Tuesday, July 3, 2012


hello america!!! it's one thing not to see the writing on the wall &, it's quite another when you keep banging into the wall & walk away with the ink smeared on your face. in either event, you'd think that an average person would finally get the message---well, not obama & based on his reactions to his failed policy's i can only say he may have attended harvard but, i'll bet he flunked 'lunch'. here's the ink & it's on the wall & when you see obama tommorow, you'll see the ink on his face---

by the way, isn't GE the same company that jeffrey immelt was the CEO of? you know jeffrey don't you? he chaired obamas jobs council...i cannot understand why obama would go after gov mitt romney when he allowed jeffrey to do what he did on his watch...please read it here...
& a follow up from ABC....

obama has a problem with hiring bad choices followed by bad policy's & then he neglects to see the damage he's done. how could he let jeffrey sit in the whitehouse while he canned american jobs & hired overseas? what a man?

america, when your 'so-called' leader wants to give you food stamps over jobs, you know we all have a big problem.....you should contact him & ask him why?
&, when you're talking to him, ask what's wrong with the dem senate? how come they're not doing anything about these house passed bills just sitting there &, how is it the repubs fault?

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