Sunday, July 22, 2012


hello america!!! obama, say it ain't so:::we know you said your obamacare was to keep healthcare costs down &, we also know that you issued waivers to your union buddy's plus, we know that some colleges are not going to offer their students coverage any longer because of the rising, if your plan is to keep the costs of healthcare down, why are the costs rising?

the following two articles both talk about the rising costs that refute what you told america. now, either all these people, company's, colleges, & 'experts' are wrong or, you told another lie. which is it????|related|story|text|&par=yahoo

& yes, i know that obamacare is not yet fully implemented &, i also know you issued waivers to a lot of company's that can 'afford' obamacare & i would like to know WHY?

you talk about being all for the middle-class & yet, your actions say you are only for unionized labor. how else can you explain labor unions representing 543,812 workers receiving waivers compared to private company's representing only 69,813. why is there such a big discrepancy for something that's good & affordable for 'ALL' americans? see here... 

yeah, i know, i'm jumping to conclusions...& now, i'm jumping to this.......

it is to my understanding that waivers were issued because obamacare would otherwise impose a hardship on the business' much for it being affordable:;by the way, google boboquivari's menu---very pricey....

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