stand up & tell us the truth & acknowledge their mistakes. in 4 years, we have yet to have either obama or biden apologize for any of their errors. however, they'll apologize to our enemies for our way of living...
Saturday, October 13, 2012
hello america!!! you were warned on several different fronts to include myself that this was coming...please see here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/12/as-some-businesses-look-for-ways-around-obamacare-others-attack-law-directly/
a lot of business's are already on record that they will not offer healthcare to their employees & a lot more are going to find other ways around having to do so.
1.....you will not be allowed to keep your present doctors if your company drops the coverage. they will pay the fine unless they find a way around it & yes, they will find a way.
2.....you will be forced to provide for your own healthcare or, you'll be paying a fine.
3.....the costs of healthcare are going up contrary to what obama promises you &, you will soon find out, it is anything but affordable.
4.....for some business's, it will be cheaper for them to drop the coverage & pay the tax/fine rather then provide you with coverage.
5.....if you're stuck obtaining your own coverage, it must meet obamacare standards & if it doesn't, you'll still be paying a tax/fine.
while business's may be able to cut your hours to try to get around providing you coverage, it will be your responsibility to obtain your own (by law) or enroll in obamacare & yes, this will be based on your earnings. imagine a company dropping your coverage, cutting your hours & your being 'taxed' for not getting your own coverage? you didn't want to believe it when the repubs told you what this would do to you however, you just might want to wake the hell up.
look, the bottom line is this: the idiots that drew up the plans for obamacare did not have your best interests at heart. then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, even told you they have to pass the bill to see what's in it & she was not joking. nobody knows exactly what all is in obamacare but, you didn't care. you jumped for joy.
there are taxes/fines in it that will effect the middle class...look, this is just one of them; the tanning tax. another one is; the 2.3% tax on all medical devices costing over $100. if you think those people that make those leg braces for your little johnny or patty are going to eat those costs, you're crazy. they will be passed on to you.
if you think obamacare is all that, just look at reality. we've already been suffering from having to wait for a doctors appointment weeks/months at a time &, when you swell the number of people needing those same services, you swell the waiting time. & then, if you need certain tests, you're scheduled down the road. we already go to doctors & before we're even comfortable in the chair, they're gone & a nurse comes in with your prescription & doctors instructions. waiting for appointments is one of the biggest reasons emergency centers are always packed during the cold seasons......
look, i've read obamacare from page to page 3 times & i still end up getting lost in it. i know that 15 people will be appointed to 'keep costs down' & that may be the difference between the healthcare you should have actually gotten compared to what you received. the elderly with suffer the most & we all know it.
those that wrote the bill never took into consideration just how many business's won't opt in for it &, nor will many states which leaves you scrambling to provide you own coverage. in these dire times, the middle class & those living below that level are going to pay through the nose.
while i agree with some of obamacare, there is a lot more of it i don't..........
a lot of business's are already on record that they will not offer healthcare to their employees & a lot more are going to find other ways around having to do so.
1.....you will not be allowed to keep your present doctors if your company drops the coverage. they will pay the fine unless they find a way around it & yes, they will find a way.
2.....you will be forced to provide for your own healthcare or, you'll be paying a fine.
3.....the costs of healthcare are going up contrary to what obama promises you &, you will soon find out, it is anything but affordable.
4.....for some business's, it will be cheaper for them to drop the coverage & pay the tax/fine rather then provide you with coverage.
5.....if you're stuck obtaining your own coverage, it must meet obamacare standards & if it doesn't, you'll still be paying a tax/fine.
while business's may be able to cut your hours to try to get around providing you coverage, it will be your responsibility to obtain your own (by law) or enroll in obamacare & yes, this will be based on your earnings. imagine a company dropping your coverage, cutting your hours & your being 'taxed' for not getting your own coverage? you didn't want to believe it when the repubs told you what this would do to you however, you just might want to wake the hell up.
look, the bottom line is this: the idiots that drew up the plans for obamacare did not have your best interests at heart. then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, even told you they have to pass the bill to see what's in it & she was not joking. nobody knows exactly what all is in obamacare but, you didn't care. you jumped for joy.
there are taxes/fines in it that will effect the middle class...look, this is just one of them; the tanning tax. another one is; the 2.3% tax on all medical devices costing over $100. if you think those people that make those leg braces for your little johnny or patty are going to eat those costs, you're crazy. they will be passed on to you.
if you think obamacare is all that, just look at reality. we've already been suffering from having to wait for a doctors appointment weeks/months at a time &, when you swell the number of people needing those same services, you swell the waiting time. & then, if you need certain tests, you're scheduled down the road. we already go to doctors & before we're even comfortable in the chair, they're gone & a nurse comes in with your prescription & doctors instructions. waiting for appointments is one of the biggest reasons emergency centers are always packed during the cold seasons......
look, i've read obamacare from page to page 3 times & i still end up getting lost in it. i know that 15 people will be appointed to 'keep costs down' & that may be the difference between the healthcare you should have actually gotten compared to what you received. the elderly with suffer the most & we all know it.
those that wrote the bill never took into consideration just how many business's won't opt in for it &, nor will many states which leaves you scrambling to provide you own coverage. in these dire times, the middle class & those living below that level are going to pay through the nose.
while i agree with some of obamacare, there is a lot more of it i don't..........
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/
i have to be honest with you & say that i do not believe anything coming from the whitehouse. with all the scandals in the fed gov't, obama & biden are so quick to tell you that they didn't know anything about whatever hits the press. obama has a history of saying one thing, then another & then another to distance himself from the negativity &, he's known for throwing 'his people' under the bus.
he had no knowledge of the justice department & the atf's 'gun walking' program & yet, when all was said & done, he used 'executive privilege' to keep documents from being submitted to congress. he didn't know anything about the secret service scandals; the homeland security scandals; the tsa scandals; & now, he doesn't know anything about the benghazi scandal on which he was so quick to say a video was the main cause of the 4 american deaths. LIE AFTER LIE AFTER LIE!!!
if you remember obama & company watching the death of bin laden in 'real time' you have to know that he or someone just under him saw what happened in benghazi in 'real time' just as our state department is on record for saying they did. there's a 50 minute video that shows there were no demonstrations leading up to the deaths of our 4 americans &, the senate committee investigating this issue wants that video.
if we know that ambassador stephens said goodnight to a turkish diplomat at 8:30pm & the streets were clear. if we know that the next thing was an explosion at the gates or walls of the compound at 9:40pm, where does the whitehouse get this 'demonstration' crap? besides, the state department was watching everything from this point on plus, they were on the phone with the people on the ground there.
if the state department was watching the events in 'real time' what in the hell was the intelligence department watching that would make them give the wrong information to obama? one would think that obama would have gotten together with the state & intelligence department heads, watched the video & listened to the phone tapes before opening his mouth &, when he did open it, he should have told us the truth. not the lie he told us for weeks.
he even paraded out hilary clinton & others to perpetrate his lying to us because it's too close to the election & it would look better for him if the deaths & uprisings were linked to a video then a terrorist act. obama & company gave this matter some deep thought & you are now seeing what his lies have caused.
at the vp debate, biden knew that money had been cut from the budget for embassy security & yet, when charlene lamb, deputy assistant secretary, was asked specifically if budget concerns were the reasons for denials for added security, she said "no sir".
the middle east is still a hotbed & will always remain so &, our middle east policy has come back to bite us. the 'arab spring' is not a done thing yet....we are going to lose more people there because they simply don't like us or our ways. hell, they don't even like each other---what's so hard to understand about that.
somebody had to tell obama the truth about benghazi before he opened his mouth & i strongly believe that. you & i both know he didn't just happen to wake up, see what had happened & then comment on it. he was awakened & told what was going on when it first went down &, if he wasn't, the heads of the departments should have already been fired.
no matter how you slice it, obama/biden should have known---they are supposed to be the head of the fed gov't &, for them not to take responsibilty for the actions of those under them tells you that they both lack the leadership skills we so desperately need.
i have to be honest with you & say that i do not believe anything coming from the whitehouse. with all the scandals in the fed gov't, obama & biden are so quick to tell you that they didn't know anything about whatever hits the press. obama has a history of saying one thing, then another & then another to distance himself from the negativity &, he's known for throwing 'his people' under the bus.
he had no knowledge of the justice department & the atf's 'gun walking' program & yet, when all was said & done, he used 'executive privilege' to keep documents from being submitted to congress. he didn't know anything about the secret service scandals; the homeland security scandals; the tsa scandals; & now, he doesn't know anything about the benghazi scandal on which he was so quick to say a video was the main cause of the 4 american deaths. LIE AFTER LIE AFTER LIE!!!
if you remember obama & company watching the death of bin laden in 'real time' you have to know that he or someone just under him saw what happened in benghazi in 'real time' just as our state department is on record for saying they did. there's a 50 minute video that shows there were no demonstrations leading up to the deaths of our 4 americans &, the senate committee investigating this issue wants that video.
if we know that ambassador stephens said goodnight to a turkish diplomat at 8:30pm & the streets were clear. if we know that the next thing was an explosion at the gates or walls of the compound at 9:40pm, where does the whitehouse get this 'demonstration' crap? besides, the state department was watching everything from this point on plus, they were on the phone with the people on the ground there.
if the state department was watching the events in 'real time' what in the hell was the intelligence department watching that would make them give the wrong information to obama? one would think that obama would have gotten together with the state & intelligence department heads, watched the video & listened to the phone tapes before opening his mouth &, when he did open it, he should have told us the truth. not the lie he told us for weeks.
he even paraded out hilary clinton & others to perpetrate his lying to us because it's too close to the election & it would look better for him if the deaths & uprisings were linked to a video then a terrorist act. obama & company gave this matter some deep thought & you are now seeing what his lies have caused.
at the vp debate, biden knew that money had been cut from the budget for embassy security & yet, when charlene lamb, deputy assistant secretary, was asked specifically if budget concerns were the reasons for denials for added security, she said "no sir".
the middle east is still a hotbed & will always remain so &, our middle east policy has come back to bite us. the 'arab spring' is not a done thing yet....we are going to lose more people there because they simply don't like us or our ways. hell, they don't even like each other---what's so hard to understand about that.
somebody had to tell obama the truth about benghazi before he opened his mouth & i strongly believe that. you & i both know he didn't just happen to wake up, see what had happened & then comment on it. he was awakened & told what was going on when it first went down &, if he wasn't, the heads of the departments should have already been fired.
no matter how you slice it, obama/biden should have known---they are supposed to be the head of the fed gov't &, for them not to take responsibilty for the actions of those under them tells you that they both lack the leadership skills we so desperately need.
Friday, October 12, 2012
hello america!!! i know why obama & company lied to us about the reasons for the 4 american deaths in benghazi but, i don't accept it. in fact, if anything, everybody that supported the claim that the video led to the protests & that's why those 4 americans died should be fired from the top down.....obama had been touting the success of his state department, the arab spring, bin laden's dead & al qaeda on the run so, for him to actually acknowledge terrorists actually pulled off a successful act of terrorism on american soil & against americans, is below him & that is not the kind of person i want or need in charge of anything. he would have been better off saying that somebody under him dropped the ball by not connecting all the dots & that he was ordering a special investigation to find out who & why & that heads would roll. but, that's not obama.
&, by the whitehouse fumbling the ball, the senate investigation is under under way & what's coming out under 'sworn' testimony is even more damming. & yes, i watched the whole senate hearing live on c-span.
if you heard charlene lamb (deputy assistant secretary for international affairs, bureau of diplomatic security) you'd know that obama dropped the ball &, you'd also know that biden lied last night when he said they didn't know.
1.....requests were made prior to 9/11 for stronger security & were denied---obama & company want you to believe that 'budget cuts' were the reason for the denial however, lamb was asked if they ever played a role in her determination for the denials & she answered, 'NO'
2.....there have been 230-234 separate incidents of violence against us or our 'friends' since 2011 leading up to the 4 american deaths & yet, obama & company swept them under the rug
3.....on the night of the attacks, video proves there was no demonstrations outside of the compound as has been reported to us by obama & company---in fact, they know ambassador stephens said good night to a turkish diplomat at 8:30pm & all was quiet in the area
4.....at 9:30pm, all hell broke loose & you now know the results
lamb is on record saying that they watched the whole thing in 'real time' from washington dc so, it's not even a little stretch to say that obama & company watched it also.there is no excuse for anybody in the obama admin to blame the 4 american deaths on anything other then what it was---a terrorist act carried out by those that want to inflict harm on us.
look, if obama & biden (the only 2 people in the whitehouse) honestly didn't know what happened the during the attacks or that there had been prior requests for more security, it just begs the question: who in the hell is running our fed gov't? with all the 'scandals' that have occurred within the obama admin, who do the heads of these agency's report to? if obama & biden didn't know, they should have known. after all, didn't you elect obama/biden to run the country? i'm finding it very hard to remember when you voted for hilary clinton to run our state department on her own without having to report to obama/biden.
for obama/biden to throw our state department & intelligence agency's under the bus without 'firing' anybody is just plain wrong. at some point, they must accept the responsibility instead of assigning blame. what i find so troubling is that everything that happens in the various fed agency's is not known by obama/biden. & yes, i'm talking about all the scandals that have rocked our fed gov't. however, i guess this is the kind of leadership you really wanted---someone that's supposed to control it but never knows anything about it...
obamas mouthpeice has been busy today trying to deflect what biden said from obama/biden........................
& then, you have the media that refuses to put the story on the front page as seen here.................................. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/12/nyt-scolded-by-public-editor-for-keeping-libya-hearing-coverage-off-front-page/
this is the senate hearing so you can find out for yourselves just how dishonest obama & company have been to you...http://www.noquarterusa.net/blog/73260/live-blog-the-house-oversight-hearing-on-benghazi-security-failures/
&, by the whitehouse fumbling the ball, the senate investigation is under under way & what's coming out under 'sworn' testimony is even more damming. & yes, i watched the whole senate hearing live on c-span.
if you heard charlene lamb (deputy assistant secretary for international affairs, bureau of diplomatic security) you'd know that obama dropped the ball &, you'd also know that biden lied last night when he said they didn't know.
1.....requests were made prior to 9/11 for stronger security & were denied---obama & company want you to believe that 'budget cuts' were the reason for the denial however, lamb was asked if they ever played a role in her determination for the denials & she answered, 'NO'
2.....there have been 230-234 separate incidents of violence against us or our 'friends' since 2011 leading up to the 4 american deaths & yet, obama & company swept them under the rug
3.....on the night of the attacks, video proves there was no demonstrations outside of the compound as has been reported to us by obama & company---in fact, they know ambassador stephens said good night to a turkish diplomat at 8:30pm & all was quiet in the area
4.....at 9:30pm, all hell broke loose & you now know the results
lamb is on record saying that they watched the whole thing in 'real time' from washington dc so, it's not even a little stretch to say that obama & company watched it also.there is no excuse for anybody in the obama admin to blame the 4 american deaths on anything other then what it was---a terrorist act carried out by those that want to inflict harm on us.
look, if obama & biden (the only 2 people in the whitehouse) honestly didn't know what happened the during the attacks or that there had been prior requests for more security, it just begs the question: who in the hell is running our fed gov't? with all the 'scandals' that have occurred within the obama admin, who do the heads of these agency's report to? if obama & biden didn't know, they should have known. after all, didn't you elect obama/biden to run the country? i'm finding it very hard to remember when you voted for hilary clinton to run our state department on her own without having to report to obama/biden.
for obama/biden to throw our state department & intelligence agency's under the bus without 'firing' anybody is just plain wrong. at some point, they must accept the responsibility instead of assigning blame. what i find so troubling is that everything that happens in the various fed agency's is not known by obama/biden. & yes, i'm talking about all the scandals that have rocked our fed gov't. however, i guess this is the kind of leadership you really wanted---someone that's supposed to control it but never knows anything about it...
obamas mouthpeice has been busy today trying to deflect what biden said from obama/biden........................
& then, you have the media that refuses to put the story on the front page as seen here.................................. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/12/nyt-scolded-by-public-editor-for-keeping-libya-hearing-coverage-off-front-page/
this is the senate hearing so you can find out for yourselves just how dishonest obama & company have been to you...http://www.noquarterusa.net/blog/73260/live-blog-the-house-oversight-hearing-on-benghazi-security-failures/
hello america!!! i watched the whole vp debate last night & i'm of several minds about who really won. for me, there was no clear-cut winner. both ryan & biden held their own & both were asked questions they could not give specific answers on. both stated numbers that will be 'fact-checked' in the days to come. while each side will proclaim their party the winner, it all depends on what you know about the facts. so, i have taken the liberty to give you this link from the washington post that may or may not help you.......................... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/fact-checking-the-vice-presidential-debate/2012/10/12/e900404a-13d0-11e2-be82-c3411b7680a9_blog.html?hpid=z2
i hope you didn't miss this but, i think the debate hinges on this remark from joe biden...
Raw Story (http://s.tt/1pTrb)
now, i cannot speak for you but, if you want to know what's wrong with washington & the gridlock there, just analyze biden's statement. he's the vp & he's not even calling for the repubs to meet him 1/2 way---he's calling for them to get out of the way & let obama & company do as they wish to. SO MUCH FOR 'REACHING ACROSS THE ISLE'...
obama has been saying he would tax incomes $200,000 & up:::biden said millionaires only. does anyone out there have any idea just how many 3, 4, 5, people business's earn $200,000 or more per year? does anyone out there have any idea what this tax would do to them & their business's? biden didn't tell you that there are at least 30 house of rep passed jobs related bills just sitting at the senate & have been for some time. he had the perfect opportunity to call out senate majority leader, harry reid, to act on them. &, i guess biden doesn't know that if those '14 million people' had jobs or better jobs, they wouldn't be so worried about their mortgages & yes, we're still losing jobs regardless of what the labor department reports. &, even though biden said they've created 5.1 million jobs, one has to really look at at where they start counting from: they don't start counting from obamas 1st day in office & that's just plain wrong. there's 3 months left under obama & they count job creation from the last 30 months or so only...something's wrong here.
both candidates were strong at times & weak at others. i would have liked to have heard more specifics from ryan on their 5 point plan however, he did say they would lay the framework & work with congress & who can argue with that? if we're going to hold that against them, obama stimulus & obamacare went the same route. hell, obama is on record for saying he wouldn't sign anything without universal healthcare in it. you see what he got...
more then anything, we need leaders that are willing to actually work with the other party. what we now have in washington is a 'my way or the highway' & you see where it's not getting us. &, obamas on record for saying he wants to a hire another 100,00 teachers, invest in 'green' technology & 'green' jobs---basically, 4 more years of the same &, you can't but see where the 1st 4 years have gotten us.
obama, biden & company have said that gov romney lied about th numbers he put out there in the 1st debate, &, guess what, those numbers are still true today. we are not better off today then we were 4 years ago & the very sad part of this is, obama & company know it.
&, i didn't even pounce on what happened in benghazi so, i say the debate was a push unless you actually hold bidens physical antics against him...
i hope you didn't miss this but, i think the debate hinges on this remark from joe biden...
If they would get out of the way and let us pass the tax cut for the middle class and make it permanent. If they would get out of the way and pass the jobs bill. If they would get out of the way and let us allow 14 million people who are struggling to stay in their homes because their mortgages are upside down but they never missed a mortgage payment.”
Biden added: “Just get out of the way. Stop talking about how you care about people. Show me something. Show me a policy. Show me a policy where you take responsibility.”
now, i cannot speak for you but, if you want to know what's wrong with washington & the gridlock there, just analyze biden's statement. he's the vp & he's not even calling for the repubs to meet him 1/2 way---he's calling for them to get out of the way & let obama & company do as they wish to. SO MUCH FOR 'REACHING ACROSS THE ISLE'...
obama has been saying he would tax incomes $200,000 & up:::biden said millionaires only. does anyone out there have any idea just how many 3, 4, 5, people business's earn $200,000 or more per year? does anyone out there have any idea what this tax would do to them & their business's? biden didn't tell you that there are at least 30 house of rep passed jobs related bills just sitting at the senate & have been for some time. he had the perfect opportunity to call out senate majority leader, harry reid, to act on them. &, i guess biden doesn't know that if those '14 million people' had jobs or better jobs, they wouldn't be so worried about their mortgages & yes, we're still losing jobs regardless of what the labor department reports. &, even though biden said they've created 5.1 million jobs, one has to really look at at where they start counting from: they don't start counting from obamas 1st day in office & that's just plain wrong. there's 3 months left under obama & they count job creation from the last 30 months or so only...something's wrong here.
both candidates were strong at times & weak at others. i would have liked to have heard more specifics from ryan on their 5 point plan however, he did say they would lay the framework & work with congress & who can argue with that? if we're going to hold that against them, obama stimulus & obamacare went the same route. hell, obama is on record for saying he wouldn't sign anything without universal healthcare in it. you see what he got...
more then anything, we need leaders that are willing to actually work with the other party. what we now have in washington is a 'my way or the highway' & you see where it's not getting us. &, obamas on record for saying he wants to a hire another 100,00 teachers, invest in 'green' technology & 'green' jobs---basically, 4 more years of the same &, you can't but see where the 1st 4 years have gotten us.
obama, biden & company have said that gov romney lied about th numbers he put out there in the 1st debate, &, guess what, those numbers are still true today. we are not better off today then we were 4 years ago & the very sad part of this is, obama & company know it.
&, i didn't even pounce on what happened in benghazi so, i say the debate was a push unless you actually hold bidens physical antics against him...
Thursday, October 11, 2012
hello america!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/
after watching the senate hearings on what happened in benghazi yesterday, i just knew that we would do everything in our power to keep others serving us overseas safer. & then, i woke up to the following article..http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2012/10/11/world/middleeast/11reuters-yemen-assassination.html?hp&_r=0
so, just how safe are our people or those that work for or with us? I look at 4 separate incidents that tell me obama & our vaunted state department cannot keep our people safe overseas: 1, the person that led us to bin laden in pakistan was arrested; 2, what happened in libya that obama & company blamed on the video; 3, what just happened in yemen &, 4, the rash of 'insider' attacks on our troops in afghanistan.
for those that didn't watch the hearings, her it is &, it's 4 hours & 10 minutes long but, you're going to know that obama & company failed our people.http://www.c-span.org/Events/Congress-Holds-First-Hearing-on-US-Consulate-Attack-in-Libya/10737434835-1/
after watching the senate hearings on what happened in benghazi yesterday, i just knew that we would do everything in our power to keep others serving us overseas safer. & then, i woke up to the following article..http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2012/10/11/world/middleeast/11reuters-yemen-assassination.html?hp&_r=0
so, just how safe are our people or those that work for or with us? I look at 4 separate incidents that tell me obama & our vaunted state department cannot keep our people safe overseas: 1, the person that led us to bin laden in pakistan was arrested; 2, what happened in libya that obama & company blamed on the video; 3, what just happened in yemen &, 4, the rash of 'insider' attacks on our troops in afghanistan.
for those that didn't watch the hearings, her it is &, it's 4 hours & 10 minutes long but, you're going to know that obama & company failed our people.http://www.c-span.org/Events/Congress-Holds-First-Hearing-on-US-Consulate-Attack-in-Libya/10737434835-1/
hello america!!! i have been watching the senate hearing on what happened in libya on 9/11. other then now knowing what i already knew, i also know that extra security personnel requests were rejected or ignored & yet, the 'danger level' was elevated & 'danger pay' was issued. WOW!!! basically, that's saying that we don't think you're in any more danger then is expected so, we're not giving you more protection however, we do see the new dangers & we are giving you extra pay to compensate for it. &, obamas keeping us safe? no wonder he has all these different & contradicting reports floating in the news...&, somebody needs to tell him that when you point the finger at somebody else, 3 fingers always point back...obama dropped the ball. period.
234 different violent incidents in libya since 2011 against us & our 'friends' & we're just now hearing about them? while obamas been so busy trying to convince you that he's made the world safer, just the opposite has occurred. he's pumped himself & his state department up so much that he ignored all the warnings leading up to 9/11.
obama has made weaker & he won't & can't admit it. his middle east policy of tolerance & acceptance will not work. just how safe is it when you have to put all americans, traveling to & from there, on high alert &, you pull all of your diplomatic people out?
fact: while libya may never have been our 'friend', we didn't have these problems there until obama got rid of their leader, muammar gaddafi. the arab spring was not a success because the taliban & al qaeda have gotten stronger.
for obama & company to have 1st come out blaming the arab uprisings on the video was wrong & they knew it before they 1st opened their mouths.
234 different violent incidents in libya since 2011 against us & our 'friends' & we're just now hearing about them? while obamas been so busy trying to convince you that he's made the world safer, just the opposite has occurred. he's pumped himself & his state department up so much that he ignored all the warnings leading up to 9/11.
obama has made weaker & he won't & can't admit it. his middle east policy of tolerance & acceptance will not work. just how safe is it when you have to put all americans, traveling to & from there, on high alert &, you pull all of your diplomatic people out?
fact: while libya may never have been our 'friend', we didn't have these problems there until obama got rid of their leader, muammar gaddafi. the arab spring was not a success because the taliban & al qaeda have gotten stronger.
for obama & company to have 1st come out blaming the arab uprisings on the video was wrong & they knew it before they 1st opened their mouths.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
hello america!!! forget the rhetoric. forget which side is lying. forget everything outside of our borders. let's just concentrate on the 'good ole u s of a'....
we have a serious jobs markets problem. we have a serious housing markets problem. we have a serious deficit problem. we have a serious educational standards problem. we have a serious foreign oil dependency problem. we have a serious washington 'gridlock' problem. we have a serious immigration reform problem. we have a serious american 'unification' problem. we have a serious entitlements programs problem. we have a serious tax reformation problem. we have a steadily dropping in our median incomes problem. we have a steadily rising costs of groceries & services problem.
so, now that you know what problems we have (&, there are many, many more i could list), know that these are the very same problems that obama promised to take care of back in 2008. here it is, 4 years later, & we still have the problems & yes, many of them have become even worse.
in 2008, obama never, ever mentioned that he would need 2 terms to get this country right. he told you he was the only one that could do it &, his stimulus, bailouts &, obamacare were supposed to end our suffering. when he was running around the country, campaigning for his stimulus & obamacare, he never told you that it would take him 2 terms for them to be effective. as a matter of fact, they were supposed to work 'immediately', 'right now'. well, they failed to live up to their billing.
during obamas 1st 2 years, he could have put through any law he wanted to. hell, he could have made it unlawful to look at the moon after sundown. there is no excuse. in this case, more time does not equate to more progress.
obama is on record for saying 'you can't change washington from the inside'. i'm on record for saying, 'if you can't change it, get the hell out of it'.............
we have a serious jobs markets problem. we have a serious housing markets problem. we have a serious deficit problem. we have a serious educational standards problem. we have a serious foreign oil dependency problem. we have a serious washington 'gridlock' problem. we have a serious immigration reform problem. we have a serious american 'unification' problem. we have a serious entitlements programs problem. we have a serious tax reformation problem. we have a steadily dropping in our median incomes problem. we have a steadily rising costs of groceries & services problem.
so, now that you know what problems we have (&, there are many, many more i could list), know that these are the very same problems that obama promised to take care of back in 2008. here it is, 4 years later, & we still have the problems & yes, many of them have become even worse.
in 2008, obama never, ever mentioned that he would need 2 terms to get this country right. he told you he was the only one that could do it &, his stimulus, bailouts &, obamacare were supposed to end our suffering. when he was running around the country, campaigning for his stimulus & obamacare, he never told you that it would take him 2 terms for them to be effective. as a matter of fact, they were supposed to work 'immediately', 'right now'. well, they failed to live up to their billing.
during obamas 1st 2 years, he could have put through any law he wanted to. hell, he could have made it unlawful to look at the moon after sundown. there is no excuse. in this case, more time does not equate to more progress.
obama is on record for saying 'you can't change washington from the inside'. i'm on record for saying, 'if you can't change it, get the hell out of it'.............
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ no loss of jobs is acceptable &, one would think that our fed gov't would be doing all they could to help create jobs instead of doing nothing!!!!
obama has touted sec of state, hilary clinton, as the 2nd coming & has praised his state department. he did this prior to his debate with gov romney & before 9/11. he said he has made america safer & he is on record for supporting the 'arab spring' & actively helping 'free' lybia. he has said that al qaeda has been broken & is in retreat. he has claimed responsibility for bin ladens death.
& then, on 9/11, all hell broke loose & instead of admitting that he got caught with his pants down, everybody, from obama on down, went on national tv & lied to all of america about what really happened that led to 4 american deaths &, they're still lying.
the facts are slowly coming out & they do not reflect well for obama & company. what we do know is that: there were requests for more security prior to 9/11; there had been several attacks & attempts prior to 9/11; there was not enough security in place; all of those people just spontaneously showed up with rocket launcher & grenades; no heightened level of security was put in place for 9/11; our 'safehouse' was not that safe; conflicting reports are coming out between the whitehouse & the state department & lybia; our fbi was late getting on the ground over there & when they did, they were there for only 3 hours; al qaeda is not getting weaker (as we were told by obama), they are getting stronger; obama & company blames the video for the uprisings & called them 'spontaneous' & yet, they were well thought out & planned; the deaths were caused by terrorists doing what they do best...terrorizing americans & others.
the problem we, as americans, should have is: those 4 american deaths could have & should have been prevented &, obama & company should not be allowed to lie to us about what happened simply because it's near election time. had obama just come out & said, we dropped the ball & i'm sorry, those 4 deaths (i'm sorry to say) would be on the back-burner by now however, he lied & he knows he lied...
obama has touted sec of state, hilary clinton, as the 2nd coming & has praised his state department. he did this prior to his debate with gov romney & before 9/11. he said he has made america safer & he is on record for supporting the 'arab spring' & actively helping 'free' lybia. he has said that al qaeda has been broken & is in retreat. he has claimed responsibility for bin ladens death.
& then, on 9/11, all hell broke loose & instead of admitting that he got caught with his pants down, everybody, from obama on down, went on national tv & lied to all of america about what really happened that led to 4 american deaths &, they're still lying.
the facts are slowly coming out & they do not reflect well for obama & company. what we do know is that: there were requests for more security prior to 9/11; there had been several attacks & attempts prior to 9/11; there was not enough security in place; all of those people just spontaneously showed up with rocket launcher & grenades; no heightened level of security was put in place for 9/11; our 'safehouse' was not that safe; conflicting reports are coming out between the whitehouse & the state department & lybia; our fbi was late getting on the ground over there & when they did, they were there for only 3 hours; al qaeda is not getting weaker (as we were told by obama), they are getting stronger; obama & company blames the video for the uprisings & called them 'spontaneous' & yet, they were well thought out & planned; the deaths were caused by terrorists doing what they do best...terrorizing americans & others.
the problem we, as americans, should have is: those 4 american deaths could have & should have been prevented &, obama & company should not be allowed to lie to us about what happened simply because it's near election time. had obama just come out & said, we dropped the ball & i'm sorry, those 4 deaths (i'm sorry to say) would be on the back-burner by now however, he lied & he knows he lied...
Monday, October 8, 2012
hello america!!! the hits just keep on coming...http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/08/lg-plant-that-got-150m-to-make-volt-batteries-in-michigan-puts-workers-on/ &, just so you'll know, i couldn't find this story on abc, msnbc, cnn, usa today or, cbs however, i did find the following story on nbc & it bothers me. see here...http://bottomline.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/27/14069805-want-that-chevy-tough-you-cant-buy-that-model-in-the-us?lite it bothers me because obama is touting his bailout of gm & chrysler & while gm is making cars here, this shows that they are making cars overseas & importing them here. kind of makes me wonder just what in the hell does 'outsourcing' really mean.
something else that bothers me is obamas claim that gm & chrysler repaid every penny they were loaned. why doesn't the media challenge him on this? if we presently sold our gm stock at today's market price, we'd take a hell of a loss. on the other hand, chrysler did not repay us every penny & is now owned by fiat. just saying...http://radioviceonline.com/treasury-ups-the-ante-in-government-losses-at-gm-and-chrysler/
something else that bothers me is obamas claim that gm & chrysler repaid every penny they were loaned. why doesn't the media challenge him on this? if we presently sold our gm stock at today's market price, we'd take a hell of a loss. on the other hand, chrysler did not repay us every penny & is now owned by fiat. just saying...http://radioviceonline.com/treasury-ups-the-ante-in-government-losses-at-gm-and-chrysler/
hello america!!! after 4 years under obama, here is where we're at:::23-24 million people out of work or underemployed; 46-48 million people on food stamps; the U6 national rate for unemployment is 14.7%; approximately 100 million plus people receive some form of public welfare; banks still are not lending & are still failing; homes are still being lost; energy self-dependency is very far from being achieved; our median income has fallen about $2,000-$4,000 dollars less; iraq & afghanistan now seem like lost causes; our middle east foreign policy has been severely unraveled; our border with mexico is still not fully secured; we have allowed china & russia to team up militarily & trades-wise; cuba is still cuba & may very well allow russia to build a naval base there; europe is extremely unstable; we have thrown israel under the bus; our fed gov't has not, is not &, will not compromise with the repubs in washington; we have become a country of division, not a party of one; all of our fed gov't agencies have been rocked by 'scandals'; we do not have an 'open & honest' fed gov't, nor is there any transparency; our foreign policy for iran & north korea has had no effect; we seem to be importing more goods then we export; we have lost out 'clout' with the united nations council; we are overly quick to talk about the human rights atrocities in other countries & yet, we fail to address those concerns with russia, china &, cuba; we have badly misplayed our hand in syria & have been thwarted by both russia & china; our fed deficit has ballooned to over 16 trillion dollars; the fed gov't has failed to address the issues concerning our tax code or, our entitlements programs; healthcare costs have continued to rise; grocery bills have continued to rise as has the price at our gas pumps; our fed gov't has become comfortable in lying to us; regulations, tax uncertainties &, obamacare are stifling our job growth; our fed gov't has taken sides with unionized labor over private enterprise; our fed gov't has refused to accept any blame for their failed policies & continue to blame pres bush & the repubs; our fed gov't has no plans on how to prevent the upcoming sequestration issues, nor do they honestly know what to do about the bush tax cuts; &, most hurtingly, our fed gov't has given up in even going through the motions of trying to help us.
good people, we are an extremely long way from where we should be & it continues to get worse by the day. we deserve better & should be demanding better. if obama (with his record of failures) was the coach of any pro team, we'd be calling for his head. hell, he's even said, 'you can't change washington from the inside'...& remember, in his first 2 years he had a dem control of both houses & this is as far as we gotten. now he wants to convince you that it can't be done in one term & yet, when he was campaigning in 2008, he never once told you he would need 2 terms to get us right.
people are making all sorts of excuses for his very dismal performance during the debate with gov romney &, the problem was; you can't defend failure. he was getting kicked by the gov & hey, even a sleeping dog knows the difference between being stepped on & kicked & he will bite, growl or run away from you. obama couldn't even do that until the next day & now wants to 'joke' about it?
obamas solution for our problems are 4 more years of the same---he refuses to try a different approach. more teachers & other public sector personnel, more infrastructure spending, more green technology spending &, more public welfare.
we need jobs, not hand outs!!!
good people, we are an extremely long way from where we should be & it continues to get worse by the day. we deserve better & should be demanding better. if obama (with his record of failures) was the coach of any pro team, we'd be calling for his head. hell, he's even said, 'you can't change washington from the inside'...& remember, in his first 2 years he had a dem control of both houses & this is as far as we gotten. now he wants to convince you that it can't be done in one term & yet, when he was campaigning in 2008, he never once told you he would need 2 terms to get us right.
people are making all sorts of excuses for his very dismal performance during the debate with gov romney &, the problem was; you can't defend failure. he was getting kicked by the gov & hey, even a sleeping dog knows the difference between being stepped on & kicked & he will bite, growl or run away from you. obama couldn't even do that until the next day & now wants to 'joke' about it?
obamas solution for our problems are 4 more years of the same---he refuses to try a different approach. more teachers & other public sector personnel, more infrastructure spending, more green technology spending &, more public welfare.
we need jobs, not hand outs!!!
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ all seems relatively quiet however, i just know that between today & tomorrow, the site will be busy with new postings....
good people, this coming election has more riding on it then ever before &, another 4 years of obama is something we cannot collectively afford. obama & company may spin the numbers & accuse gov romney of lying during the debate however, the numbers he quoted are the same numbers that come from our fed gov't &, i know that many of you don't have the time to do your own fact-finding & you rely on the media for your political news...all of them have chosen sides so, the information they give you is slanted for their candidate. case in point: msnbc manipulates videos of gov romney to discredit him & they have been caught but, rather then just tell you about it, i'll let you see for yourselves.......
msnbc's andrea mitchell showed a little part of gov romney talking about ordering through a touchscreen at wawa's & they jumped on the gov calling him inept & out of touch...here is a 'side-by-side' of that video & you'll see just how much it was edited against him....http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/303246/msnbc-edited-romney-wawa-video-katrina-trinko the editing was done on purpose &, if all you saw was the msnbc version, it would leave you with the picture that the gov was not presidential material.
then you have the 'mother jones' video eaten up by the liberal news media & saying it was the whole video which has now been proven a lie.....http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/09/watch-full-secret-video-private-romney-fundraiser
&, who can forget this one, once again, involving msnbc? http://gillreport.com/2012/09/video-msnbc-caught-editing-romney-rally-audio/
now, i'm not going to sit here & tell you that the right-wingers are any better however, you owe it to yourselves, your family &, your country to at least look at both side before forming an opinion.
good people, this coming election has more riding on it then ever before &, another 4 years of obama is something we cannot collectively afford. obama & company may spin the numbers & accuse gov romney of lying during the debate however, the numbers he quoted are the same numbers that come from our fed gov't &, i know that many of you don't have the time to do your own fact-finding & you rely on the media for your political news...all of them have chosen sides so, the information they give you is slanted for their candidate. case in point: msnbc manipulates videos of gov romney to discredit him & they have been caught but, rather then just tell you about it, i'll let you see for yourselves.......
msnbc's andrea mitchell showed a little part of gov romney talking about ordering through a touchscreen at wawa's & they jumped on the gov calling him inept & out of touch...here is a 'side-by-side' of that video & you'll see just how much it was edited against him....http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/303246/msnbc-edited-romney-wawa-video-katrina-trinko the editing was done on purpose &, if all you saw was the msnbc version, it would leave you with the picture that the gov was not presidential material.
then you have the 'mother jones' video eaten up by the liberal news media & saying it was the whole video which has now been proven a lie.....http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/09/watch-full-secret-video-private-romney-fundraiser
&, who can forget this one, once again, involving msnbc? http://gillreport.com/2012/09/video-msnbc-caught-editing-romney-rally-audio/
now, i'm not going to sit here & tell you that the right-wingers are any better however, you owe it to yourselves, your family &, your country to at least look at both side before forming an opinion.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
hello america!!! there are some things you can't explain with words: such as; obamas debate performance. the dems & the pro-obama baised media outlets are now trying to give you every reason for gov romney looking good while obama looked bad. as has been the case since obamas 1st day in office, none of them will tell you the truth about anything.
rather then obama & company just coming out & saying that obama had a bad night because he was off his game, they're going to continue to resort to name calling & false attacks on gov romney. in truth, obama had a bad night because he could not defend his 4 year record...
how do you defend that 23-24 million people are unemployed or underemployed? how do you defend that there are 46-48 million people on food stamps? how do you defend that you promised america the national unemployment rate would remain below 8% &, here it is, 4 years later, it finally dropped to 7.8%? how do defend that your vision for america's future is 4 more years of the same? how do you defend that while you say you have the interests of the middle class at heart, they are hurting the most under your policies? how do you defend that while you promised to make us energy self dependent, your actions belie that by your promising brazil $3 billion for their oil &, you've all but shut down all drilling on fed lands & the waters? how can you defend bailing out chrysler & gm when america has a tied & true system in place that allows them to help themselves (just look at ford)? how can you defend that prices are continuously rising at the pump, at the grocery check-out lines &, the costs of services has risen, all under your watch? &, if the costs go up, the taxes on them go up as well &, guess what, there are more middle class people people paying those taxes then the upper 20%......
how can obama defend a failed 4 year record when he never told you in the very beginning that he would need 8 years &, he's on record for saying he would cut the deficit in 1/2 by the end of his 1st term---it ain't happening. he's also on record for saying that if he didn't get the job done within his 1st 3 years, this would be a one term proposition. he's also on record for calling pres bush "unpatriotic" for adding to our national deficit in 8 years while he has added more in just 4.
america, obama continues to blame everybody but himself for our problems however, he told you in 2008 that he was the only one that could help us...if this is help, we really don't need him.....
obama never had his failed record thrown back in his face like gov romney threw it &, he didn't think he would have to defend it. good people, you just can't defend failure, no matter who you are. yes, there are those that will try to give excuses for it &, obama didn't even try to to do that...
rather then obama & company just coming out & saying that obama had a bad night because he was off his game, they're going to continue to resort to name calling & false attacks on gov romney. in truth, obama had a bad night because he could not defend his 4 year record...
how do you defend that 23-24 million people are unemployed or underemployed? how do you defend that there are 46-48 million people on food stamps? how do you defend that you promised america the national unemployment rate would remain below 8% &, here it is, 4 years later, it finally dropped to 7.8%? how do defend that your vision for america's future is 4 more years of the same? how do you defend that while you say you have the interests of the middle class at heart, they are hurting the most under your policies? how do you defend that while you promised to make us energy self dependent, your actions belie that by your promising brazil $3 billion for their oil &, you've all but shut down all drilling on fed lands & the waters? how can you defend bailing out chrysler & gm when america has a tied & true system in place that allows them to help themselves (just look at ford)? how can you defend that prices are continuously rising at the pump, at the grocery check-out lines &, the costs of services has risen, all under your watch? &, if the costs go up, the taxes on them go up as well &, guess what, there are more middle class people people paying those taxes then the upper 20%......
how can obama defend a failed 4 year record when he never told you in the very beginning that he would need 8 years &, he's on record for saying he would cut the deficit in 1/2 by the end of his 1st term---it ain't happening. he's also on record for saying that if he didn't get the job done within his 1st 3 years, this would be a one term proposition. he's also on record for calling pres bush "unpatriotic" for adding to our national deficit in 8 years while he has added more in just 4.
america, obama continues to blame everybody but himself for our problems however, he told you in 2008 that he was the only one that could help us...if this is help, we really don't need him.....
obama never had his failed record thrown back in his face like gov romney threw it &, he didn't think he would have to defend it. good people, you just can't defend failure, no matter who you are. yes, there are those that will try to give excuses for it &, obama didn't even try to to do that...
Saturday, October 6, 2012
this is my day to piss somebody off so, it might as well be you. most of the people i know are hovering right around the lower class status as determined by the fed govt: that is; legal earnings $25,000 or below &, based on your family size, you may also be living below the national poverty rate. some of you are legally working & still qualify for some form of public assistance &, there is nothing wrong with that so, don't paint me as uncaring asshole....
my concerns are: public assistance is provided by the gov't via our tax dollars. less people working means less revenue the govt collects &, for them to continue to provide aid to those that need it, means---they have to cut other programs, raise everybody's taxes, print more money or, create more jobs.......fortunately, the states don't have the ability to print more money whenever they need it &, nor do the city's---they cut programs which is the same as saying they cut JOBS...whether it be police, firemen or teachers, etc. our fed govt just borrows more money against our children & grandchildren's future. you all know first hand what happens when you can't make your rent payments, car payments or light bill payments---they evict you, take your car & leave you in the dark---hell, it might get so bad that you find yourself in that food bank line nobody ever admits going to or, you go to the salvation army to get those warm blankets for the winter...IF YOU NEED IT, YOU NEED IT & I'M NOT KNOCKING IT AT ALL NOR AM I MAKING LIGHT OF IT.
my problem is this: my twitter account was blowing up because of gov romney's comments about 'BIG BIRD'. why? if people really understood his message, they'd be happy to have somebody like that in charge. however, it was so easy for you to attack romney without even knowing what he said. so, i ask each & every one of you this: at what point do you quit painting & beautifying your house & actually get around to fixing that big-assed leaking roof? at what point do you quit putting ass-kicking stereo systems in your car & get an engine or battery that will work next week? we all know someone like this---females get their hair done, get their nails & toes done, wear the latest gear, go clubbing on the weekends & never have enough pampers or food for their kids &, even though they work every week & get paid on friday, they're borrowing money on saturday. men, don't laugh, you're just as bad...you always have the chronic but you never have the newports or a lighter......
my solution is this: pay your own way. if you can't afford it, don't buy it. don't show me a $300 watch while your big toe is sticking out of the side of your worn out nikes. don't try to impress me with your $2,000 stereo system & you're wearing the same clothes 4 days straight. hell, let's keep it real. if either of my sons fall on bad times & there's a choice between them getting food or watching 'BIG BIRD', i'm here to tell you that 'BIG BIRD' is history. besides, to cut the federal funding to PBS isn't a whole hell of a lot of money but, the point was, if we don't need it, it has to go so that we can provide for the other services that are needed. besides, cutting fed funding from PBS won't bother them one little bit. they are funded by member station dues, corporation for public broadcasting, foundations, corporations, private citizens & gov't agencies. the next time you watch a PBS show, buy the video & you'll know. they are okay financially with or without our fed dollars.
my conclusion is this: to the budget council of allentown pa...the next time you have to choose whether to layoff teachers or other public sector personnel over beautifying allentown for the different holidays, get rid of the teachers. the next time you have to decide between opening public pools in the summer or laying off city snow plowers, get rid of the plowers. the next time time you have to decide between laying off extra police for our holidays or hiring extra people to pick up our x-mas tree after xmas, layoff the police.
hopefully, you got the point. 'BIG BIRD' verses needed services such as public assistance---let's keep the BIRD. it's not essential to our getting our footing back under us & romney wants to do what obama should have started doing 4 years ago. &, before you open your mouth, who in the hell would implement a 2.3% tax on medical devices costing $100 or more & not expect that cost to be passed on to you? yeah, we're talking leg braces & teeth braces, etc...maybe the present fed gov't should tell you the truth & just maybe, you'd fully understand where we are really at...oh, i'm sorry, obama did tell you...he said, 'i'd hire 100,000 more teachers'---who pays for 'BIG BIRD' then?
my concerns are: public assistance is provided by the gov't via our tax dollars. less people working means less revenue the govt collects &, for them to continue to provide aid to those that need it, means---they have to cut other programs, raise everybody's taxes, print more money or, create more jobs.......fortunately, the states don't have the ability to print more money whenever they need it &, nor do the city's---they cut programs which is the same as saying they cut JOBS...whether it be police, firemen or teachers, etc. our fed govt just borrows more money against our children & grandchildren's future. you all know first hand what happens when you can't make your rent payments, car payments or light bill payments---they evict you, take your car & leave you in the dark---hell, it might get so bad that you find yourself in that food bank line nobody ever admits going to or, you go to the salvation army to get those warm blankets for the winter...IF YOU NEED IT, YOU NEED IT & I'M NOT KNOCKING IT AT ALL NOR AM I MAKING LIGHT OF IT.
my problem is this: my twitter account was blowing up because of gov romney's comments about 'BIG BIRD'. why? if people really understood his message, they'd be happy to have somebody like that in charge. however, it was so easy for you to attack romney without even knowing what he said. so, i ask each & every one of you this: at what point do you quit painting & beautifying your house & actually get around to fixing that big-assed leaking roof? at what point do you quit putting ass-kicking stereo systems in your car & get an engine or battery that will work next week? we all know someone like this---females get their hair done, get their nails & toes done, wear the latest gear, go clubbing on the weekends & never have enough pampers or food for their kids &, even though they work every week & get paid on friday, they're borrowing money on saturday. men, don't laugh, you're just as bad...you always have the chronic but you never have the newports or a lighter......
my solution is this: pay your own way. if you can't afford it, don't buy it. don't show me a $300 watch while your big toe is sticking out of the side of your worn out nikes. don't try to impress me with your $2,000 stereo system & you're wearing the same clothes 4 days straight. hell, let's keep it real. if either of my sons fall on bad times & there's a choice between them getting food or watching 'BIG BIRD', i'm here to tell you that 'BIG BIRD' is history. besides, to cut the federal funding to PBS isn't a whole hell of a lot of money but, the point was, if we don't need it, it has to go so that we can provide for the other services that are needed. besides, cutting fed funding from PBS won't bother them one little bit. they are funded by member station dues, corporation for public broadcasting, foundations, corporations, private citizens & gov't agencies. the next time you watch a PBS show, buy the video & you'll know. they are okay financially with or without our fed dollars.
my conclusion is this: to the budget council of allentown pa...the next time you have to choose whether to layoff teachers or other public sector personnel over beautifying allentown for the different holidays, get rid of the teachers. the next time you have to decide between opening public pools in the summer or laying off city snow plowers, get rid of the plowers. the next time time you have to decide between laying off extra police for our holidays or hiring extra people to pick up our x-mas tree after xmas, layoff the police.
hopefully, you got the point. 'BIG BIRD' verses needed services such as public assistance---let's keep the BIRD. it's not essential to our getting our footing back under us & romney wants to do what obama should have started doing 4 years ago. &, before you open your mouth, who in the hell would implement a 2.3% tax on medical devices costing $100 or more & not expect that cost to be passed on to you? yeah, we're talking leg braces & teeth braces, etc...maybe the present fed gov't should tell you the truth & just maybe, you'd fully understand where we are really at...oh, i'm sorry, obama did tell you...he said, 'i'd hire 100,000 more teachers'---who pays for 'BIG BIRD' then?
hello america!!! here is your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/#sthash.t8AZyNHl.dpbs
i'm still trying to figure out how the national unemployment rate dropped to 7.8%. more importantly, i'm also trying to figure out how obama can tout this as a success. did he not see thursday's jobless claims of 367,000 new claims &, that was up by 4,000 from the week before? does he not know that their are over 2 1/2 million discouraged people that are not even bother to look for work? does he not know they dropped out of the workforce?
only an idiot would jump on the 7.8% rating & call it a step in the right direction; especially when that same idiot told us the unemployment rate would never even reach 8% in the first place, if his stimulus was passed. it's taken almost 4 solid years for the rate to drop below 8%. what is there to gloat about? 8 1/2 million people are working part-time jobs & another 23-24million unemployed or underemployed. 46-48 million people are on food stamps.........
& here is a link to how many people are on welfare...http://www.gopusa.com/freshink/2012/08/10/welfare/
all things being fair, it took obama 4 years to bring the rate down from above 8%...(i might add, there is something very fishy with the rate suddenly dropping to 7.8%)...&, he's already on record for giving us 4 more years of the same. hell, during the debate he even said, "i want to hire 100,000 teachers" &, the second time he said it, he changed the "i" to "we". i guess his reasoning is, by hiring more teachers (& adding more burdens to the states) we can solve our employment problems...what a crock....
all things being fair, one would think obama would rent a college field & invite all of our ceo's there & have an open & honest 'fact finding' session with them so that he could figure out what to do to put america back to work. BUT, THAT IS BENEATH HIM BECAUSE IT'S AN ADMISSION THAT HE DOESN'T HAVE THE ANSWERS AS TO WHAT TO DO...&, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE THE ANSWERS, HE'S JUST GOING TO DO WHAT HE'S ALREADY DONE & YOU SEE WHERE WE ARE HOWEVER, IT ONLY TOOK FOR YEARS TO GET HERE & WE HAVE MANY, MANY LAYOFFS STILL COMING.
good people, you can think of me what you will but, obama said he's created 5 million jobs over the last 30 months...what happened to those first 15 months? &, if we only added 114,000 jobs in september, exactly how many jobs were lost to balance that figure??? obama can say whatever he wishes but, ask him why he never mentions the U6 numbers...better yet, this comes from obamas own dep't of labor & you'll notice that 14.7% rate is a true number...http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm you'll also notice that it was the same for august....come on obama, tell me again how we're heading in the right direction......
i'm still trying to figure out how the national unemployment rate dropped to 7.8%. more importantly, i'm also trying to figure out how obama can tout this as a success. did he not see thursday's jobless claims of 367,000 new claims &, that was up by 4,000 from the week before? does he not know that their are over 2 1/2 million discouraged people that are not even bother to look for work? does he not know they dropped out of the workforce?
only an idiot would jump on the 7.8% rating & call it a step in the right direction; especially when that same idiot told us the unemployment rate would never even reach 8% in the first place, if his stimulus was passed. it's taken almost 4 solid years for the rate to drop below 8%. what is there to gloat about? 8 1/2 million people are working part-time jobs & another 23-24million unemployed or underemployed. 46-48 million people are on food stamps.........
& here is a link to how many people are on welfare...http://www.gopusa.com/freshink/2012/08/10/welfare/
all things being fair, it took obama 4 years to bring the rate down from above 8%...(i might add, there is something very fishy with the rate suddenly dropping to 7.8%)...&, he's already on record for giving us 4 more years of the same. hell, during the debate he even said, "i want to hire 100,000 teachers" &, the second time he said it, he changed the "i" to "we". i guess his reasoning is, by hiring more teachers (& adding more burdens to the states) we can solve our employment problems...what a crock....
all things being fair, one would think obama would rent a college field & invite all of our ceo's there & have an open & honest 'fact finding' session with them so that he could figure out what to do to put america back to work. BUT, THAT IS BENEATH HIM BECAUSE IT'S AN ADMISSION THAT HE DOESN'T HAVE THE ANSWERS AS TO WHAT TO DO...&, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE THE ANSWERS, HE'S JUST GOING TO DO WHAT HE'S ALREADY DONE & YOU SEE WHERE WE ARE HOWEVER, IT ONLY TOOK FOR YEARS TO GET HERE & WE HAVE MANY, MANY LAYOFFS STILL COMING.
good people, you can think of me what you will but, obama said he's created 5 million jobs over the last 30 months...what happened to those first 15 months? &, if we only added 114,000 jobs in september, exactly how many jobs were lost to balance that figure??? obama can say whatever he wishes but, ask him why he never mentions the U6 numbers...better yet, this comes from obamas own dep't of labor & you'll notice that 14.7% rate is a true number...http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm you'll also notice that it was the same for august....come on obama, tell me again how we're heading in the right direction......
Friday, October 5, 2012
hello america!!! somebody is playing with the jobs numbers...the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8% for the month of september however 800,000 plus people entered the workforce & only 114,000 jobs were created & the national rate dropped???? something is very fishy here. i started questioning our labor department when in sept they 'revised' june & july's numbers to say 41,000 fewer jobs were actually created.......
in august, only 96,000 jobs were created; 386,000 people walked away from the workforce &, the rate dropped to 8.1%.....
if anything, our national rate should have ticked up, not down. so yes, i have to question the veracity of today's numbers because I honestly believe they were somewhat politically motivated.
i know that some where down the line, the labor department will revise today's figures & the national rate will go back up above 8.1% but, that won't happen until after the election...
in august, only 96,000 jobs were created; 386,000 people walked away from the workforce &, the rate dropped to 8.1%.....
if anything, our national rate should have ticked up, not down. so yes, i have to question the veracity of today's numbers because I honestly believe they were somewhat politically motivated.
i know that some where down the line, the labor department will revise today's figures & the national rate will go back up above 8.1% but, that won't happen until after the election...
Thursday, October 4, 2012
hello america!!! here it is, the day after the first presidential debate, & obama, with his telepromters, attacks gov romney in ways that he was inept at doing during the actual debate. obama & company have had time to try & regroup & mock the things gov romney said. the obama you saw at the podium today was not the same obama you saw last night. he was in front of handful of supporters & had his telepromters.
last night was the real obama. he was aloof, lost & non-argumentative. hell, even msnbc was blasting obama for his poor performance &, they still are. for that matter, dems are coming out of the woodwork saying that obama was tired because of the unrest in the middle east & the jobs problems. what a crock!!!
obama was lost because he's been given a free ride by the left-wing media (& america) & was never pushed like he was last night. he did not have the answers he's trying to get out a day later. somebody at harvard should have told him that when you take the test today, you must answer the questions today, not tomorrow.
for those of you that have faith in obama & his vision for america, let me ask you this: when does the vision he had 4 years ago actual kick in? today, the labor department released last weeks jobs claims & the figure went up by 4,000 new claims to 367,000. so much for obamas vision of putting america back to work. well, since i'm talking about jobs numbers, allow me to talk about this one...
during the debate, obama said he's created 5 million jobs over the past 30 months---there's something very wrong here & nobody has caught on to it...obamas been in office for 45 months (give or take a few days) & wants to take credit for the past 30 months only. what in the hell happened to those first 15 months? are we to believe that they never existed? & yet, obamas holding pres bush accountable for every day of his 8 years, so why is he not held to the same standard? it's like a new coach being hired to take over a 0-16 team; his 1st year he's 4-12 & his 2nd year is 9-7---let him step up to the mikes & tell people that he only counts his 2nd year......we all know the press would be all over him....hold obama accountable!!!
last night was the real obama. he was aloof, lost & non-argumentative. hell, even msnbc was blasting obama for his poor performance &, they still are. for that matter, dems are coming out of the woodwork saying that obama was tired because of the unrest in the middle east & the jobs problems. what a crock!!!
obama was lost because he's been given a free ride by the left-wing media (& america) & was never pushed like he was last night. he did not have the answers he's trying to get out a day later. somebody at harvard should have told him that when you take the test today, you must answer the questions today, not tomorrow.
for those of you that have faith in obama & his vision for america, let me ask you this: when does the vision he had 4 years ago actual kick in? today, the labor department released last weeks jobs claims & the figure went up by 4,000 new claims to 367,000. so much for obamas vision of putting america back to work. well, since i'm talking about jobs numbers, allow me to talk about this one...
during the debate, obama said he's created 5 million jobs over the past 30 months---there's something very wrong here & nobody has caught on to it...obamas been in office for 45 months (give or take a few days) & wants to take credit for the past 30 months only. what in the hell happened to those first 15 months? are we to believe that they never existed? & yet, obamas holding pres bush accountable for every day of his 8 years, so why is he not held to the same standard? it's like a new coach being hired to take over a 0-16 team; his 1st year he's 4-12 & his 2nd year is 9-7---let him step up to the mikes & tell people that he only counts his 2nd year......we all know the press would be all over him....hold obama accountable!!!
hello america!!! personally, i know gov romney had a very good debate tonight. obama said he's created 5 million plus job in 30 months---in 3 months, it will be 48 months that obama has been in office so, if you know true math, what happened to those other 15 months? i guess obama wants everyone to ignore his first 15 months in office &, he also wants you to forget the jobs created or jobs lost during those same 15 months. hey, that's like an NFL coach saying he isn't responsible for the games during his first season. pure BS...
good people, when the true math numbers stare you in the face, it's hard for you to ignore them. yes, our national unemployment rate has remained above 8.1% for far to many years; 23-24 million americans unemployed or under employed; 47-48 million americans receiving food stamps; millions of americans have left the work force, giving up on looking for work; millions of americans have lost their homes; banks aren't making loans &, our educational levels have dropped drastically.
look, obama said his first duty is to keep us safe. then why do we have this fiasco over the 4 american deaths in the middle east? why was border agent, brian terry, killed with guns we let 'walk'? why was a border agent killed tuesday & another one wounded? why have all of those soldiers been killed by our 'friendly's'?
so, i pose these questions to you::::::
1.....how do you keep us safe when you ignore the intelligence your own people gather?
2.....how do you put america back to work when you ignore the suggestions from your own jobs council?
3.....how do you lead america when you can't even control the agency's you're in charge of?
4.....how do you pay down the national debt when you dismiss the advice of your debt commission?
5.....how can you unite america when you spend so much time dividing her?
6.....how can you defend your 4 year record when you won't talk about your record?
obama had a chance to set his 'record' straight, instead he attacked gov romney's plans.
good people, when the true math numbers stare you in the face, it's hard for you to ignore them. yes, our national unemployment rate has remained above 8.1% for far to many years; 23-24 million americans unemployed or under employed; 47-48 million americans receiving food stamps; millions of americans have left the work force, giving up on looking for work; millions of americans have lost their homes; banks aren't making loans &, our educational levels have dropped drastically.
look, obama said his first duty is to keep us safe. then why do we have this fiasco over the 4 american deaths in the middle east? why was border agent, brian terry, killed with guns we let 'walk'? why was a border agent killed tuesday & another one wounded? why have all of those soldiers been killed by our 'friendly's'?
so, i pose these questions to you::::::
1.....how do you keep us safe when you ignore the intelligence your own people gather?
2.....how do you put america back to work when you ignore the suggestions from your own jobs council?
3.....how do you lead america when you can't even control the agency's you're in charge of?
4.....how do you pay down the national debt when you dismiss the advice of your debt commission?
5.....how can you unite america when you spend so much time dividing her?
6.....how can you defend your 4 year record when you won't talk about your record?
obama had a chance to set his 'record' straight, instead he attacked gov romney's plans.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
hello america!!! it's less then an hour to the first debate & i would like to draw your attention to this site...
http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/#sthash.dv3VOxfg.dpbs the layoffs & closings are occurring every day & obama will try to talk around them...all one has to do is listen to what obama doesn't say &, when he's pressed to answer something negative, he'll find a way of blaming others...
http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/#sthash.dv3VOxfg.dpbs the layoffs & closings are occurring every day & obama will try to talk around them...all one has to do is listen to what obama doesn't say &, when he's pressed to answer something negative, he'll find a way of blaming others...
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ there's just end in sight...
it's amazing how somebody, from either party, can make a statement &, if it didn't come out right, there's always somebody to come along & tell you what that person really meant. well, vp, joe biden said it best here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/02/biden-says-middle-class-buried-last-4-years-republicans-pounce/
&, i want you to see it through other eyes...http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/02/republicans-seize-on-bidens-middle-class-remark/
no matter how you slice it, he told the truth &, no matter how much the dems try to clean it up, the dems had total control of washington for obamas 1st 2 years & didn't need repub support to make laws. in essence, biden told the truth however, it is the dems that are responsible for the 'buried' part for the past 4 years since they did nothing but pass obamacare & obamas stimulus...
here's why we are not better off under obama...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/02/republicans-rip-white-house-for-putting-tax-dollars-on-line-over-possible/
just think of all of those workers that will not have a 60 day layoff warning because obama doesn't want the 'negativity' before the election & yet, this is the man that supposedly cares so much for the middle class that he will put his re-election above the federal law...
it's amazing how somebody, from either party, can make a statement &, if it didn't come out right, there's always somebody to come along & tell you what that person really meant. well, vp, joe biden said it best here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/02/biden-says-middle-class-buried-last-4-years-republicans-pounce/
&, i want you to see it through other eyes...http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/02/republicans-seize-on-bidens-middle-class-remark/
no matter how you slice it, he told the truth &, no matter how much the dems try to clean it up, the dems had total control of washington for obamas 1st 2 years & didn't need repub support to make laws. in essence, biden told the truth however, it is the dems that are responsible for the 'buried' part for the past 4 years since they did nothing but pass obamacare & obamas stimulus...
here's why we are not better off under obama...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/02/republicans-rip-white-house-for-putting-tax-dollars-on-line-over-possible/
just think of all of those workers that will not have a 60 day layoff warning because obama doesn't want the 'negativity' before the election & yet, this is the man that supposedly cares so much for the middle class that he will put his re-election above the federal law...
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ again, never any good news on here, in fact, it proves that our future is very cloudy. &, the forecasters show us no hope that the jobs markets will turn around any time soon---actually, they show us just the opposite & obama & company wants you to think they have everything under control & that they will be better prepared to help us in the next 4 years...i don't think so!!!
this is just a sampling of what's coming...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-30/jobs-outlook-seen-weak-as-u-s-companies-see-need-for-cost-cuts.html
&, if the sequestration kicks in, tens of thousands will be losing their jobs, damn near overnight, without warning because obama wants contractors not to issue 60 days notices, as is required by federal law.
good people, those workers are now at risk of losing their jobs without any warning---that means they could leave work one day thinking they still have a job & the next day be told they can't enter the building. &, instead of obama 'enforcing' the federal law, he's telling the contractors not to warn people of possible layoffs &, he's even going to 'bail' the contractors out (at our expense) if they should face fines or legal fees. THOSE WORKERS NEED TO BE FOREWARNED---NOT STONEWALLED---NOT DECEIVED---NOT LIED TO. if there is a possibility that they may be laid off, they should be told so that they can make arrangements to soften the job loss &, if the layoffs don't occur, fine.
america, this obama doing what he's been doing for 4 years---ignoring the reality that we suffer through each & every day. this is also obama not following the laws of our country & doing as he will. &, he wants 4 more years? get real...
this is just a sampling of what's coming...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-30/jobs-outlook-seen-weak-as-u-s-companies-see-need-for-cost-cuts.html
&, if the sequestration kicks in, tens of thousands will be losing their jobs, damn near overnight, without warning because obama wants contractors not to issue 60 days notices, as is required by federal law.
good people, those workers are now at risk of losing their jobs without any warning---that means they could leave work one day thinking they still have a job & the next day be told they can't enter the building. &, instead of obama 'enforcing' the federal law, he's telling the contractors not to warn people of possible layoffs &, he's even going to 'bail' the contractors out (at our expense) if they should face fines or legal fees. THOSE WORKERS NEED TO BE FOREWARNED---NOT STONEWALLED---NOT DECEIVED---NOT LIED TO. if there is a possibility that they may be laid off, they should be told so that they can make arrangements to soften the job loss &, if the layoffs don't occur, fine.
america, this obama doing what he's been doing for 4 years---ignoring the reality that we suffer through each & every day. this is also obama not following the laws of our country & doing as he will. &, he wants 4 more years? get real...
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