Wednesday, August 15, 2012


hello america!!! it's really amazing how obama & biden talk to black audiences & equally amazing, is the blacks acceptance of it. if gov romney had of said what biden did, the naacp, the black panther party &, black churches would be up in arms...

"they gonna put y'all back in chains" is the remark that has put the obama camp, once again, over the line. it's suggestive of 'slavery' &, no where in the romney/ryan ticket has anything like 'slavery' even remotely been exposed. it's not only a lie, it's also part of the 'scare tactics' used by obama & company when they can't stand up & face reality.

it's a fact that obamas regulations have severely hurt our job growth. ceo's have even come forth & said so & told us how they hurt us. they have told us how regulations are causing them to move their business's overseas; causing them to downsize; causing them to close shop; &, most of all, keeping them from expansion.

well, since i make all this stuff up, please read this...

it would be pure foolishness on my part to expect obama to 'suspend' any regulations because it would prove that the 'other side' was right & he was wrong &, we can't have that.

regardless of whatever biden was trying to say, he said it wrong & owes every black person in this country a very extreme apology. &, black people, quit allowing obama & biden to talk to you like you're nobody.

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